1/2 That's pretty dumb. America is the problem. So many stupid people, who don't know not to trust a fraudster, or a sexual abuser. And so many other people, who didn't see the need to come out, and stop that from coming to power.
A terrible, utterly compromised political system. Israel and the
2/2 Saudi's have vastly more sway over American affairs, than Russia does. Ruthless, unethical corporations control American politics. And the vast majority of Americans get manipulated by media outlets, controlled by shady ultra-rich people. They've been influenced far more than they realise.
I think it's pretty obvious that almost all legit media has rolled over so that they aren't excluded from Trump's press pool. Also still no reporting on the 2600 PA Lancaster voter registration fraud & I wonder how many other swing state mail in voting red counties have 2600 they processed.
The US alt-right government leadership pushes this KGB/ Mossad agenda. Don't you understand we were being taken over by fascists, all of us. It's not a USA thing,it's a Gd fascist thing. When are the anti-fascists going to organize together and defend ourselves?
Russian architecture in DC up against the French architecture here is going to be….interesting, also democracy ends 1/20/2025 enjoy your liberties and freedoms while we got them 🥂
It's more than that. An international coalition is forming to try to eliminate democracy and international laws, which are annoying to the powerful because they have to be held accountable. We will not let them!
He will try to distract in every way possible. We have to make sure we learn what is a distraction and not exhaust ourselves. The chaos is a big weapon of his. All narcissists are the same. Distract and distroy is the name of the game. Take care of yourselves and each other so we can keep resisting!
To this: I read all those KGB novels of male gratuity, and all the CIA ones. I was in the military and saw how inefficient it was. I went to acting school and read a lot of scripts. THIS ONE IS POORLY WRITTEN. Power does not equate intelligence. We are about to see that play out.
I was told that North-Korea looking soldiers are fighting in Kursk, but they are not from North Korea, but from the island Sakhalin, above Japan, which is part of the Russian Federation.
The Cold War never ended for Russia. Americans were led to believe it was over... Meanwhile, Putin and the powers that be have successfully divided our nation. I believe Russia has successfully infiltrated our government with #FeloniousTrump. #TulsiGabbard is a Russian asset and a Putin sycophant...
Did you know that the USA and Russia came together to fight Germany and that’s how they were defeated I don’t know if Russ is really the bad person especially since they’re fighting Ukraine where all the German Nazis fled to Ukraine so why are we protecting the Nazi country?
In 1945, the USSR was an ally of the west USA, in the fight against Nazi Germany. But a mere 17 years later the two sides stood poised to obliterate each other in a nuclear apocalypse. It was Nuks that destroyed our relationship in the Cold War.
your a funny one I was wondering Who gets to say that a whole country is bad? The world has really been screwed by governments worshipping power money and again MORE POWER our government is very corrupt for a long time republicans and democrats that only care about them getting power and wealth?
do YOU know the full history if WW2
USSR & Naxi Germany invaded Poland and shared the spoils
Hitler stupidly then invaded Soviet territory
lots of crazy alliances happened
Many countries caught between 2 lunatics, and were forced to take sides
You mean the US gave Russia material so it could withstand the German army in 1941? Without US help, there would not have been a USSR or Russia today. And yes, Russia invaded Ukraine since 2014 while it should have guaranteed its safety. If that aint bad, I dont know what is.
What about war crimes committed by the Middle East? How about the war crimes committed by China? How about the war crimes committed by the USA? Who gets to say who the worst government is? Our government is not innocent republican and democrat have turned on we the people?
Wow…do you seriously believe this nonsense? Like defending an illegal invasion b/c someone told you some silly story about nazis who are, presumably in their 90’s? I’m so worried about you 😢
I’m not sure if you mean it seemed a bit or a bait, both could work but I’m confused. If you meant bait, I agree and I generally post 1 response and block them - lists are great too 🤙
I didn’t say I support Russian government no way I only support the USA. I’m finding out so many lies we can go talk about aliens if you prefer? But yes a lot of Nazi fled to Ukraine sorry that bugs you
Do we really know who is the bad guys or are we e being told by the bad guys who the bad guy? How do you know who the bad guys are? I think our government has committed lost of crimes? I mean who gets to say who the bad guys are? I actually listen to the people because all governments are bad?
