The Tesla Takedown protests were so, so smart. Identified his weak point clearly and easily, advanced with stunning organization and messaging consistency. Master class.
Reposted from Aaron Rupar
"They have one for $35,000, which is pretty low" -- Trump during his Tesla promotional event with Elon Musk at the White House says he bought a cybertruck for his granddaughter Kai


Watching the president do an ad read is awesome
But first (beat) a word from our sponsor.

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"Read" is giving him too much credit.
"they call it blue CHEW..."
BetDSI'll double your deposit, great deal
I love Elon always pushing for this dumbass Culture War bullshit and then turning around and crying like a baby about how the free fucking market doesn't want anything to do with him or his stupid cars.

I love how Elon cries on TV all the time. Big strong man 😂😆😭🐥🍼🍼🍼
FOTUS now doing infomercials! It just keeps getting stupider and stupider.
Hatch Act violations?
The cyber car is the new scarlet letter. Enjoy it, Kai!
I'd bet dollars to dirt trump didn't buy his granddaughter a cyber truck.
Thing is, we don't know what will be a smart move until after we try it. We need to have weekly 1 hour protests at varying busy intersections, using signs to educate people not paying attention about the fascist oligarchy in charge of America. If I can do it, anyone can.
Trump: Please buy a Tesla. I need Elon to have the money to fund our decent into facism
Thought his granddaughter was driving one months ago
Did he though?

Ask yourself, would trump actually spend his own money to help someone else?

Or is it probably just a show and he’s not paying for anything. Instead, he’s just doing what he’s always done, grifting. In this case for Elon.
So, are all the small dick MAGAs going to trade in their overcompensating gas guzzling pickups for Teslas? Somehow, I doubt it.
More please #TeslaTakedown. Find one near you. But wait there’s more, you’re also standing up for American values and Democracy. 🇺🇸
This whole Hatch Act violation while our 401ks plummet is proof he’s absolutely spooked by the #teslatakedown
The government has become a pyramid scheme. Cool.
Leaving this here for no particular reason. Oh and keep up the boycott.
Yea….. with whose money?????
I thought I had reached peak embarrassment with this president but I was wrong
Grifters gonna grift.
my takeaway is that it was relatively easy and cheap to prompt a significant reaction.

so, if and when we ever become so galvanized (hopefully not out of grief or desperation) that we're ready to truly put an end to this, I'm optimistic that even a moderately larger movement could do the trick.
They literally turned the leader of the free world into a used car sales in front of the entire world. That's impressive.
i think you mean - ex leader of the free world - don't think many of us outside USA think so anymore - we wavered 1st time around - but this time sealed it
I’m inside the US and don’t feel this way anymore. I’m also fine with that. Clearly our people aren’t to be trusted leading g the world. Also, I loved I dream of Jeannie.
Like convicted Orange Creamsicle actually bought it is laughable
I feel bad for people who bought one ages ago and are getting grief now.
I don’t feel bad for them at all.
Sure he “bought” it. Elon gave it to him. Trump never ever pays for anything. Also this whole thing is illegal as fuck.
Checks in the mail, elon ol' boy.
How does this man make Diamond Joe Quimby look honest and upstanding?
Keep it up!
Gotta love how these dopes are perfect examples of why we have rules and norms.

The reason govt employees are supposed to divest from personal investments is so they can’t be held hostage to their own corporate interests.
He should be force-fed 3 cans of Goya beans and locked in a Cybertruck😬
I agree, but I think they shouldn't open the cans first.
This endorsement will really bring Europeans and Liberals running to the dealership!!
I will never buy a Tesla in my lifetime.
I do not make $35,000 in an entire year. GFY.
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When are the next ones?
We need to put a Swaztika on Trumps Tesla ad.
I thought bankrupts weren’t allowed bank accounts.
Who cares about what trumps buy for his granddaughter and how Elon is using the USA as his personal piggy bank
Tesla Sales are so great , so good that Trump has to make ads for Tesla. LOL
This is fucking weird...
I cannot get over the fact that the fox chyron on this is “breaking news” 😳
They need to grow.More ppl need show at dealerships.PROTEST

Are smart. They will continue.
That image of those teslas sitting in front of OUR White House is absolutely stomach turning.
Stock down 45% since the inauguration. Just sayin'.
yea, sure, he bought it.. I want to see the check.
I want to see the state issued title!
So the “President” is doing infomercials at the White House now? If you listen closely you can hear the dead presidents spinning in their graves. How repugnant.
Cue the federally-funded resumption of EV tax cuts, but only for Tesla vehicles this time...
It only took a week! Lolol! Found his soft spot.

