Why is grumz posting things that would never happen to him even if he offered to pay because he's literally disgusting, like so disgusting he stole a woman's breast milk and scammed dozens if not 100s of "gamers" on cosmetics for a game that doesn't exist
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Grummz ends up working under DOGE to ensure that game devs are fined unless the women are hot enough. Man I hate this reality.
I my studies of the archetype I came to the conclusion that they basically just want a dog that they can fuck and that does all their housework for them.
We’re at the point where you can identify someone’s ideology based on how many life skills they have. If they can’t cook, clean, or do laundry they’re probably one of those weird fucks who believes the government should give them a woman that will do his chores and have sex with him on command
Idk even how to deal with this kind of fantasizing, like between this and nazis looking at paternalistic soap ads from the 1950s, does he think there was an actual historical time when sexy women brought you a gameboy and a dessert that has been lost? haa
must we be forced into adult desire? may we not seek to inhabit forever the minds of depraved horny children? and how will unexpressed desires be rendered in flesh? ah, to never learn or grow old but simply regress, dick in hand, drooling onto waifu pillows and thus un-spin time's savage weave...
everyone's mentioning that this is from the puberty episode of Picket Fences, but puberty was just the B plot. the A plot was a lady who ran over her husband with a steamroller and pleaded insanity due to menopause
The scene being referenced here is literally a teen’s first wet dream. I remember this episode of Picket Fences. These weirdos are saying they want the equivalent of a teenager’s fantasy
He’s that one dweeb who thinks he’s super cool cause he’s the only guy not excited for gta 6. He’s not like OTHER gamers, he only plays intellectual games, like Super Hentai Girls Double D-luxe Edition and Hearts of Iron IV where he only ever plays as Germany for some reason
Bro is like "The Communism path ruined Germany, it's not accurate." (context, they added a communism path for Germany in one of the newest updates for the non-HoI 4 players)
HOI4 fans when they read a history book and realize that it was literally impossible for Germany to win the war because Hitler was a drug addicted moron who made stupid decisions and the other Nazis were too busy trying to prove that Thor’s hammer was real
Best part of this post is that Elon won't even fuck any of his girlfriends because he relies on IVF. Nothing wrong with IVF mind, it's just funny to see someone BLATANTLY perform gender norms he has no actual investment in.
I honestly hope there’s a cauldron in hell wide enough for Grummz’ greasy disgusting self to fit his fat ass. For a man who can’t see his own toes he likes to stand on his dogshit principles a lot.
Has Musk caused more harm to this planet? Obviously but I want to believe that sometimes you can punish bad people with greater intensity just for being fucking annoying and from day one Ken Burns was just that.
White picket fence is the show I remember watching it and saw how extremely disgusting it was for a studio to display some type of sexual behavior provocation to a child who supposedly had a wet dream about this and no surprise that grummmz and Elon don’t care which is like they’re gaming career
i have yet to see a grummz tweet that is about him playing or enjoying a video game that wasn’t some “anti-woke” bullshit rant or crying about censorship that stellar blade wasn’t naked enough.
wait until they hear about retroarch, a FOSS (and on steam) emulator of like 40+ different consoles of different generations (technically inaccurate, but character limit), and how people use it to play modern romhacks and homebrew of various levels of goonery (and queerness)
That's right Grummz, someone should get a lot of seed money from people on the internet and make a game with random characters in it like A$h-3Z or some shit like that. That'll fix it.
I have an elaborate theory of the reactionary mind as a subset of behavior developed from overusing porn and aside from all the racists misogynist porn that attracts Nazi reply guys on websites they really do love to just tweet out that they improbably developed porn addiction which isn’t a thing
It's so crazy how Musk spends half his time whining about how Western Civilization is failing, while also posting like this. Like, if we were to assume your position is true, then you are literally personifying that failure! Horny online posting is loser behavior, man.
if these guys logged into itch once they see there's more sexy games than ever but are instead the most myopic normies possible and don't see beyond whatever the store shelves present to them
The thing is they want to have AAA studio and CEOs kissing their feet and treating them like the only ones that mater. They don't actually care that much about the games, just the feeling of being cattered to.
Itch games don't make them feel like they have control over videogame community
I shouldn't be surprised that Space Karen agrees with GoonerKing. 🤦🏼
Both men in their 50's and so, so horribly divorced it's not even funny at this point.
I dont get whats wrong with these rightwingers, theyre obsessed with objectifying women, total incel energy
And even here, Im starting to see NSFW artists drawing minors, which is messed up
We need to ban all of this its straight up sexism, misogyny, and the gross objectification of women and kids
Are they FIVE?
Also the right wing:
gamers: 😎 i love women
gamers: 😡 BITCH
born goobers, but also weirdly religious so constantly at odds in their mind but making it everyone else's problem
and if I'm not mistaken it's a dream sequence, and the woman is the dreamer's mom??
Itch games don't make them feel like they have control over videogame community
Both men in their 50's and so, so horribly divorced it's not even funny at this point.
And even here, Im starting to see NSFW artists drawing minors, which is messed up
We need to ban all of this its straight up sexism, misogyny, and the gross objectification of women and kids