They actively resist attempts to improve people’s lives, so they’re not a force for good. They’re not ‘live and let live’, either, because they’re intolerant. By a process of elimination, the inevitable conclusion is that they must be evil.
Funny you should mention that as I have come to the same conclusion. I kept trying to convince myself that there were some reasonable Republicans out there that would finally say, "enough" and would re-assume their role in the checks and balances function and start acting in America's best interest.
Good way to promote conversation, peace and reconciliation, demonizing more than half the electorate.
Promoting such stupidity is evil, divisive, and worthy of scorn.
Conservatism is a slippery slope. Essentially it's saying that whatever point Society has gotten to is the zenith of being and we need to stop now and maybe backslide.
But there is no stopping that backslide. Conservatism invariably stamps the 'ok' on going back to "Make America Great Again".
I’m trying to figure out by whose definition of evil. Could be true statement if we figure that out. Somewhere some conservative said the same thing about progressives. The question is will either of you realize you defined the term? Just say “I don’t like conservatives”.
Not the point. Not arguing who’s “right”. You already know I agree with you. Understand what the “other side” thinks is evil. Talk with them. Preaching to the choir over here.
Biden asked Meta to stop disinformation during Covid to save people's lives. Congress passed enhanced background checks and red flag laws for abusers(Biden signed it). The last one was a Project Veritas spoof. It was a fake. Read something, anything. Get a clue.
The amount of hate and overly broad vicious generalization in this thread is disgusting. The problem with (insert any ideology here) is people. We're all human. You claim that everyone has a right to their own opinion but in practice it's only as long as it agrees with yours.
Thank you all for proving my point. The hate and disrespect here is toxic, disgusting and vile. Even with someone stating an opinion, not even arguing or debating, all you snakes can do is poison and kill. You spew bitterness, you enshrine yourselves as the moral highground, you kill recklessly
Political spectrum charts that make it look like conservatism is just part of a continuum of values and not a distinct ideology rooted in evil have been a disaster for people who like to live in functional societies.
trying to explain to my Mexican friend that conservatives in America are like if you're talking to a normal person and then they casually mention that they're an axe murderer and you have to find a nonchalant way to escape
Here's a non-USA take. I have some conservative values, and what that means is that I prefer caution and not jumping in feet first, get my facts. I conserve energy -> right choice. I support institutions. To me, US 'conservative' = 'extreme right wing' = authoritarian. Conservative ≠ authoritarian
Having lived in many countries it’s weird that even as a little kid Conservative politics (again regardless of country), always seems suspicious and hateful. US has taken it to full representation. I have more traditional values, but definitely not aligned with GOP the party of hate and deceit.
Still weirds me out that the word 'conservative' when applied to politics, has taken on almost a completely different meaning and connotation than its dictionary definition.
Yeah look, as another not-USian, I'll just say that the conservative *trend* pushes in basically the same direction as the current US movement has reached, it's just that other countries have more of a lid on it (exc3pt on, eg, immigration).
Conservatism only looks decent when it's on a leash.
Not axe murderer, mass shooter. Seriously, just sit with a gun collector and it won’t take long at all for them to talk about wanting to use them on people
specifically the interview where Christian Bale explains that he based Patrick Bateman on an interview Tom Cruise did where he had this facade of intense friendliness with absolutely nothing behind the eyes
They have to be. The whole concept is either just money matters, not people - or money matters, torture and kill people because God.
Once someone decides people are less than a budget, they are evil.
Child Me: ppl evil
Young Adult Me: nahhh there’s like shades of gray and moral ambiguity, please think I’m complex and ethical
Adult Me: I’ve watched the world burn for like 10 years now, ppl evil.
Another take is that 90% of conservatives turned out to be fake.
They pretended to be ethical, pro-limited government, Christian, fiscally conservative, pro-freedom, pro-individual rights, pro-America, pro-law and order.
But overwhelmingly, they were just a tribe immersed in identity politics.
There are so many mulquetoast libs like this that just post the same cut-and-paste reactions to everything and they're functionally indistinguishable from bots.
I just don't know how you go through life like this. Can you even call it being alive?
Literally over 77 million people voted for Trump. That's at least 77 million evil people in this country who have had decades to learn what kind of monster Trump is and has always portrayed himself to be.