Wake Up, America!!
No one will be able to afford one except of course for your billionaire buddies who get a big fat tax break.
Flatly illegal.
I'd say Trump is doing even more damage to Tesla future sales than the protests with this
I don't expect anything to be done about it (nothing happened last time either) but this seems like a pretty clear-cut violation of the emoluments clause
Peaceful Tesla protests are 100% legal, and going forward these protests should include armed members there to protect people from any anti-Democratic forces doing violence against this right. Protect your freedoms under the constitution. Follow your state laws. And continue the #TESLATAKEDOWN
This is equally embarrassing, and hilarious
Each day without a plan to oppose, and absent a daily press conference to rebut GOP antics, is another day of off-balance Dem damage control.

Dem's need to make a plan that unifies / aligns.

Run a new play. Envision counter solutions. Make it so.

Paging: the entire Democratic party...
The price could be negative $35,000 and I'd still tell them to go to hell
A Cyber Truck for his granddaughter. What a cruel and dangerous gift. Someone should slap a Biden- Harris 2020 bumper sticker on it.
Not even a good used car salesman. What a loser!
Alright, what if we took this same principle of shaming people for buying Teslas, and started heaping shame on people for voting Trump

This flies in the face of everything the WaPo and Times opinion pages have taught us about political science. But times are crazy. Maybe we should make MAGA uncool
It's a travesty that the name of Nikola Tesla is associated with these freaks.
As a Tesla driver I approve.
The kid is screwed😖😂
If only he would have told us how many groceries we can fit in one.
Would’ve been great if the White House was surrounded by protesters as the nazis tried to sell teslas today.
If this lemon sucking faced ding-dong is buying one, that should be an even better convincer to anyone currently on the fence.
US adult population is 277 million. Trump had 77 million votes.
So there are 200 million to stop this madness.
3 of you against 1 of them.
This fascist won’t stop, it will only get worse and worse.
You got to stand up, rise above yourselfves and march!

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Trump doesn't pay for anything.
Wish there was a practical way to protest starlink or spacex
How is this not illegal?
laws? in america? oh you sweet summer child
It is. No one will act.
It is.
It most definitely is illegal but just about everything they've done since January has been too
Hatch Act doesn't apply to the President.
It applies to Musk.
laws require an enforcer
Odd we never looked into or realized that till recent years.
why did we base our whole government on the assumption of good faith by all actors 😑
Enforcers for we, not for thee.

If you’re poor, have dark skin, or anything else non rich and white…..oh you gonna see enforcers. Them….nope
To be fair, we did warn you at the time.
It is absolutely illegal.
It is, of course 😡

This signals that you should go harder.
We aren't done yet...
Bye bye Tesla.
More please.
So, apparently, he hates his granddaughter as much as hates the American people.
Talk about bad grandparent gifts!!
Poor girl😬
What a clown
Keep ‘em rolling!
Das ist alles so peinlich.
The fact that he’s always readily available to attend sporting events, go golfing, or do spur the moment photo shoot tell you exactly how little he actually does as president. Most president schedules are booked every minute of every day.
They ended his last admin by just putting out a blanket, "he'll be taking many calls and conduct many meetings" and then there would be footage of him playing golf.
The sad thing (one of an infinite number of sad things) is that he really thinks he is both working hard and doing the job of president.
Elon sucks
Why does he hate his granddaughter so much?
So he bought one for a family member, does not know the models. I wonder how much safety research he did for carrying such precious cargo. In other words, he "bought" a car and has done no research on safety.
The I hate EV administration is hyping an EV, but smart enough to not get in it himself so it doesn’t drive him into a lake. He must not like Kai
every time I think Trump can't slither away from the concept of human dignity fast enough he does something like become a car salesman
Grab a seat would you like a freedom frappe?

What's it going to take to get you into one of these today?

