This is truth. SO many of you have no idea the sputtering, wild-eyed meltdown you would trigger.
Criticism means nothing coming from marginalized person; they've already decided we don't matter. But YOU? You're supposed to be on THEIR side. And I can almost guaranteed they just assume you are.
Criticism means nothing coming from marginalized person; they've already decided we don't matter. But YOU? You're supposed to be on THEIR side. And I can almost guaranteed they just assume you are.
Reposted from
Cis men truly need to understand the power of saying “that’s fucked up bro why would you say that” to another cis man
Stand up and don't budge. You're seeing weakness, and so is every other man watching. Let the nazi scree and flail and be shamed. They god damned deserve it, this is who they are.
He quit a few months later because we were too woke 😂
I'm reasonably certain a major factor in one of my layoffs was because I didn't laugh along with their sexist/racist 'jokes'.
when it comes to dealing with guys like that. Their response is to just immediately disprove your own agency then talk down to you as if you're helpless and dumb. Then they just ignore you.
Borrowing. <3
Needless to say, I was eventually forced out and now I'm a former evangelical.
Now the flip side, I’m sure half every dsa meeting I walk into assumes I’m a fed
To his credit, he did seem to want to do better. Maybe just to stay out of trouble with HR, but still.
I promise to do this at very next opportunity that presents
Having the courage to be the first to say “no” will lead to others finding that courage too.
You can do it. I believe in you.
No "what the actual fuck-" no just
"What is wrong with you?" Does the trick
I was attacked by someone I knew for a decade because I spoke out about them using the n-word publicly.
I'm not a fighter, I'm not a shit stirrer. Nobody thought it was cool for him fighting someone half his size because I said his language hurts me and people I love.
The shock was palpable.
[hasn't stopped staring at the high school jock jacket]
Schultz is a pathetic excuse for a comedian. It's embarrassing to even call him a comedian.
Comedians use wit and edge to bring up social taboos. Schultz just punches down while looking like a 1930s Italian micky mouse.
But you're absolutely right, us white cis guys need to step up like Shane does.
He fumbles because almost immediately everyone in the room starts to speak up, but what really shut him up?
Maintenance guy makes some excuse about forgetting to pick up some extra napkins and leaves.
I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
We still appreciate your shutting it down where it's not appropriate, even if it doesn't seem to have been immediately internalized.
Keep doing that -- and it eventually will be.
It's the only departure of a coworker I look back on fondly and smile every time.
The shock at being outed was thick as oatmeal.
They talk shit and have no clue how to defend themselves when they get popped in their face.
Way it should be. Gotta stamp that shit out with righteous fury and loud like hell. <3
Watching their brain dribble out their ears when I call them out makes my day.
It’s critical they think there’s no safe space for their bigotry & hate.
Leftists don’t understand Men
I didn't think he would be happy with being called out, but I never expected a literal fight to happen because I took him aside politely to talk.
Especially when they're "Only joking".
More impact face-to-face. Less easy to blow off.
Had to because criticizing them didn't change their actions, it just made me the target, so I avoid now.
I mean still, fuck’em because they need to hear it & we’ve blind eyed it for too long.
Live in a Black town with a ton of white hicks on the outskirts. Worked at the most popular convenience store here for six straight years.
The number of white dudes who would come in spouting racist shit to me because they thought I was one of them was disgusting.
At the core, they're fucking spineless cowards.
Nothing beats the abject shock they experienced when I put them in their place with that BS.
They think their behavior is normal and it takes another person they see like themselves to make them realize they should be feeling shame.
"um, uh"
"yeah what I thought, not a got damn thing"
So, you know... win/win.