Someone puts their hand on my throat, they'd better be ready to go out the window to get away from me. That is a direct threat to my life, and I don't respond well to things like that.
Here we call it The Ghomeshi, especially if you slap her in the face (and in particular if no safe word has been established because so far, you only consented to go to his room to wait while he gets ready for the date). He got off Scott free with a great, very expensive lawyer.
Well to be honest it wasn't something he said but something he did. He accidentally turned the TV on and Trump showed up on the screen. It was an immediate black out.
"You're my 10th customer today." OK no one's ever said that to me but if they did, it WOULD be the dirtiest thing someone had ever said to me during sex.
My last fling obviously didn’t know what to do other than mirror adult content. He would STOP until I said “I’m your whore” 🥴. Then give these weird pornesque speeches that did nothing but anger & annoy me
Get off !
I already did
I yelled back !
My name is Mark
It was at a party. There were 9 people there.
It’s a tie between
“Spank me harder!”
And I obliged her. 😏
So, as you can imagine, I never went back.
you were probably
for breakfast
Forgive me
It was delicious
so sweet
and so cold
Not 10 days though.
Anyway it didn't last and I spilled the deets to a mutual cause i just could not keep it to myself. It was... definitely out there.
'I would do anything for love...but I won't do that.'