Yeah, I think about that a lot. Because of the flagrant nature of the many crimes of the orange turd it's hard to give them a pass on "just ideology". Many of them like him just because how cruel he is, and expressive with that.
It's not that they're evil, it's just that science has shown they're cowards who lack empathy for anyone outside their line of sight. It's completely different.
End stage capitalism, where the only thing that maters is making $$$. Not ethics. Not compassion. Not fairness. Not even "patriotism"... but $$$, which "trumps" all other considerations. So, yeah. Evil.
Evil is a serious word and shouldn't be thrown around lightly. Just because they want to murder or enslave everyone that isn't exactly like them doesn't make them evil, it just makes them a little bit naughty.
Or, as one JUST said on another thread, they are fine with others suffering as long as they pay less in taxes. Seriously. Then she felt offended when I suggested she might be a Nazi.
Musk and Trump were both democrats, but when they became republicans, their evil quotient went off the charts. They both had cruel, awful dads. Trump says he has superior genes and on the scale of evilness, he is correct.
Completely idiotic statement. here is a suggestion for you...try using facts. Your feelings are NOT facts. contrary to what your parents may have told you.
I believe they changed to the Republican Party, because liberals went completely socialist.
Now I know that exactly what you want. You want the government to coddle you and pay for you to live, problem is you need hardworking people to support this idea. Then everyone gets lazy and we implode
Nope. I am an engineer, make lots money and I pay my taxes, unlike Musk and Trump. Musk’s father knocked up Elon’s step sister … TWICE. Elon’s baby mamas are begging him publicly on X to respond because he bailed on his genetically engineered babies. Don’t get me started on Trump. Terrible humans.
Media? Nope. Direct from the people themselves. You know you can use your search engine and type these things in, and the actual interviews will come up.
I’m just kidding, but I’m still uncertain why certain people thinks they’re evil? Seems harsh especially for Trump. He’s one of the only presidents ever that didn’t start ANY type of war. And I don’t know why finding corrupt is evil.
And if someone sees trans people or Muslims or immigrants or black people or women as less than human and deserving of state violence, they're too fucking stupid or propagandized to process their experiences like an adult, and their values are trash.
but they sounded so friendly threatening anyone who suggested any societal advancements beyond what they imagined the 1950s looked like with being thrown out of a helicopter....
I wish that Republicans hadn't gotten weird and that I would have had a chance to become more Republican as I'd gotten older. Because I completely understand why fiscal conservatism is a thing but that's the least of our worries at this point.
This is how it starts. Let me clue you in. There is no such thing as fiscally conservative. There are services that the population will pay for. Some of those services are paid for with taxes. The others will be used to extract wealth from the people to the billionaires.
No. Let me be absolutely clear. There is no such thing as fiscally conservative. There is only goods and services that the population is going to pay for.
It can be as clear as you want to be but it's just not the reality of how things have worked. The economy and government services are comprised of more than that. But like i said, the Republican party is compromised by billionaires and Russians. So I don't know who you think you're arguing with
This isn't conservativism by any measure. I'm proud to be a conservative, slowing the process of change to make sure we make the *right* changes isn't a bad thing in my book.
This is not conservatism. This is reactionism. And it has been since Trump said Make America Great *Again* the first time.
Not the kind of conservatism we have in the US, for sure.
I'm what most would consider far left. But it is important to have parties that have different, *well reasoned*, philosophies based on equality and social welfare. Otherwise we're just an echo chamber. I don't care what we call the parties.
Name a well-reasoned conservative party somewhere in the world. The Greek Golden Dawn? French gillets jaunes? The BJP’s Hindutva fanatics? Nigel Farage and Ukippers? Canada’s maple maga? Burden of proof to you.
"But it is important to have parties that have different, *well reasoned*, philosophies based on equality and social welfare. Otherwise we're just an echo chamber. I don't care what we call the parties."
As I said, since at least Reagan, who's first run for president was in the 70s.
And let's not fall prey to the "No true Scotsman" fallacy. I think your definition would make for a far better Republican party, but it doesn't match the fact that conservatism has been reactionary for at least 50 years
I would agree with you if we were talking about, say, most of Europe.
This is conservatism in the US, though, and had been so since at least Reagan. Take a good look at his first run for president and his positions (virtually identical to MAGA on a great deal of them).
