That won't work. You need to quickly understand that sabotage is your best chance of stopping a crisis that is going to tear apart the western world. You're in the process of being converted to a yarvinite hell hole, start acting because you are not going to get permission
Someone should look into the election fraud that occurred. In the past 20+ years, US Presidential election results have never been called so quickly. Hanging chads, anyone?
Most democracies has a stipulation saying that if x amount of the population demand it an election can be forced trough. Even states in the us has it. All you should need is signatures. I don’t know if the US constitution has such a clause. Anyone know?
It was never intended to be this long-lived without any major revision. Yes, there have been many amendments to the original, but Jefferson for example expected that we'd re-write it completely every decade or so, which makes a lot of sense. Possibly that's why we don't do it!
I've always looked at it--especially things like the original VP process--and concluded it was written by people who thought political parties didn't exist.
Which makes no sense considering that the mother country had political parties, and the Founders founded political parties.
I have always wondered about the fact that you are stuck with two huge parties. Two polar opposites. And people can only choose what party they dislike the least. In my opinion there should be no less than 3. Preferably 5 or more. That way parties have to form coalitions to get a majority.
It was written by people who didn't think political parties SHOULD exist! In fact, in Washington's farewell address when he left office warned against the rise of political parties, but he was ignored.
It's insane that we don't have that option, but I fear that it wouldn't help, yet. The pain hasn't been deep enough to effectively reach MAGAland. And if we somehow manage to head off the worst of it, they'll never understand all he's doing.
Not sure that’s going to happen, but I totally agree as well. And not just president. President vice president all of the Republicans and the houses need to go and we need to have new elections. They all need to be impeached and removed and possibly jailed in some cases.
Unlike him and his supporters I’m not gonna say he didn’t win the election. He did. So he’s president. There are no revotes. His removal must be done in a different fashion.
They didn’t bring us here to change the past. We brought ourselves.
You know I’ve been thinking the same thing and I hate to think things like that but it’s just the way it is cause this is absolutely nuts. What’s going on here
Kamala should not be on the ballot the next time we go to vote. there has to be someone better than that.
that said it would not surprise me if she actually won. the voting suppression efforts of minority neighborhoods were rampant this past election
Hi friend. It is statistically improbable that trump won all 7 swing states. It's equivalent to having flipped a coin 25 times and getting the same result every time. and are doing good work find answers.
MAGA Mike saying: "...and then, there's our little secret", might not be the right words here, but close enough. Greg Palast sure seems to believe it and even demonstrated it.
Yes. So obvious. No counties flipped blue(first time in 90-ish years), 1st time since’88 all the swing states were swept, and the last guy (G.Bush 1st)was wildly popular and won 426 out of 538 electoral votes.
"I thought that someone with his business acumen would have come in with a fine-tooth comb... instead of coming in with a wrecking ball and destroying people’s lives for no reason"
If only, but my disappointment, despair and diminished confidence caution me from getting my hopes up. As with so many of us, my optimism has been on a roller coaster ride since 2016.
That’s the only hope we have. National Strike, ALL SECTORS. Bring everything to a complete stop. Transportation, health (except acute needs), manufacturing, education, trade, professional and business svcs, etc. Shut it down!! It will break the repug party!
Feb.28th.Then March-shut it down.None of this will matter if only a few thousand across the U.S. do this.Numbers have to be in MILLIONS. Think of how many voted for Biden or Harris. We have the numbers to make this happen. Look what’s happening in Georgia(not the state). Look at what S.Korea did!
Exactly. I keep screaming this into the void. We need millions to commit. But, as we can see, very few are actually ready to fight. The numbers have barely changed at General Strike US. People are apathetic or scared. We have the numbers, but as usual, no backbone on the left.
I know.I get it. Some can’t or won’t.These people don’t think it will matter.But we don’t have the luxury of time. What can/will the courts do? Will we have another election?Look at the presidential line of succession:Republicans all.We have to send a strong message. America is in a really bad place
I completely agree. Hopefully people are starting to see how dire this is. There’s so many ways to get involved for those that can’t strike. Boycotts, protesting, calling, writing. But, a massive strike is the key. If we come at them at all fronts like this, we may have a fighting chance.
