Marge Greene knows damn well what her buddy and ELECTED OFFICIAL Matt Gaetz has been up to, but she protected him while spending her time and our tax dollars showing dick pics of PRIVATE CITIZEN Hunter Biden.
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If she's supposed to be reading the Bible, the red letters are Jesus words, than her comprehension is really bad, because she ignores everything in it. I never saw anywhere that Republicans can terrorize people.
This picture is interesting. Usually you have bookmarks on the portion of a book that you already read not the portion you haven’t read. The portion has been read looks brand new and untouched. Okay… she faked it…
Give her a credit. She's probably the single biggest reason for Christianity in the US becoming the fastest declining religious group. She's the face of religious hypocrisy.
This...THING is a worthless piece of hypocritical trash.
She's not worth one red cent of her taxpayer salary. She's just a shit disturber through and through with exactly ZERO being offered to her constituents.
I love this picture of the hateful c¥nt posing under crosses taken in the house she shares with the guy she fornicated whilst married to her hubby and he his wife. Christian values right there!
Oh, she knew it’like you say she covered up for him protected him and then had the audacity to show a private citizens intimate pictures in front of cameras with no warning. To embarrass the sitting president and his son and other members of his family.
For someone with all those crosses on her wall and I am going to assume a bible in her hand, she sure doesn't follow Jesus's teachings. Keep reading Marge.
The drama queen sure loves to grandstand to embarrass people she disagrees with, while Matt Gaetz grandstands with fellow Representative about what a sex starved, drug addled little dick he is. These soulless men have daughters and fully support a drug addicted, rapist as president and for AG. Their god is a figment of their imagination and they lie about faith for POWER! STFU 🤫 I TOLD YOU SO …
When I saw the picture the 1st thing I did was to check out the book to see if she was looking at Hunter’s dick picks again. I didn’t even notice the crosses before I started reading the comments!
Gaetz trying to defend himself with depo statements made by one of the women 🤣. He probably should have redacted all but the one he thinks exonerates him. Cause her comments (not exact quotes) "yes .. got paid sometimes, other times no ..thought ..was hanging out with friends."
She had best take a look inward. At this point self reflection with a commitment to change is the only option for mtg otherwise her soul belongs to Satan.
All the crosses on her wall. What do they mean to her? Is she trying to ward off demons? She certainly doesn't behave like a Christian IMO. Anyone can hang decorations on a wall but have no meaning.
Why do they all concentrate on Revelations? I guess it falls in line with only talking about babies and not what creates them. Everything evangelicals are doing politically leads to the consequences in Revelations. Self fulfilling prophecy so they can high five Jesus who will be disgusted by them.
Oh-so-holy MT (Empty) Greene is such a compelling poster child for true believers- she's as holy as Mike Johnson, which is to say, she would sell Jesus to the devil for personal gain.
Maybe she keeps all those crosses around to repel vampires. I can’t think of any other uses she might have for them. Other than to display what a fucking hypocrite she is. You know she totally got off on looking at what Jeff Tiedrich calls Hunter Biden’s “ginormous trouser hog.”
Phony Lying Hypocritical Pro-Life White Nationalist that clsimed concern about the loss of family values and upset by the Man Act violation of Hunter Biden. My prayer is that God was listening to her lie through her teeth.
Doesnt the Bible say something something …. Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them and
something something…. don’t show off your piousness
Love the picture of trying to reform into a True Christian, Jesus was progressive it is great that you are at the end of the bible. You don't look like a speed reader but i'm glad that you are we need people like you in USA, strong females who stand up for the older generations. Welcome❤️🔥.
A more depravity ridden woman would be hard to find. Her hatred and HYPOCRISY for and towards others is her crutch to lean on as she goes through life bitterness becomes her.
Could you warn us next time before posting Unga-Bunga’s bloated bullshit? Christ, those arms are puke-inducing. Look at that organic mess. Not as bad at the ethics report, but damn close.
And the three-toed toad wants Hunter’s meat. Why else would she show it during the Oversight Committee hearing?
She's not worth one red cent of her taxpayer salary. She's just a shit disturber through and through with exactly ZERO being offered to her constituents.
I can't wait for her to be primaried.
MAGA must Lie, Cheat and Steal! Abortion. Guns. Equality. End Christian nationalism!Maga is the CONFEDERACY!!
That must violate some law. Or at least a public suit for some kind of revenge porn.
"I wish I could read."
And as nasty as hell.
Very good, congressperson greene.
And her little dog is called Spot
Can you say “spot” congressperson, greene?
“See Spot run.”
Seriously, who needs to be sitting under so many crosses?
something something…. don’t show off your piousness
And the three-toed toad wants Hunter’s meat. Why else would she show it during the Oversight Committee hearing?
- name three of Jesus's beatitudes
- which parable endorses public welfare & healthcare?
- which parable endorses taxation?
- which parable opposes the death penalty?