Chrome's use-case for its AI writing features is unhinged.
1. Take a writing task that is inherently trivial, where rephrasing has no benefit.
2. Human writes it correctly and succinctly.
3. AI invents emotions the human might have had, doubling the length and slightly fucking up the question.
1. Take a writing task that is inherently trivial, where rephrasing has no benefit.
2. Human writes it correctly and succinctly.
3. AI invents emotions the human might have had, doubling the length and slightly fucking up the question.
LLMs do have value, but a company trying to drum up excitement to keep shareholders happy is the type to over-exaggerate and over-hype.
Then again, don't really need AI tools for anything, really
I've yet to see an actual use case for an everyday person that's worth all this hype and investment. It's like how they tried to bolt the block-chain to everything.