The simple act of booing during Trump’s speech would go a lot farther than standing there in matching outfits or walking out. Stand your ground. Call a traitor a traitor and boo. Silent protest doesn’t work when their goal is to keep you silent. #3E #SOTU
I’ve lost respect for Gretz, Orr, and Subban with them cozying up to fascists, and they can’t even vote in the states.
Also I’m very sorry and embarrassed about my country.
Government's under capitalism aren't representatives of their people, but of the owners. We are just the fodder & need to have class solidarity worldwide. o7
Source below.
I wasn't planning to watch or be there anyhow.
I got some paint that need some serious observation.
He will threaten them if they speak out.
What is the best name (insult) to describe these guys?
Booo him
Stand up to a tiny man.
I believe in those who know..
Power in numbers.
Power within the collective consciousness.
That's when I knew our government had been compromised.
Republicans deserve all the shit they dished out, and I'm done being afraid to stand up to the trash holes
the Russian operative wanted the attention and the democrats gave it to him.
It will frustrate him, disorient him, delay him and piss him off massively.
THAT I would watch with glee and if he strokes out from the raging then all the better.
“one claps” throughout the speech
to unnerve him. Set by a simple signal for all against the current state of affairs.
Showing "respect for the office" would be fine if the person in office showed the respect due to his position.
As Trump is using the presidency to basically execute a coup, he is not due respect.
- aligning the U.S. with Russia
- dismantling gvmt
- graft, etc.
The democrats are becoming despised
I’d rather be killed by fascists than embarrassment.
What a man of conviction!
But my frustration is beyond constraint.
We pay these people to represent us and they’re going to dress like a cheerleading squad.
It’s pretty sad.
I don’t think it’s a lot to ask for these people to fight in return.
We should expect more from our elected officials.
But I’m all for anything that may throw him into a tailspin and make him rattle off script.
I much rather would have seen them not attend and hold town halls in Republican districts instead. That’s a better use of their time.
Trump has no shame and no conscience. Their petty protest will fall on deaf ears I’m afraid.
That was even worse than the t-shirt thing you spoke about!😱
They’re absolutely pathetic.
I’ve voted Democrat in every election since 1992.
But it truly chaps my ass they are so completely oblivious and unable to read the room.
Matching outfits? That's no different than red hats. It's just another cult in pastel. It's dumb but what isn't nowadays?
Go find the votes
My parents raised me better than that, hope yours did too
No one watches the rebuttal anyway, so I want to see Donald Trump blow a gasket on live TV. Make it happen or GTFO!
Laughing at him is torture.
Mocking him is torture.
He hates being laughed at.
When the Rs stand to applaud, we should stand and turn our backs.
Then he speaks, BOO LOUDLY.
At every lie, shout "YOU LIE!" loudly.
Let them experience what they have wrought.
They would fuck with his teleprompter, change words, misspell others, and laugh uproariously as he struggles and gets frustrated and pissed off.
Since the Dems won't have the balls to walk out, they should wear Ukrainian colors at the very least.
Now that would piss him off.
Just treat it like a town hall and be loud and noisy
I totally agree. Be loud and proud. Call a crime a crime. Call a traitor a traitor and BOO with gusto!
Little gain: for major risk.
And Hakeem Jeffries ("what can we poss. DO??") ain't it.
Nothing a Narcissist hates more than being ignored
The drama of being booed might just add fuel to the Magats
He’s pretty high on his own supply and won’t feel weakened by it at all
But it’s hard to say something silly would be better than booing. Something really silly and undignified like whoopsie cushions or kazoos might do it
Plain ol' embarrassment works.
See this Instagram post by @sensanders
$10 for “Putin’s Puppet!”
$50 for “Lying Sack of Shit”
Anyone want to match?
We all saw how that affected him at that WH Correspondent’s dinner way back in yesteryear.
There should be laughing. Riotous laughing.
Treat him like the clown that he is.
If it weren't treason that was happening, it'd be hilarious.