We can paint at red white and blue for you
Ford and GM will get equal hype , right?
It's also so funny that Trump buying one is the hail mary. He probably hasn't driven a car since the 80s and certainly hasn't been in a family sedan in a long, long time.
What makes you think he can drive a car?
Donald is going to buy a Tesla as a favour to his friend, because it's not something worth buying in its own right.
Imagine the reduced carbon emissions if every Trump supporter actually bought a Tesla and drove it instead of a gas-powered vehicle. But also, supporters of democracy will likely boycott Tesla bc of Trump. Is there a downside here?
They’ll buy them - I am willing to bet Tesla will add a “rolling coal” package and gunrack. Because - of course they will
Let's hope a little Streisand effect takes hold.
It’s a big piece of trash,just like its new spokestraitor.
He know's his Granddaughters name?!?! SHOCKING
yep, and they still are.
Reminds me of the Four Seasons outside of Philly
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He has no idea what cars cost. He doesn’t drive
Blatant corruption
By this fall, expect to see a Spirit of Halloween sign on the White House.
I am not convinced that the kind of audience that falls for his BS, can afford a Tesla to put clubs in the back....
They need to continue and get bigger. Way way bigger.
Musk gave him a cybertruck. Seriously, try to imagine Trump paying Musk for one. It can't be done.
Is Trump doing a commercial for Tesla's from the White House?
Buying a car to 'support the company' is utterly bonkers. Selling cars on the White House lawn together with the president is grifting at an unprecedented level.
They've both got all the integrity of a used car salesman who rolls back odometers while upselling the extended warranty, so at least the messaging has become consistent with their personal brand
They're not over yet!
Let me get this straight: he buys a Tesla from a billionaire whilst brutally slashing jobs, tanking the economy/stock market, the goes on media to show his wealth to the American people. Musk and DJT's disconnect from the people is astonishing. They are morally repugnant.
You know he didn't pay for it. He never pays anyone.
🍊🍊🍊sucks another Spacecadet 🍊🍊🍊
Amazon Prime next. Get it cancelled. The shows arent great and you can wait a day for shipping
Eggs, Donald. You were supposed to focus on the price of eggs. 🤦‍♀️
Hardly. Musk himself screwed his own company by revealing he’s a Nazi. You all just jumped onto his coattails and are taking credit. He’s been screwing up his company for years. I held stock but after the board refused to sack him and get a new CEO I sold my stocks. That was before the Hitler crap.
He was doing Hitler crap on Twitter long before that.
glad our mentally ill so-called president is doing important work for our country.
It doesn’t matter who promotes it, Tesla is done
She doesn't even drive. Vice President Trump has a fleet of chauffeurs in Suburbans and limousines. Granny T needs to gtfoh with her, "I bought" lies
they are hemorrhaging cash and I doubt it will stop
I thought he was against electric cars? Didn’t the past admin try to incentivize them and Republicans tried to do away with that? I can’t. Keep up the good work, keep protesting everyone!
Having attended two they are also fun - and help combat the helpless feeling that is so prominent these days!
You know he bought nothing
Ds should take notes
Mazda 3s are less than that and have better transmissions.
Can't believe that Trump thinks $35,000 is cheap when many people struggle to live.
That’s more than his followers make in a year.
How is it legal for the President to do an infomercial for Tesla at the White House?
Fucking snake oil salesman. GTFOH
I'm pretty sure Trump has never driven a real car himself. Either chauffeurs, or golf carts, but even then I bet the caddy usually drives.
I’m still not sure the protests have had the effect we are ascribing to them. Today’s sales pitch tells us beyond doubt Elon is rattled, which is wonderful, but his own edgelord antics will have affected sales as much as the protests.
It sucks to have to experience what's going on in America right now but Trump and his cronies are putting the ugly underbelly of American culture on display for all to see, and now the world knows what America is really like.
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Trump hawks cheap watches, fake gold coins, made in China gold colored hightops, digital coins, NFTs and now electric cars. And his supporters lap it all up. No money for gas and eggs but can buy trinkets!
Don’t forget the bibles !!
Dang....I did forget that! Thanks!
a literal sociologist with a specialization in Internet studies helped conceive of it
Bitch mobile incoming, who in their right mind thinks that's a cool kid car?
You are insane!
So Trump clearly hates his granddaughter
Walter Junior didn't like his Pontiac Aztek... at least that wasn't an exploding nazi death machine.
Again this 👇
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Wouldn't it be great if boycotting Tesla and X (advertising) Elon Musk lost his obviously coveted richest man yadda yadda status?
Attacking X advertisers is the way forward. Musk has massive loans he is paying off at 9.5-11%. If the banks were to lose faith and call them in he'd lose a lot of credibility. That's what rich people need to get richer.
Boycott these and write their CEOs.
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So glad Bill S. Preston, Esquire traveled forward in time to make this happen!
I’ve been screaming this since he meddled in the election. Take him down and you take the whole thing down.
Cut the head off the snake!
"What'll it take for you to drive this baby home?"
Hello! We need more boots on the ground and keep up the momentum of #teslatakedown! I hope you can participate alongside your neighbors at a Tesla dealership near you!
Also on a completely unrelated note, starlink's competitor in Europe had its stock jump by 396% yesterday because governments are starting to dump starlink in favor of that company. And evidently they're going to provide those services to Ukraine.
Imagine, the CEO of a major defense contractor throws a Twitter tantrum and threatens to turn off vital services for a country during wartime, and suddenly all current and potential future customers are looking for alternatives? What gives?!
Can’t be the invisible hand of the market!
love it when capitalists score an own goal
Capitalism always eats itself alive, like a horde of baby mantises.
And pray tell what is this competition named?
Eutelsat. At one point up 550% over 3 days. French company I believe
not many respected brands have become so toxic so quickly. guess folks don't really like someone recklessly taking a chainsaw to government. 🤔
yes, pleasant change from the ineffectualness (is that a word?) that has characterized opposition activity 🤔
It made it all the way to Paris. People stop on the Champs Élysée to spit on the Tesla dealer and scream anti-Fascist slogans at them.
Like his granddaughter wants to be seen in a tesla...
Fun idea: Stand outside a Tesla building and any time someone leaves without paperwork or a car, hand them a pin that says "I did not buy a tesla today :D"
meanwhile our fearless leaders
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Snakeoil putz.
What a crock of shit.
We need to keep it going
Oh boy... just like him shilling the Goya products in the oval office.
leader of the free world, front and center
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Ah well, at all the state receptions #Donny attends, every delegation can avoid him and say that they are waiting for the president and don't want to negotiate with a simple car dealer. #usa
It was also the only type of organized protesting there was.
Still happening. Not past tense.
What did Trump say to Elon? Give me the ugliest one on the lot.
For $35k, does it have tires? An engine?
It doesn’t have a spare tire. A Tesla owner told me they don’t have them.
He’s a liar and everybody knows the muskrat gave him the car and lets him say he bought aka paid for it. There’s probably paper to show he did but that’s fabricated.
Probably the entire story is fake. It sickens me that people buy his bs and MAGATs believe the lies.
"She's a great golfer, ugh, she puts the clubs in the back"

