Imagining a world where Zooey would have just apologized and said "I'm so sorry for breaking decorum, I never should have said that anti-trans bills kill trans people. It's an honor to serve with all of you, and you were right to not let me speak" instead of this.
Learn, train, and coordinate with your community to set this up.
The state won’t protect you.
Now, that course might be altered to mandate all trans people into single-user bathrooms (aka the accessible ones) only. Because it always gets worse with them.
She's going through workplace sexual harassment right now that she has been told will not stop. Yeah, I wish she'd be a hero. But I'm not going to add to the shame rn.
Instead, she acquiesced and now everyone in her situation loses and we see that even the powerful won’t fight for trans people.
i hope she figures out fast where going along w/ The Man will (not) get her there & figures out she needs to sue on all the poss theories, against all, even if in vain.
Demanding that she martyr herself is very much throwing her under the bus
I think it's actually kind of genius to be like "You want me in the men's bathroom? OK, every Republican man in Congress is now going to have to deal with someone who is *obviously a woman* in the men's bathroom."
It’s despicable that the party leadership isn’t standing up for her.
I'll trust that Mcbride has a plan with this. It makes me worry though.
Where are the democrats and why are they not rallying behind one of their own?
Put on your shit kickers and kick some Nazi mofo shit.
They now have a Female presenting trans female who will be using the mens bathroom... and I bet that will make a ton of icky republican men uncomfortable. In my opinion, she is maliciously complying.
I'm British and I'm disappointed. Fash here will see this and be given succour from it.
[email protected]
Are you trans? If not, you have no skin in this game.
I know I'm not in her shoes but damn did she crumble fast
and probably kill people
and get away scott free with trans panic defense
regardless of if the victim is even trans