Right now there is clear, overwhelming opposition to Mahmoud Khalil’s abduction across the moderate, liberal, progressive & left spectrum. This kind of loud unity is what authoritarians are afraid of. To keep it up we need every institution & public leader to join the chorus.
And as I told her feel free to crawl under your bed. Just get out of our way. We cannot afford people like her. We stand United or we hang separately.
So, obviously I strongly agree with the point. 😉
In nyc and jam there phone line
26 Federal Plaza 9th Floor, Suite 9-110 New York, NY 10278 United States (212) 436-9315
Every person should understand, who will they disappear next?
- Cut off funding for Palestine
- Declared the Golan Heights for Israel
- ENCOURAGED the settlements
- His ambassador encouraged Israel to annex the West Bank
- Tried to ban Muslim immigrants
- Wants to deport pro-Palestinian protestors --->
US added to human rights watchlist for ‘narrowing’ freedom and now ranks near Serbia and Congo
The U.S. is now considered a country with ‘faltering’ civic freedoms !
1/ Moderate: obedient conformist who is compliant & has a moderate to high level of self-interest. Empathy level: average. Often unaware of deleterious actions.
Charge him with a crime in an open court and prove what he's accused of.
@hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social is showing—once again—that he’s a coward at heart, and that there’s no outrage egregious enough for him to abandon his mealy-mouthed equivocating.
I mean, it’s not the be all and and all but it’s not nothing.
Thankfully, there is.
A hearing on Wed should keep him here.
Legal residents/Green Card holders can voice their opinion in the US. If they can’t, the Constitution is truly void.
The fact that he spends half of it attacking the victim, here, is the entire point.
Frankly, he could’ve gone on for another page and a half but if that was his introduction, then fuck him.
I'm uncomfortable with the IS Government violating First Amendment rights to shield Israel from criticism (for genocide & war crimes).
His people were being slaughtered, did you expect him to be silent?
Complacency will lead to the end of DEMOCRACY, for you and your children, and grandchildren.
The herd protects its youth, and everyone in the herd's future.
STAND UP! in LARGE numbers and show your RESISTANCE!
Just sayin'
Go bootlick, lib.
Instead we are now showing ourselves to be Nazi sympathizers and that will be what survives this nightmare.
Want to revoke Israeli gov't visas?
And that we see it.
And that we are tired of it?
And that the media controlled by your nihilionare bibi loving friends will be nationalized?
Keep it up buttercup
The law is permanent residents get due process in an immigration court. That's not how this started.
It’s a true disservice to the greater Jewish people, to have the one organization whose mission was truly important to just lose any credibility it had. There’s a need for an organization like that to track true antisemitism, ADL ain’t it.
Anyone who understood who they were and what they did understand they don’t anymore.
There was NOBODY with integrity and a plan on the ballot. Harris was grinning from ear to ear, when she should have been angry.
The Democrat establishment sold you out. And now they have you bickering; instead of throwing them off already, and GETTING OFF YOUR ASS AND ORGANIZING!
And you use the Palestinians for that garbage sophistry, on top of that? Shame on you.
Maybe now the people victim blaming Palestinians should shut the fuck up and stop being assholes?
Palestinian Population of Michigan 6,176.
Now kindly shut the fuck up.
You all did the same for Michael Brown and George Floyd.
It is illegal
Who did that violated the law and must be arrested
Being a pedant.
Just don’t be one.
The point is, Khalil is protected under the First Amendment to express his ideas & to associate with others. That's in addition to the academic freedom that Columbia was & is supposed to uphold as part of its mission.
Our dearest rights are at stake.
Khalil is a spokesman for an organization that supports armed resistance by Hamas. That makes him deportable pursuant to 8 U.S.C. § 1227(a)(4)(B)
Support in this instance means MATERIAL support. Not just participating in an anti-war protest. Don't conflate.
Has Khalil been charged with any crime? If so, that has escaped all of the reporting so far. Surely you have some info on this.
If he has been charged, he deserves due process. If he hasn't, he never should have been arrested in the first place. You see this, right?
He distributed Hamas propaganda titled Death To America
- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
there is nothing more anti semetic than a zionist bigot who equates israel with judaosm
I didn't always agree with the protests and think they hurt in the 2024 election.
But this is BS. I don't know enough to know if he should have been arrested over the protests. But Khalil did nothing to warrant deportation.
And if it can happen to him....
You can't protest tyrants coz they'll kill you. I truly believe he'll kill & arrest protesters.
America, the country full of Trump voters, is getting the government it wanted and deserves, I guess.
Harris was better. If you couldn't tell that then you weren't paying attention and helped get the world into this predicament.
An online course
based on writing
about what it is to be human....
You cannot show a large, unified front against authoritarianism when 50 different interest groups are protesting 50 different causes across DC on the same day.
This is incredibly alarming and it demands that all organizers drop what they are doing and focus on one consistent message.
Americans hate corruption.
Blatant, day after day, corruption:
So many illegal actions.
Money grabs.
Siccing DOJ on opponents.
Appointing incompetent friends.
Non-stop lying - nary a breath between.
Destroying alliances & allies, while siding with enemies.
Fox news, gerrymandering, voter purges...
Sounds corrupt.
Fox Lies viewers hate corruption, when they know..
They WILL hate it when they FEEL it.
Like SS/Medicare/Medicaid cuts when they were told over & over (everything but "read my lips") they weren't going be touched.
Like VA & its benefits slashed.
Food & most prices rising sharply.
I have tried to understand them. How can people who live moderately prosperous lives be so stingy? Hate worker protections like sick leave?
Can you explain this to me?
He describes his fantasies to people he considers children. Feel free to browse his comments for proof.
Constitutional Rights of a citizen ignored by Government ! !
FFS, is high treason by trupm's goons ! ! !
This entire administration and every single person enabling it - Democrat and Republi-cunt alike - deserve prison.
He should also bring up that Bibi and the Israeli government have supported Hamas for years--so revoke their visas/status. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/
Those news consumers on the Right know only that an anti-semite terrorist has been arrested is anti Israel.
And that said, he IS protected by the First Amendment. Being an idiot is not a crime. I'm a pro-Zionist Jew who despises Netanyahu AND Trump's actions against free speech.
Anyways, I have some phonecalls to make to some key folks.
Fuck you and Ann Coulter! Go e a fuck what that woman thinks. Fucking clown 🤡
Trump means to discard the Constitution at every turn. This is one of those turns. You should care for your own sake.