The idea that you evolved from apes is disgusting.
Isn't it nicer to believe you all descended from one couple and their incestuous children?
Isn't it nicer to believe you all descended from one couple and their incestuous children?
I know that whole collaboration with an Alien Empire was bad but i'm sure you can forgive me right?
Good ole southern Baptist shittery
I can imagine that, plus the incestuous relationship of the children, would produce horrifying deformities in the children. As below:
Says the same God who tried to kill all of our gays and drug addicts by forcing one of us to fuck a rhesus monkey?
As a species, and thanks to you, we're WAY past disgusting.
I came from engineers
We surely had a grandparent in common long, long, long ago.
Stop playing!
This is how Cain took a wife in the cities when he killed a Able... remember god?!? #stopplaying #iamstillonwatch #fafo