What Mike Lee is saying here is bog standard, American neo-Nazism. Read any George Lincoln Rockwell publication from the 1960s and this will be the starting assumption from which everything else proceeds. And by “Marxist,” Rockwell meant “the Jews.”
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☀️ Jon Schwarz ☀️
It seem insane for a US Senator to say we've all been subjected to "a relentless bombardment of Marxist propaganda." But what he means by this is 1) there was a Burger King ad with an interracial couple and 2) Star Wars Episodes VII-IX had a female lead.
My Maoist pedagogues made me read a book in which I was compelled to watch Spot run and Dick & Jane reap the fall turnip harvest.
In the US, Patty Smith Hill helped integrate kindergarten into public schools—more play, less dogma.
She co-wrote the “Happy Birthday” song. They’ll ban that next.
It doesn’t matter much either way but I’m curious sometimes.
But fascists like Mike Lee demand that return to Robber Baron subjugation for minority control at all cost.
But now? I think younger me had it just about right the first time.
Also, I haven’t seen one since 1989.
Hardly one to comment on independent thinking and upbringing?
These conservatives like Lee absolutely can’t deal with seeing other races. Hence “we’re ALL American”