Right on!... Very few Nazi were indicted after the war, no justice served... They also spread out into European society and elsewhere. Naziism was underground, surfacing at times, emboldened worldwide at the moment... I aways thought that #FeloniousTrump linage was either Nazi or sympathizers...
Not totally convinced he’s the bad man they say? Why did they all love him before? Nothing is making sense I think Phil Schneider was telling us something about what we are witnessing? I do know that most of the Nazi did go to Ukraine. That’s not a secret
Saying it doesn’t make it true.
How many are there and how many went where and why? Are you talking about Dombas?
To understand what is happening in Ukraine you need to understand the history of Ukraine, Russia and the Soviet Union.
They didn’t go to Ukraine. Russia and Germany were working together to gobble up Eastern Europe. The Nazis double crossed them. Ukrainians hated the Soviets and many were happy to help the Nazis especially initially.
No I’m talking about the top ranking military and yes it’s been awhile but evil creates evil? Why was Ukraine killing the people living in Ukraine? You know like Hitler killed his people living in his country?Because someone is different doesn’t give people the right to murder them?Who’s the bad guy
It’s the entire Republican Party..what progressives fail to grasp is how large the infestation of $ has been funneled into right wing coffers just to destabilize our political system
Were you paying attention from 2008-2016 when Putin was supporting Obama and Obama was playing nice with Russia? I seem to recall the response back then being a sensible chuckle at Obama's poke at his more extreme right-wing opponents "thinking we're still in the cold war"
We are at war with a rising tyranny, and we need fearless, decisive leaders like Zelensky:
those who confront extremists head-on, not cowardly intellectuals hiding in safety, spewing empty rhetoric.
But it looks like no one the US has a real issue with it?!? All unicorns and kumbaya.
DT, JDV & Co are not yet in power and already started to bully and alienate our neighbors #Mexico and #Canada as well as our #European trade partners.
And they are friendly with #Russia/ #Putin.
China, North Korea, Iran, and Russia are not our friends. They hate American military and financial power, its democracy and culture. Putin has been destabilizing the US and west for the last 20 years. Russia doesn’t need to attack the USA, because it helped the US attack itself from within.
It’s frightening to think that perhaps behind the scenes a coup has already taken place. Would certainly explain why no one is seriously looking into glaring anomalies in the election.
How do you know? They don't tell us everything, y'know. I'm sure, if there IS an investigation going on, they're not going to broadcast it until it's over.
That is the problem. Most Americans don't believe it. They think it's a conspiracy theory and that is exactly what Putin wants them to think. By muddying the waters with crazy conspiracies for the past two decades, nobody will question what is really happening to the USA.
That’s that’s only half the problem you guys are not pointing to the other problem and that’s the blue Death Star. they are both equal assassins of the American dream!
Even if Elon Musk started out with his family's entire net worth, which he did not, that would still be at least 300,000% appreciation. I'm sure it was just dumb luck.
This was from May 2017. It was just during the infiltration stage of 45s game. I'm betting a new cover will complete the transformation from infiltration to indoctrination.
I've been saying this for nearly a decade. People close to me said I was overreacting. I'll never forget my 6th grade teacher, Mr. Matson, telling us this back in 1979. No one could believe it... But I listened, and never forgot. So, I'm not surprised, but how the heck did HE know? 🤔
My mind is BLOWN these people can’t see what the fuck it’s going on. This is WHY we need non biased information from the government. Every single person in government is either compromised or complicit, at this point.
It's the swing voters, "undecided" voters, and MAGAs who haven't been paying attention. I suspect most, if not all of us on this platform are aware that Putin's the real power behind Trump's throne.
If you think Joe Biden is a communist, you simply have no idea what communism is. Not even trying to be a dick here. Maybe actually go look up what the words you sling around mean. There isn't a single U.S. politician that's a communist. No, not even Bernie Sanders
Every time. I look at this picture it reminds me of the series The Americans. Russian KGB spies posing as Americans in DC.