It’s the only thing we’ll have left to make any kind of impact. History will know it as The Day America Stood Still and for good reason.But I’m also all for constituents calling Republicans in Congress and telling them they’re now traitorous weasel shit-bags,because they are.
Hey do you have a list of every shady reference they've said alluding to the vote counting machines and the studies on the hand count? The stats on the hand count flips were wildly skewed in some counties - like 85% likely to flip to Harris from Trump after hand counts?
I’m nervous that we’re heading toward a French Revolution or Russian Revolution situation. It may work out in the long run, but there will be years of chaos in the short term.
I’d rather have chaos that we can participate in and help shape something new from. It sure beats the chaos caused by untouchable murderous power drunk men with no accountability.
The apathetic nature of the majority of Americans means this will be their new reality. How is it that no one seems to care douchebag Donnie is destroying everything that was America or maybe the insane greed is what America has become and he truly represents the will of the people. It’s terrifying
It’s the greed and consumerism. Everyone around me literally does not care about this as long as they can buy their Stanley cups and plastic crap from temu, and sit at home opening countless packs of Pokémon cards while watching their 10 different streaming services.
Data obtained by unethical methods could never hold up in a court. This president has been impeached twice in his last term and that lead to nothing. Courts will not/will not be able to remove him. Something more than that needs to be done.
It is as likely that the United States will have an election in the near future as Germany would have had one after 1934.
They had a choice and they didn't choose democracy...
Easier said than done - they installed the idiot! Peacefully!
You have to use force to uninstall him and they are incapable of doing it. Is Wild West! 🤠
Well, no. We have checks and balances. We've just totally abdicated them. So it really wouldn't have mattered if we had more checks and more balances. If you're just going to ignore them, they're all pointless. Unfortunately.
Yes, we've just had a similar experience in the UK with 'Brexit', - where all the checks & Balances we do have counted for little against a deranged Cult in our Government that was determined to have its way.
I mean, what Trump is doing now, completely overrunning Congress, should be a unanimous call for impeachment and removal. Every Congressperson should be outraged. It's as clear cut an example of an impeachable offense as you can dream up.
Yes, I think that something like that will inevitably happen, because all their 'move fast and break things' is already starting to hurt far too many people far too much for it to be ignored or avoided by even his most vehement supporters.
That would take an act of Congress and the GOP seems to think everything is fine. The fear of losing their job because Trump won’t fund them doesn’t seem to register that thousands and eventually millions are losing their jobs under Trump. The GOP do not serve their constituents, but themselves.
If only a group of people could give factual evidence of an election that was truly rigged and stolen. You know, something like satellites changing votes. That would be so helpful at this time!
We need county audits of the swing states that went to Trump. You know how they say every conservative accusation is an admission? Well I heard lots of “rigged election” bullshit for the last four years.
it was part of P2025, and in the dictators' playbook for centuries: "create distrust in public elections".
They cried wolf in 2016, 2020, GOT RECOUNTS that found no fraud (biden got MORE votes from those audits/hand recounts), now they insult & shame any Dem that (rightfully) claims election fraud.
I’m in Ireland & I’d love there to be a way to force another election but I’m not sure how. You can impeach Trump but it’s likely non of the Republicans would vote to impeach so it would fail again. Even if you did manage to remove him you’d get Vance & he’s just Trump & Putin’s puppet.
Maybe that’s Trumps ultimate plan to create a dynasty but as it stands Vance would take over, in the unlikely event that both are impeached & removed then you’d get Mike Johnson who Trump endorsed so he’d still be pulling the strings. The Republicans are too scared of Trump & his support.
It must get worse for the right to say enough is enough.I give it 6 months. The election will eventually be decertified & a new election will be held. NATO & Canada will play pivotal roles. International no buy days/strikes, calling your reps, &?protests will be impactful.
if there's a possibility that votes were changed bc of elon, a transparent investigation needs to be done first before even considering a new election run or replacing the president w the other candidate.
