I wouldn't worry too much. The conservative Christians haven't read their bible and I don't just mean the values of Christ two little bits they missed. God will not be mocked and vengeance is mine alone, says the lord. I think you are pretty safe. Those turkeys are toast. 🤣🤣
Oh no, most of them think they're actually going to be "saved" by their "One True God," as if an omnipotent being wants to be inundated with the dumbest, most ignorant, most annoying group of people who have ever been "created in His image," for the rest of all eternity.
I'd rather burn in Hell, ffs
At least some of us, whether raised by zealots or not, have seen through/behind/under the veil, and I thank anyone for truly understanding that human suffering has no place in our world any longer.
It's the 21st century, we should all have flying cars, robot maids, and talking animals by now.
The plot twist is that these "Christians" perform far greater sins in their hatred. Moreover they blasphemously use his name to do the one thing that drove Jesus to violence
Good one. I doubt they would get into Heaven if it existed. That said. I hope it exists for those who want to go there. Personally I have had enough experiences in this life to need another one.
Image: black square with white writing, that says: Sorry conservative Christians but, spending eternity with you people isn't the selling point you think it is.
Anyone thinking their place in Paradise is assured has another think coming ...
"Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." --Matthew 7:21 NIV
Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Sat in a coffee shop 2 gentlemen were having a robust discussion about why their church was the right and only way to heaven. The crazy thing is both CofE and about 1/2 Mile. Each is lucky to get 20 worshipers.Turned to me, do you want the to know the path to eternal life with my knees. No thanks.
isn't it great? They believe their religion is the correct one over 1000s of others, but also, they can't figure out which denomination is the "Correct way" of it. It's nonsensical.
Seriously!! I used to be a conservative evangelical christian. I walked away the day our pastor endorsed the personification of evil. I'd been making excuses for years, anyway, because I was lonely and needed the community, but that crossed a line I didn't even know I had until that very moment.
This reminds me of a saying an American friend (from Oklahoma) once told me
“Where they’re headed, they’ll gonna need step ladders to pick potatoes!” 😉
I think they're going to be pretty surprised when they get to the pearly gates and St. Peter finds them wanting. Like, "No fam. You're on the wrong floor."
If you want a true vision of Hell, go to any Baptist church in Lynchburg, VA and tell them you think the Church and State should be separate. The demons will lose their caring facade as they attack you.
Why are you taking it personally when you keep claiming you're not MAGA?
If it doesn't apply to you, ignore it. But if you are upset/angry/outraged by the comments, maybe it's because you sense they are hitting close to home. 🤔🙄
Oh...so when you call some black folk the N-word.. all other black folk should STFU because you, Mr. Not-Racist-Trash aren't speaking to them.
great argument.
It's really ok with me that some people are spending their lives waiting for a better, eternal life. It keeps them busy.
I'm going to spend mine trying to make this a better life for those who are here, right now.
Not willing to invest any time in this ponzi scheme.
Yes. Thinking they are God with this judging of only two "sins", if they are. They can't prove it' so the can't judge. Who's to judge? I think that's God's job and they are stealing it. 👹🤣
They are literally ignoring everything that is Christian. Like everything. Rich and the eye of the needle, etc. they had a golden idol of trump at one point. I feel on that one god sent an on the nose hint to these people. And, now I see why the flood happened - metaphorically btw
For those who have been cold-hearted in this world, God, in his gracious care, turns up the heat for them in their next location.
That's, like, an actual Bible verse. Galatians 6:7. "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap." So fuck 'em.
"Heaven" is every much an abominable nightmare as "Hell" is when you think about it. Hell obviously focuses more on variously imaginative forms of physically gruesome punishment for eternity, but little attention is paid to the intellectual torture associated with being an ethereal slave to God.
It intrigues me what they think ‘eternity’ looks like. Is it a giant shopping mall, a super grifting church, a redneck township…what🤷🏻♀️ And just why would heaven be full of Trump voting MAGA morons? The cognitive impairment that enables a belief in an afterlife is off the scale.
I think eX might have become their hell now, they just don't know it yet.
To come here, they will have to comply to the rules.
Or be "incognito".
It's not about the "afterlife".
We are in Bluesky and they are in eX.
We win this one if we stick together. Period.
Blockity, block, block. 🍄
Gallup: Twenty years ago 42 percent of Americans attended a Christian church regularly. Today that statistic is 30 percent.
About the same fraction of membership loss experienced by the NRA after it was divulged that NRA executives were living extravagant lives on membership contributions.
I agree that this particular thought is very painful, which is why I believe that there's purgatory so that all their stupid shit and bigotry--again, that's if they get through - is all scrubbed away before they can get in because none of that shit is allowed in heaven.
Conservative Christians, talk about an Oxymoron now, Woe be unto them cause they walk in the steps of the wicked and sit in the counsel of the ungodly.
But surely if they get to heaven and discover that everyone is equal with no suffering and equality between all then they will think it is in fact commie hell?
I'd rather burn in Hell, ffs
It's the 21st century, we should all have flying cars, robot maids, and talking animals by now.
"Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." --Matthew 7:21 NIV
Billy Joel
Look at how fed-up they all seem at us lot leaving twitter!
The Meanest, most Cruel, Vindictive, SOCIOPATHIC people I have ever met!
“Where they’re headed, they’ll gonna need step ladders to pick potatoes!” 😉
An eternity of one experience is the same regardless of if it is pain or bliss.
Remember Adam was jaded as fuck in Dante's Paradiso and he had that idea in 1321.
Be specific.
I'd like to know why some rando bigot is condemning me to hell.
You sound like MAGA when they say all transgenders are child molesters.
If it doesn't apply to you, ignore it. But if you are upset/angry/outraged by the comments, maybe it's because you sense they are hitting close to home. 🤔🙄
great argument.
The only difference is who you think it's okay to be bigoted against and persecute.
Me: Nah, hard pass.
Christian: Don't you want to live forever?
Me: Live forever? That sounds like hell to me.
I'm going to spend mine trying to make this a better life for those who are here, right now.
Not willing to invest any time in this ponzi scheme.
Ya, good model for all of us.
Has anyone managed to tempt @Lilith.atheist over here yet?
I miss her; she was like a mother to me.
Heaven is a blueprint. On Earth is the target.
But then the logic of people who worship the death of their diety as the pinnacle of.. love? huh?
That's, like, an actual Bible verse. Galatians 6:7. "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap." So fuck 'em.
If it was my family I found myself with, I would know I'd apparently gone to Hell
To come here, they will have to comply to the rules.
Or be "incognito".
It's not about the "afterlife".
We are in Bluesky and they are in eX.
We win this one if we stick together. Period.
Blockity, block, block. 🍄
About the same fraction of membership loss experienced by the NRA after it was divulged that NRA executives were living extravagant lives on membership contributions.
- Mark Twain.
Me : "I do what now?"
You : "You do what?"
Is this a broken chatbot?
I’m more of a Valhalla kinda guy myself
Won't that be glorious?