Life depicting art, is so prophetic right here, right now. How sad.
There are Americans who believe themselves to be Americans who believe in democracy in America who don't realize that they are really Americans who don't believe in democracy in America.
Life depicting art depicting life. I remember a few years before the show came out we found a few sleeper agent families. Tho at the time the US had felt we had gotten past our nastiness with RU so it was written off as a blip.
I keep thinking of 'Chernobyl' too. Like, human life means nothing to the people in charge. While both shows are in the 80s, Putin sees that time as the glory days he wants to go back to.
When have greedy, power hungry, fascist dictators ever cared about his subjects? They’re just cannon fodder for their narcissistic egos.
NK shipped his military to fight for Russia. I can name half a dozen nations that fit the bill.
I highly recommend everyone watch The Americans. It will get you motivated into taking back this nation from the grip of the fascist dictatorship that it’s about to take over this nation.
It was a sexual assualt cas not sexual abuse. Sexual Abuse is the term used when the victim is a child. Sexual Assualt includes rape. Legally, he wasn't found guilty of rape. However, the victim claims he did which is damning in itself. Trump is a sexual predator
Americans have taken the way of the Jewish people who did not think Hitler would do what he said he would do. Particular Black Americans and other minorities, because the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendment is threatened.Also Civil Rights Act, Fair Housing Act, Voting Rights Act they have gutted.
It’s much worse. The Oligarchs of the free world are planning a civil war. If it was just Russia, literally “Nigeria with winters”, it wouldn’t be a big deal because they have no real control of anything,
I grew up in the 60s when the slogan was "Better Dead Than Red". WTF happened to us that our government is being over run by assets and they are getting away with it? Americans need to wake up before we are all singing The State Anthem of the Russian Federation.
yah...Russia hasn't been under communist government for decades...the collapse of Soviet Union in 1991. I think they started holding elections then. They do have a communist party. But Putin rigs the elections, famous for stuffing the ballot boxes. People live very frugal existences there.
This is false. Russia is an Oligarchy. Putin is dictator. Any parties are fronts to distract people and splinter votes, run by the government. Their vote is rigged. A lot like our 2024 election results and Oligarchs running our country.
I don't like Trump but this thread is ridiculous The US should be speaking to Putin and it should be peace talks
Orwell was right
War is peace and peace is war The propaganda has reached its peak
I don’t know if you know this, but the only plan Trump has for peace talks is to convince Ukraine to just kind of lay down and let Russia take whatever will make them stop killing people
No one knows exactly what his plan is yet but sooner or later people have to realise that Ukraine is only hanging on because of US and European support which can't continue indefinitely whatever Starmer says
Sounds like you're happy for them to continue killing people with no gains
Do you have an issue with the money we send to Israel every year 3.8 Billion dollars? Or the extra that’s been given to them to fund the destruction of Gaza so trump and Kushner can build their resort? If not , then why complain about Ukraine getting a little help?
I looked at your page and you seem like a very kind person. I understand wishing to keep peace and being angry that people die in war but letting the bad guys consolidate power is objectively a bad strategy. Russia will not stop trying to take Ukraine and other countries around it.
I am not happy about that, but to allow Putin to just take Ukraine because it’s too much of a hassle is exactly what we did during WW2 until it affected us and it killed millions. Are we going to let Russia just keep taking land because it’s too much effort to stop them?
You realize that American manufacturers make the weapons that we SEND to Ukraine. We are not just “giving” them money. We are sending materials to fight.
Putting this conflict in context, we have an unfriendly state that has been slowly grabbing land from its neighbors. Putin will not stop at Ukraine, he’s attempting to rebuild the USSR. If his aspirations aren’t stopped now many more will die.
His BFF was a KGB spy and is playing trump like a harp. Fearless leader thinks he is a mafia boss. No one told him different, but even mafia boses are smarter,more refined and have better manners than dumpster donny.
I remember seeing a piece about an interview with Al Capone. He was asked if he ever thought about running for President. He said no, he’s not that stupid.