The United States military must arrest Musk, Trump and JD Vance and relieve all their cronies of their duties to then restore the system that has made the US the most powerful country in the world.
Otherwise the US must face a future of chaos and decline.
This is called a coup. Putin is very experienced in preventing military coups. He advised Trump on how to make them impossible. So the first thing Trump did was to cut the heads of Military and National Security and replace them with totally controlled dummies.
Military departments are extremely vertical by nature. They don't have horizontal communication other than very few approved by the supervisor. Therefore there are no means to organize any large synchronized action.
Jeffries calling Trump 'Captain Chaos' is going to make a huge difference, you think?
I would take the advice of Brian Tyler Cohen and completely annihilate the current Democratic party in the primaries so you can rebuild it with people who can fight.
New elections won't change anything unless there is an investigation of the fraud in the last one...the same problems in an accurate count are still in place.
Sure. By what means? This assumes the Right would agree to it and recognize the result. There's only one way to change leadership now, and ppl aren't mentally there yet. And so it goes.
Wondering if it would be beneficial to approach Wired with this? Get the word out, maybe. You've done so much digging and this deserves to be public knowledge.
And, honestly impeachment won’t happen either. Repugs idolize him. No way House and Senate would impeach. Hell, they won’t even standup against these horrid nominations. They’ve all kissed the ring, crowned the devil himself.
Exactly. These types of posts are not helpful. It does nothing because it’s absolutely unrealistic. If Anonymous wants to be relevant again, they need to act. Otherwise they’re just a distraction from real solutions.
True, but just because he's declared himself one, doesn't mean he is one. If we expect to regain any respect or sense of proper governance, all legal avenues have to be exhausted, and the people have to rise up.
He is still disqualified by the 14th Amendment, Congress has NOT granted Amnesty. States can file suit after all the *actual* votes are totaled, they can file suit per Article 2 and demand a #ReVote. is on the case.
Our system was made up 250 yrs ago. The people that came up with it expected it to be ratified within 50 yrs. I could be wrong but I don't think we have any way to do that given the present circumstances. Isn't it great. Go USA
There's tons of evidence already, the people in power (dems included) are just ignoring it. Why? I couldn't say. But we knew the disease would take root if inaugerated, and they let it happen anyway. They gave him the appearance of legitimacy. Now they're trying to backtrack, but it's too late.
Yep. Because of 40 years of misinformation, mostly by Faux Fox ‘News’. A couple of girlfriends(age 70’s)still swear by it bc of their faith… and otherwise I would consider them reasonable humans. We don’t discuss politics but I cringe when their tv is set to it.
I just have to say, you’re more patient than I am. I’ve lost my family over their ignorance and dedication to trump. I’m done trying to reason with them.
I am in that same boat with you. I have decided that I am not able to speak to the parts of my family that voted Republican because they didn’t care about doing this too the rest of us their family so I’m not sure why I should continue to be in touch. Might be harsh, but it’s the way it is.
It's not even that we should hold a new election, we should validate the one that just happened because there's no way in hell, or statistical probability, that he actually won.
Great in theory, but they probably won't get another election. Over the summer he'll call Martial Law due to the protests. When the weather warns I'm afraid the violence will be off the charts.
He didn't win its just Dems spent years arguing against rigged elections that when they are, they are handcuffed. I ran for election as well, I have seen some things.
Anyone else wishing our engineering science minds team up & build a Time Machine to get back to November 1st 2024 & enlighten Americans on the end of the US empire as we know it?🤞
hoping to wake up tomorrow in 2024 🙏
Many of us in the US are disappointed to and beyond belief that people voted for Trump. Things will boil here soon. Luckily you’ll be on the other side of that ocean when it does.
Elections rely on a voting process, and that process requires a system that’s completely free from outside interference. Unfortunately, the current system has already been compromised.