So, she's a great catty?
Iron Man? He couldn’t even measure up to DeLorian, and he was also non ferrous!
Trump buying one will be the final nail in the coffin for Tesla!! Hooray 😁 #BoycottTesla
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There is no way he paid for this car. Also-where are his complaints about how many times he’s going to have to stop to charge it before it can get to Florida?
For $35,000 you too could buy a swasticar, no thanks I prefer my cars without Nazi agendas
so the environmental car company getting the support of a person would doesn't believe in climate change? why = morons
I thought that people holding official office could not endorse commercial products or companies. Wouldn't this constitute a breach in Ethical behavior? Plus, competitors may have legal grounds to sue the Government based on Antitrust Laws?
Trump obviously doesn’t like Kai!
Here’s an exploding Death Trap Fire Ball!
And we're not done yet! Find a protest near you.
I think that some mysterious $$$ are starting to flow in to prop the stock. Also the company will be declared strategically vital in a few days by executive order .
(The eu did draw up strategies after the last time T was in office - they are executing them )
You know how Tesla sales have crashed outside the US?

This will kill the remaining sales.
Yep. There are not enough environmentalist fascists with 100k incomes in the world to keep their car brand afloat. I seriously expect sale to continue dropping as the boycot grow in awareness.
I expect the boycotts to ramp up, now that trump has endorsed them
Kind of like how the cars actually crash themselves
Musk is on a power trip because of his billions.

If Democrats stop buying Teslas, he will become a nobody pretty quickly.
Democrats stopped buying Teslas years ago. Musk is making up for it by just writing himself government contracts illegally. Our only real hope is for a 3rd country to seize Musk for extraordinary rendition to Canada & have them try him for cybercrimes against Canadians.
I'm going to one this weekend!
Bought one for his Granddaughter? More like Musk gave it to him. Kid will get so much well deserved abuse driving that.
Time for round 2
I think this has to be rock bottom for the American experiment
Time to start looking for Kai's cybertruck, I guess.