Trump had to deal and negotiate with ACTUAL mafia bosses, to get real estate done in New York. And you know what, he got what he wanted, despite the families running the show in NYC. Keep that in mind.
Say what you want about him, he is good at negotiating and getting deals done.
He got what he wanted, at what price. The Mafia is NOT a charitable organisation. Who suffered, his tenants. Now put that in the bigger picture of the United States, who is going to pay....
🤣😂 Now that's funny. Dumpster don never did anything on his own. First his daddy took care of him then his gay attorney did, who also happened to be the attorney for many of the mafia families on the east coast. Anything little donny got was because Roy loved to take care of his little blond boy.
Ignorant. In the book "The Life We Chose" ...the Last Secrets of America's Most Powerful Mafia Family, Matt Birbeck (Author) writes: "Trump, when he did deals, he didn't want his lawyers doing it. He didn't want anyone else doing it, he did it himself, and he did it with gangsters"
It’s not about communism. It’s about Vladimir Putin manipulating our government and media to work against our interests and promote Russia’s geopolitical goals.
i’m so annoyed that people aren’t even trying to hold the current administration accountable for DOING SOMETHING to combat this. how many times do I need to see regular folks post this or something similar. why not go out there and have the temerity that tRump has and say wth is about to happen
There were articles and radio phone-ins from people in entertainment, industry, retail, and hospitality warning how bad it would be, but they were all treated like Cassandra at Troy with their warnings ignored.
We’re engaged in a new world war by proxy and our number one adversary is counting on the Trump regime to destroy America on a level Putin’s second best army in Ukraine can never achieve.
So fucking true it’s laughable. The chumps we had in office (Garland)have failed us. The ones to come will lock that shit down and we will be fucked forever.
Apparently. The majority of Americans have bad memories or just don't give a damm. Traitor trump and his propaganda machine spewed lies and bullshit for 4 years and they sucked it all up and voted back in the worst virus ever born.
A whole lot of people got really mad about inflation and voted for the guy who promised to impose huge tariffs and deport millions of workers. Sadly, many people are umm… not smart. Sigh…
U dammm right brother...stupid voters..or just didn't come out to vote..all the ones that dident vote Harris. Put a knife to their throat,and will start cutting after trump first shit in a Whitehouse toilet..he will start the destruction while stinking up the darkhouse..
But the reality is, no president has control over the price of anything. It's the rich company owners that make the prices. Trumps plans will triple the cost of everything..including gas.
Oh, I know. That is the thing America just made the biggest mistake in putting that criminal back in office. There will be no more cheap groceries or cars or houses or electronics or anything else.
The tension btw wanting to jack prices, but also wanting to help the tRump agenda will be interesting to watch.
Putting my money on greed overwhelming all.
It's been messed up for almost a hundred years now. And yet it's still going down hill because most citizens aren't real citizens anymore. Too busy worrying about their safety bubbles instead of getting the country straight like the forefathers did before.
Our system of government hasn’t always been great.
Thing is, even as bad as it gets, it’s been better than most other governments on the planet. Trying to change it by insurrection, should have resulted in hangings.
Breaking: Russia won the cold war, guys. We were all of afraid of them red dawning America- we should have been worried about them red pilling America.
Putin was smart enough to know he'd never win a war with America. Props to him honestly, he managed to play 70 million+ suckers into giving him exactly what he wanted 3 times
I'm not so sure that he couldn't win. Putin has infiltrated the highest office/entire government in order to cause chaos and has made sure there is a complete division of its people in order to conquer. I'm not so sure Americans would band together to stop him. Scary thought.
Start the #resistance in your city, gather friends and family. Organize a march or a protest.
Remember to remain NON-VIOLENT.
Use your voice and your pen.
Teach the girls how to fight dirty. (YBMC)
Teach boys to respect/protect women.
Listen to the first few minutes of this documentary from 2018 - it’ll become obvious quickly - it’s free to view — Active Measures (documentary) https://watchdocumentaries.com/active-measures/
It’s so pathetic that Russia — with a smaller economy than California — has been able to manipulate their way into our body politic. Particularly with how poorly their own country is run. Disgusting.