That doesn't mean conservatism is dead, it means they've been lying about it for that long. I*love* the idea of the 'Loyal Opposition' it just won't be as long as this perverted #GOP exists
They said the same about Regan in 1980 (Witcher, 2019) and about W (in 2003). The conservative movement is littered with men who are heroes safely after the fact but were described with “this isn’t TRUE conservatism” in the outcome-uncertain present tense.
Yeah that's basically the purpose of the movement, to take us backwards into darkness. Liberalism on the other hand is the path forward into the light.
Turns out a lot of what's called "conservative" these days is people who don't want to conserve anything but instead just smash things. They are reactionaries, fascists, luddites, putinists.. people who have no will to better themselves but instead kick others down to their level.
Supporting marriage, the nuclear family, reproduction, personal accountability, evasion of racial focus, opposing war, defending children, and adherence to reality are all evil, I guess.
Back during the War On Terror when people used to talk in terms of Good vs Evil I was always like "you people sound like idiots, this isn't Lord of the Rings." But in recent years I've come around to acknowledging that a bunch of people are just evil.
I think most conservatives I met are good people (as in, if you know them personally, they would go the extra mile and be genuinely generous—even if you are in a group they “despise”)—their problem is they are deluded by the amoral con men at the top—who are pathetic to the point of evil
The same people calling themselves "conservatives" also call themselves "The Party Of Lincoln" while simultaneously (and without irony) calling the Civil War the "War of Northern Aggression."
Wouldn't it be mind blowing for "high moral groups" to hold each other accountable? Declaring ones value is only in appearances rather than the work all real growth requires... poof. Anyone who wants to get away with nastiness just paints on the right face and borrows a cute catch phrase.
that's the problem with political sides same thing with God and atheists there are many political sides then just the conservatives and the problem with God is they disagree with atheists about creation difference of opinions the problem but its the best human trait even though it sucks
Conservatives have changed. In ‘96 Bob Dole said [If]there's anyone who has mistakenly attached themselves to our party in the belief that we are not open to citizens of every race and religion…the exits, which are clearly marked, are for you to walk out of as I stand this ground without compromise.
That is incorrect. Actual "conservatism" is about pumping the breaks on change. "MAGA" is not actual "conservatism"; they are a Russian side-project that has hijacked language.
If you "destroy" them but do not know how they came to be, then there is no reason to believe they would not just reemerge. It's a regressive mindset, to only care about destruction and considering constructing something better.
That still avoids giving an actual answer as to HOW. It's not particularly useful to just say conservatives are ontologically evil since birth. It doesn't actually give anyone any idea of what proposals you're actually making. No one in this thread has said anything of real substance.
i always found it weird in history class learning that conservatism has been on the wrong side of every single issue ever but we still have to consider their ideas equally
i mean shit, even within my lifetime right? conservative opposition to gay marriage still has its holdouts in some corners of society, and they were the mainstream conservative movement just a decade ago in my country.
Clarence Thomas still thinks the court should revisit the issue, apparently forgetting that it would be just a short step from there to declaring his own marriage to a white woman illegal. But conservative justices have never concerned themselves about the practical effects of their decisions.
We have to teach all ideas as valid. Sure, conservatives loved slavery, outlawed race mixing, thought conversion therapy was a good idea and didn't want women to vote, but who are we to say what's good or bad?
If we take conservatism to mean "needs more evidence than most to be convinced of the necessity for some social change"... we have a word for "person who needs more evidence" and that word is "idiot".
Eh, someone who really needs more evidence will change their mind when given it. Conservatives don't want more evidence, they want to bombard you with requests until you give up trying to change anything.
This is a great comment, and goes to show again why transgender people get under conservatives' skins. They are filled with hatred at the possibility of recognising the dysphoria between their own moral self-congratulation and their actual behaviour all while trans people live with courage, morality
That's because our "liberal indoctrination" schools deftly avoid teaching about those things as being right-wing philosophies, and our "liberal media" has helpfully stoked the fires of "Nazis were socialist" and "communism evil"
My high school’s teaching of 1984 was egregiously bad- they told us that Winston was named after Churchill because he “represented freedom”, and claimed that George Orwell fought *against* the socialists in Spain (they did not mention that the opponents of the socialists were the Fascists)
This reminds me of my teacher letting the kids walk away from Ann Frank's diary mostly internalizing that the meaning behind this was she forgave the nazis or something.