Hey, am I tagging you enough? Still need it written in crayon? The election was stolen, get up and call it out! These guys are useless as a saw without teeth.
15 states have privacy laws, as well as treason laws. If every one of them pressed charges against the magats in power, a lot of dirt would come to light.
There are ways to solve this. Ask Lawrence Tribe, the legal scholar. He'll offer clarity.
Remember that the Declaration of Independence isn't the Constitution... This is not to say don't rise up, but rather, that is not the document that will do it.
No no, that was my only point. No shade meant at you. I hope anyone wanting to work on this would take the AI summary as a starting point and then read the actual document.
You aren't. The laws are being rewritten in the oval office on camera every day. If you start disagreeing on the most ethical solution he will definitely win
So let's just complain online and watch as our country is destroyed? Yeah that doesn't work for me. J6 was about stealing a fair and free election. This is about saving our country. You do you. 🤷♀️
These Nazis have wiped their ass with the Constitution and stole a federal election and you want to do things in a legal & ethical way? Democrats like you are why Republicans control everything no matter what party is in charge! Just another spineless wimp obeying rules that the GOPigs ignore.
First they need to round up and ship to gitmo all the insurrectionist, from trump all the way down to state legislators. Then dismantle the GOP and ban them as foreign agents. Also ban Russian propagandists-looking at you Fox. Then we are ready for new elections.
Nah, fuck all y’all who didn’t vote Harris less than 4 months ago when we told you this was going to happen. This is on all the Trump, 3rd party, protest/nonvoters.
ELON HACKED THE ELECTION. PEOPLE WERE SCREAMING IT FROM ROOFTOPS. NOBODY LISTENED. JOE AND KAMALA WARNED US ABOUT THE DANGERS....THEN SMILED AND WALKED AWAY. NO ONE SINGLE RECOUNT. NOTHING. take the hint, or do you need it written in crayon? you both know the election was stolen. Do your fucking job and correct the mess you useless thumb tacks.
Worked with a group that was pointing out the math didn't math...guy named Stephen Spoonamore contacted Harris' campaign and they legit got pissed at him. I will never forgive Biden/Harris/Milley...all warning us about wolves...and then throwing us to wolves.
Don't remember the specifics, only that he talked about it on his substack and they were angry at him for even suggesting something might be awry. Keep mind Harris dedicated a chapter in her book to how voting machines could be hacked too. They're rich...we're not. That's the difference.
You need to think a little harder about social relationships. There was already an insurrection last election because orange face accused biden. What do you think would’ve happened if Harris, a colored woman, claimed election fraud and demanded recounts? It wouldn’t have been pretty.
heed your own advice, its going to result in a civil war or a world war and civil war either way. Our odds were better to avoid the latter if they wouldnt have relinquished power. The supreme court already ruled presidents were immune from official acts. The stage was set to stop it.
In a social relationship the first person who screams cheater is the person who cheats. Common sense dictates the accused leaves the relationship. But then you get the accused who sticks around and accuses right back and turns it into a blame fest circus. Remember dems take the high road not low.
Kamala fought her butt off. More white people needed to get off their fucking high horse and show up in huge numbers. Black women showed up in huge numbers and are tired of being blamed for not showing up and saving all your asses.
Over 4 million votes were suppressed. Check out
, fighting for decades, he is a statistician, film-maker, and investigative reporter
No one's blaming black women for trump cheating, but I'm really tired of hearing it's my fault when I've been busting my ass for so long. It is not the fault of citizens that billionaires bought their way into our government.
Did I speak directly to you? If you feel called out that’s on you. People who feel secure they did everything they possibly could do, don’t take offense. This previous poster accused Kamala for not caring, and that’s BS.
so which is it, white people didnt show up or the election was tampered with? We had lines every day of early voting and election day. That never happens where i live, dems showed out and it was tampered with.
Biden wasn’t running, he was forced to concede because celebs kept saying he just wasn’t fit to win. Kamala won, just like HRC won. We have foreign interference, we almost lost 2020, but most Americans didn’t sit on their asses. That’s why F47 was shocked. He rigged it, he was supposed to win.