🎶 La chant du depart! 🎶
A terrible, utterly compromised political system. Israel and the
Russian invasions under Trump: 0
Russian invasions under Biden: Donbas region
Stop guzzling propaganda from the cumpipe of the DNC. You're better than this....
Actually you're not. Carry on Squawk Tuah
Don't agree?
Check out who AIPAC owns.
Check out AIPAC's brags.
Check out all the US money that goes to Israel.
Mike Roman was co-chair, until he was indicted for election fraud.
Other members: Modi, Putin, Harper (chair). No one in the US is talking about this organization. 🤔
All planned out together. All those deaths were for Putin's greater good.
But my own little protest:
I vehemently resent ppl making up faux 'Time' covers for the unaware to believe are true covers.
I guess people really weren't really paying attention.
What a clown. 🤣🤡
Because it's true again.
Russia was allied with Germany at the beginning of WW2 and they both carved up Poland between them.
They only allied with us once Germany turned on them.
Stalin committed the Holodomor genocide in Ukraine, seizing all their grain and starving all Ukrainians
You should probably pick up a history book instead of spouting GRU propaganda.
USSR & Naxi Germany invaded Poland and shared the spoils
Hitler stupidly then invaded Soviet territory
lots of crazy alliances happened
Many countries caught between 2 lunatics, and were forced to take sides
the trolls, the gullible have arrived in Bluesky
Are you expecting to be paid by Russia for your propaganda?
What’s the point?
Don’t underestimate state propaganda. 😒
How many are there and how many went where and why? Are you talking about Dombas?
To understand what is happening in Ukraine you need to understand the history of Ukraine, Russia and the Soviet Union.
Join this FB group and work together to stop Tulsi Gabbard’s nomination!
Get blocked. Not doing their hate and vitriol anymore
I just added a bunch to my list from this. Enjoy! :)
those who confront extremists head-on, not cowardly intellectuals hiding in safety, spewing empty rhetoric.
But it looks like no one the US has a real issue with it?!? All unicorns and kumbaya.
DT, JDV & Co are not yet in power and already started to bully and alienate our neighbors #Mexico and #Canada as well as our #European trade partners.
And they are friendly with #Russia/ #Putin.
Trump in helps his war in Ukraine.
or "created" other things..
he was born wealthy and bought his way up
Life depicting art, is so prophetic right here, right now. How sad.
Here’s done info on this
I don't get how MAGA defends the guy.
NK shipped his military to fight for Russia. I can name half a dozen nations that fit the bill.
It was a sexual assualt cas not sexual abuse. Sexual Abuse is the term used when the victim is a child. Sexual Assualt includes rape. Legally, he wasn't found guilty of rape. However, the victim claims he did which is damning in itself. Trump is a sexual predator
Everyone on this platform is clearly spreading misinformation and disinformation🤣
Judge calls it rape
The Jews and Germans in 1933 Berlin said the same exact thing.
Unless we learn from history we are doomed to repeat it
It’s the US attitude that has changed not Russia’s.
So now the US is obsequious to the oligarchs and hostile to the Chinese at the same time. The naïveté is stunning.
Orwell was right
War is peace and peace is war The propaganda has reached its peak
Sounds like you're happy for them to continue killing people with no gains
Say what you want about him, he is good at negotiating and getting deals done.
There were articles and radio phone-ins from people in entertainment, industry, retail, and hospitality warning how bad it would be, but they were all treated like Cassandra at Troy with their warnings ignored.
Other Hot Take: Communism wasn't that bad and "Better Dead Than Red" was projection. At least Communism gives something, Republicans sure don't.
Blue MAGA says what?
Putting my money on greed overwhelming all.
Racists are not Americans.
Why we let them vote is a mystery.
Thing is, even as bad as it gets, it’s been better than most other governments on the planet. Trying to change it by insurrection, should have resulted in hangings.
Remember to remain NON-VIOLENT.
Use your voice and your pen.
Teach the girls how to fight dirty. (YBMC)
Teach boys to respect/protect women.
Jack Bryan
“Active Measures” 2018