I think we read this a few months after the towers fell so that was fun context to read under (rip current 7th graders)
my school explicitly called all the bad stuff right wing but then when i did basic pattern recognition the explanation was "well we have to have freedom of speech and democracy"
Pretty sure that was a sarcastic comment on the caricature painted by right-wing media about universities being woke or whatever. But congrats on your school spirit.
As someone who went to a liberal college in a very liberal city, in a liberal State, I found my experience more nuanced. The college definitely taught thing that naturally aligned with the Democatic side; such as how to do proper research and apply equity in education.
That’s the biggest problem with us and history. We learn it, yes, but we don’t learn FROM it. It’s why we have conservatives in power in the first place, and why we can’t have nice things like other nations. Because we NEVER learn from our mistakes.
Chesterton's Gate is the only good bit of conservative thinking and it's still just "make sure that what you're doing is better than what was there before".
Related: I'd offer the idea that ALL systems will grow up in organic and irrational ways, of necessity, and trying to fully rationalize them will always fail; however, there's value in imperfect systems, and they shouldn't be discarded without careful consideration.
Gall's Law is "any complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that works" and that implies a lot of path dependency and non-obvious choices that end up layered in.
My experience lately is that a section of Trump voters support him based off of wanting ‘less gov and more freedom.’ I see this admin delivering on less gov (albeit w awful consequences), but not freedom in any capacity. Besides a handful, what policies are they supporting that increase freedom?
Conservatives are right wing. I'm not going to stand by and let someone pardon evil people for supporting evil people just because they were easily gaslit or just stupid and didn't understand what they were doing.
The irony is not lost that the party of people who believed in a secret cabal of baby-sacrificing, blood-drinking Democrats has turned out to be just a bunch of sociopathic rich troglodytes who get off on mass murder and suffering.
If one person sits down to eat dinner with ten Nazis, there are eleven Nazis eating dinner.
Being comfortable with genocide, with state violence being used to enforce patriarchy and white supremacy, regardless of whether or not a conservative would use those terms, is still fucking evil.
You're assuming that all conservatives are comfortable with what's happening. That's not the case. Many are not. You are generalizing. Hold people accountable for their actions not the actions of others.
Like, are they comfortable with the cringy bullshit the Musk dipshits are doing? Probably not.
But if they're not comfortable with mass deportations or trans elimination or women being arrested for a miscarriage, why did they vote for that again and again for years?
Being more polite doesn't mean you don't support the same shit. Being anti-ICE, pro Trans rights, pro-abortion, anti police brutality, would make someone no longer a conservative, as they wouldn't have much in common with the goals of the conservative movement. It's all right wing bullshit
No, you're a simply not introspective enough to see that they are in fact the same.
Make America Great Again was just as much of a fictitious appeal to an imagined idyll (when society was coincidentally more violently racist and sexist) when Reagan was saying it as when Trump says it.
Yeah it turns out we actually *weren’t* trapped inside an old Daily Show skit where both parties are equally bad and it’s oh so funny according to Jon Stewart
Evil does not have an ideology. Our inability to have rational and empathetic conversations allows evil to flourish and replace it with emotional reactions, which is the current modus operandi. Technology has fueled our failure to have those conversations as we seek a quick response.
How are they "conservative?" This radical, merciless, totalitarian, fascistic, fanatical coup doesn't seem "conservative" to me. For now, at least, it hasn't gotten brutal, violent, or militarized. But, it's just a question of time.
I know this is (hopefully) a hyperbolic joke, but I don’t think conservatives are evil. I think they’re generally misguided but most of them that I’ve met are actually pretty reasonable people. Ok, I’m feeling unfunny and lame right now. I’ll shut the f-ck up.
It *is* possible to deprogram them, it's just really hard and takes a long time. We'll be in a fascist nightmare (an even worse one) long before it's effective with enough people.
It is worth the effort, but it's not a winning electoral strategy.
But, as you mentioned before, they don't believe you because they are unable to conceive that you actually mean it and don't have any evil motive. Because they do, and you can't possibility think differently than them.
Conservatism is fascism and I'm tired of pretending its not to avoid pissing off the fascists.