Unfortunately, the way to remove a President is through impeachment and conviction. The Senate had that opportunity once and failed in its responsibility to the country. This Senate wouldn’t convict “Dear Leader” if he shot someone at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. SPINELESS COWARDS!
Don’t think there will be anymore free and fair elections. They will be meddled and tampered with, rigged, manipulated and bought given how the last election results in November were manipulated and bought. Democrats have been outsmarted by Elon, Trump and his croonies on every level. The fix is in.
That is given that the Representatives and Senators of Congress haven't been evicted by the newly self-appointed king.
I fully expect that Trump and his Sycophants will try to dismiss the legislative branch as soon as it's practically possible.
I want Nuremberg trials.
It was a pretty good constitution 230 years ago, but it's simply not set up for a modern democratic nation.
Which makes no sense considering that the mother country had political parties, and the Founders founded political parties.
You get a chicken and sauces
They didn’t bring us here to change the past. We brought ourselves.
Deal? Control? Time to pay up.
Does Putin own Trump? Judge for yourself.
that said it would not surprise me if she actually won. the voting suppression efforts of minority neighborhoods were rampant this past election and are doing good work find answers.
What do you think may happen in another ?
There’s no point in further elections when a convicted felon, indicted for stealing and disseminating classified NDI, can run and be elected.
It’s time for v2.0.
How do we as ordinary citizens participate more so that we are in the trenches with our elected rep.s? That might make things more transparent.
Try being a little more realistic, yeah?
"I thought that someone with his business acumen would have come in with a fine-tooth comb... instead of coming in with a wrecking ball and destroying people’s lives for no reason"
p.s. ofc it's /s and no, this should not happen!
The reality is that people need to get up off their asses and do the work for a change.
YOU have to stop looking for a savior and be ready to do the work necessary.
They had a choice and they didn't choose democracy...
You have to use force to uninstall him and they are incapable of doing it. Is Wild West! 🤠
First he has to be impeached. Then he has to be removed. Then we get President Vance. There is no new election in the case of a removed President.
'(You) had a Revolution, and ended up with fewer checks & balances on your Head of State than the Country you revolutionised against ...'
The only chance is to impeach him?
Midterms and any special elections must be fought for
Reps won't see office again for 20 years.
They cried wolf in 2016, 2020, GOT RECOUNTS that found no fraud (biden got MORE votes from those audits/hand recounts), now they insult & shame any Dem that (rightfully) claims election fraud.
Maybe voting does actually matter.
Because there isn't a mechanic for holding new Presidential elections early, only removing the President and running through the series of successors.
Otherwise the US must face a future of chaos and decline.
But in some way, the whole of the free world is.
And please, in the process, accidentally 'misplace' Steven Miller.
Big difference.
I would take the advice of Brian Tyler Cohen and completely annihilate the current Democratic party in the primaries so you can rebuild it with people who can fight.
Not to mention, they created a family foundation in 2021 with $200k in Tesla stock in 2022, tax exempt, and no filing for 2023.
The more I look into this, the worse it gets.
But: Fascists deserves graves. And those graves deserve to be pissed and defecated on.
Elections are worthless unless EVERYONE votes.
Americans need to stop being lazy is on the case.
The right winner is Kamala Harris.
It needs to find clear alternative tbf, otherwise the outcome will be the same and further embedded.
hoping to wake up tomorrow in 2024 🙏
Zelenskyy stayed in Ukraine and Kyiv itself while its been under siege.
Meanwhile Trump is a little bitch who wants everyone to like him, and Putin is a psychopath and thinks everyone else is as deranged as he is.
This is not normal voting behavior.
Check out and
Nathan from explains all of the irregularities suggesting manipulation across the swing states in this must watch video.
There are ways to solve this. Ask Lawrence Tribe, the legal scholar. He'll offer clarity.
, fighting for decades, he is a statistician, film-maker, and investigative reporter