If your goal is to let the rich do whatever they want and not tax them, and you're anti black, LBGTQ, First Nation, foreigner, and anyone else you just don't agree with're a fascist.
If you want tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations, you're an idiot. That money goes into the stock market and never trickles down, ever. All right wingers seem to tacitly endorse this at minimum, or loudly at the forefront. Why? They have zero clue how economies work. None whatsoever.
If you want to get rid of certain classes of people, you're a fucking imbecile, and you don't even realize that caring about others means that others care about you too, and you can all work together to improve each other's situations. A rising tide lifts all boats, and liferafts too.
If you, as a "Republican," aka, a fucking fascist, want to deport "undocumented" people, shove LBGT people back into a closet (and that's being nice, because what they would secretly admit to is wanting to put them in a concentration camp and kill them,) you are pure fucking evil and a Nazi.
Every conservative social position is pure fucking evil. All of them.
Every conservative fiscal policy is pure fucking stupidity that's guaranteed to fail because they don't care about the actual economy, they just want funny line to go up.
I'm sure you don't really care about babies. Dont worry, women soon won't be able to vote. I'd wait 4 years until 60% of white women vote for Trump, then kill their rights. But you're going in now. Also, right wingers don't know how their opposition will reply. So, you're not as strong as you think.
Conservatives don't give a fuck about this, its a a cynical wedge used to convince morons to vote for them. The moment a right winger impregnates someone out of wedlock, they're likely to use a coat hanger to abort it and probably kill the mother in the process.
And inevitably the exceptions are not really so if you scratch between the surface a bit. It'll be like "Yay, this conservative thinks LGBTQIA are people with equal rights" and then you find out they're a serial molester and want to be able to hunt poor people for sport.
Actually the problem with conservatives is they aren't actually conservatives. Just as radical as any other radical freaks, just far more narcissistic.
I’ve found it odd that the modern “conservative” doesn’t tend to have much interest in conserving anything. I always thought that the conservative was effectively the opposite of a radical, but that sounds like a more apt description of the Democrats.
the same way the Catholic church has been a cultural institution in very progressive countries with democratic traditions
grudgingly and in spite all attempts to the contrary
Conservatives want to conserve the wealth and privilege of the wealthy and privileged. They want to conserve the oppression and marginalization of the oppressed and marginalized. The first political Conservatives wanted the absolute monarchy back
So they actually see that as worse than just going with the right. The weirdest part is they WANT the left to live up to the stereotypes.
I warned you dog
Promoting such stupidity is evil, divisive, and worthy of scorn.
Republicans are nazis.
Republicans are evil.
Oh, no, nope, they're the baddies...
But there is no stopping that backslide. Conservatism invariably stamps the 'ok' on going back to "Make America Great Again".
You: Please help. I cannot decide which one of these is evil.
“So much for the tolerant left”
Cus like-
Conservatism only looks decent when it's on a leash.
Once someone decides people are less than a budget, they are evil.
Maybe cuntservative?
Young Adult Me: nahhh there’s like shades of gray and moral ambiguity, please think I’m complex and ethical
Adult Me: I’ve watched the world burn for like 10 years now, ppl evil.
We know that you know that too, because you don't act like you really think babies are being murdered by the thousand.
lol. You are at the "the blood in your veins is blue" level of physiology understanding.
We should try to reach common ground
They pretended to be ethical, pro-limited government, Christian, fiscally conservative, pro-freedom, pro-individual rights, pro-America, pro-law and order.
But overwhelmingly, they were just a tribe immersed in identity politics.
I just don't know how you go through life like this. Can you even call it being alive?
That is, literally, evil.
Now I know that exactly what you want. You want the government to coddle you and pay for you to live, problem is you need hardworking people to support this idea. Then everyone gets lazy and we implode
Supporting genocide is evil, it makes you evil.
If you ask someone if they want to go back to the 1950s they're reactionists.
This is not conservatism. This is reactionism. And it has been since Trump said Make America Great *Again* the first time.
I'm what most would consider far left. But it is important to have parties that have different, *well reasoned*, philosophies based on equality and social welfare. Otherwise we're just an echo chamber. I don't care what we call the parties.
I think it would be more likely to be several progressive/liberal/whatever parties.
"But it is important to have parties that have different, *well reasoned*, philosophies based on equality and social welfare. Otherwise we're just an echo chamber. I don't care what we call the parties."
Nowhere is conservative mentioned.
And let's not fall prey to the "No true Scotsman" fallacy. I think your definition would make for a far better Republican party, but it doesn't match the fact that conservatism has been reactionary for at least 50 years
This is conservatism in the US, though, and had been so since at least Reagan. Take a good look at his first run for president and his positions (virtually identical to MAGA on a great deal of them).
I would argue conservatism has always been reactionary and cruel but sometimes has a veneer of gentility that gets ripped off from time to time.
Whichever is more accurate, the conservatism that exists today is this reactionary one.
I just disagree on what it actually is now. It's been bastardized, for sure.
I used to promote fiscal conservatism as one of few good things about them, but even that’s out the window now…
It cannot be anything good.
They are far too stupid and amoral to even BEGIN to realize what they are doing.
Chaos...the end of 'rule of law'....criminals being freed...other criminals running the government.
Nixon and Reagan especially, set the foundation for every major socio-economic problem we're having today.
Saying they just turned evil recently is gaslighting us about the past.
If their ideals fundamentally involve harming and suppressing others, then no, I do not.
If they do not tolerate other ideals, they do not deserve to have theirs tolerated.
but doing that means conservatives need to be made to stop getting in the way
Thomas is also owned by a Nazi-memoribiia collector. I wonder what he sees when he looks in the mirror. A white man, I guess.
[Honestly I think there's a lot of theory-of-mind impairment, not just disgust, but there's a lot of complexity here]
[Which might go some way towards explaining the gap between self-image and reality]
I think we read this a few months after the towers fell so that was fun context to read under (rip current 7th graders)
Source: I went to a liberal university in an extremely liberal city in a liberal state.
They taught us all about the rampant destruction and pure evil that conservative ideologies unleashed upon innocent people.
If you think that, you did not go to a university.
Fascism is a right wing ideology.
Conservatives are right wing. I'm not going to stand by and let someone pardon evil people for supporting evil people just because they were easily gaslit or just stupid and didn't understand what they were doing.
Being comfortable with genocide, with state violence being used to enforce patriarchy and white supremacy, regardless of whether or not a conservative would use those terms, is still fucking evil.
Like, are they comfortable with the cringy bullshit the Musk dipshits are doing? Probably not.
But if they're not comfortable with mass deportations or trans elimination or women being arrested for a miscarriage, why did they vote for that again and again for years?
Make America Great Again was just as much of a fictitious appeal to an imagined idyll (when society was coincidentally more violently racist and sexist) when Reagan was saying it as when Trump says it.
Just evil in a dull way.
You can’t fight stupid.
It has been a difficult realization to admit.
They dream of an absolute hierarchy where they lick the boots of strongmen; and spit on their inferiors.
They utterly freak out when anyone challenges the hierarchy, as they think they will be knocked down in the pyramid of power.
Freedom in their minds mean the ability to persecute others without retribution.
And they think we operate on the same logic, and lie about it for some nefarious purpose.
It's shockingly well researched and documented.
Of course, them scientists are all deep state shills who eat babies and cause wildfires with space lasers. /s
How they think Afro-Americans dream of a race based caste hierarchy.
Or how science is just a faith.
Or how they accuse others of virtue signaling.
I'll be frank here, narcissistic projection. It is indistinguishable from right-wing projection.
Tired of wanting the best for people, and the having them throw violent tantrums for the offence of wanting equal liberty for all.
It is worth the effort, but it's not a winning electoral strategy.
But, as you mentioned before, they don't believe you because they are unable to conceive that you actually mean it and don't have any evil motive. Because they do, and you can't possibility think differently than them.
Hierarchy is their religion.
If your goal is to let the rich do whatever they want and not tax them, and you're anti black, LBGTQ, First Nation, foreigner, and anyone else you just don't agree with're a fascist.
Every conservative fiscal policy is pure fucking stupidity that's guaranteed to fail because they don't care about the actual economy, they just want funny line to go up.
If you're conservative, you're fucken stupid.
It's projection. You have no values.
Project 2025 is further along than most of us think.
Kind of like how metaphorical and literal meaning makes the statement "That man is on FIRE!" come across in conversation.
grudgingly and in spite all attempts to the contrary
The Democrats are the American conservative party.