This video reminds me of republicans and what we have to do. Not religious but I do understand the power of directed energy of many. Compassion in chaos is BAD ASS
While it's true Nixon broke the law, at the end of the day the GOP did the right thing by making him resign to avoid the public scandal of an impeachment. The problem now is Trump doesn't care about 'scandal' as he simply denies it.
No, they didn't do "the right thing". The right thing would have been to not warn him he was about to be impeached. They did that to save their own skins so that Reagan could stand a chance in the next election.
We can debate motives until the cows come home. Any way you cut it theymade it clear he had to resign. Compared to how the current GQP handles things today I would gladly swap results.
Actually so is the Dems. I hate gop with passion but my god Dem leadership need to go and party needs to get run by militant liberals. I understand why DJT and GOP humiliates the Dems. They are like battered spouse asking more after each beat down.
If every gop rep and senator supported Trump, Trump would not be writing constant EOs. He would be making laws through Congress the normal way. Trump doesn’t get reelected, but they do. These things would not pass if they were voted on.
The problem is that it’s not a joke. Who’s going to do something about it? tRump just fucking threatened the takeover of Canada and has handed the Ukraine to Russia.
It's more than that. They're selling out our country. Just follow where they got their money. Hint: all overseas. They party is basically a foreign agent.
These are dark days for millions of Americans, but resist each day.
Not just for those that agree with you, but for all Americans.
Plan, communicate, act.
“Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant." - Robert Louis Stevenson
But what about the millions of NAR dumbfucks that not only realized, but have been praying and actively working for years, and who rapturously voted to bring about the end-of-days and its apocalyptic outcome
True. There are a lot of horrible people in our shithole country. I’ve never been so embarrassed to be an American. When will Americans abroad start getting
attacked because of all the shit Musk and his assistant Trump pull?
And the other 89 million that didn't bother to get up off their asses to vote. They KNEW he was shit, they didn't bother to get to know Kamala, the fact she was a woman and a black one was enough to send a traitor and terroist to run this country.Fuuuuuuuck
And now America is a goddamn joke to the world, what is that fucking diaper wearing, orange, mentally ill idiot going to do next? name New Mexico to New America for his shitforbrain serfs who worship him?
It’s actually not. They are serious. They are ushering in fascism, while Democrats stand idly by. I still can’t believe they did nothing for two whole months and four years to stop this!
They are legal terrorists. Sue crazy son of a bitches! Thats no way to fight, but they are chicken to fight the correct way. Gonna sue ya, gonna sue ya thats all they got cos they have the expendable money. Most of them reThygs should be in jail yet the judiciary cow tow to these motherfuckers,fuck!
I beg to differ. They have crushed the US. They meticulously planned, told Americans of their plans, demonstrated their contempt at every turn and were unbelievably allowed to run a man who should be in a brig since J6 take a 2nd run knowing how to remove all checks. They are brilliantly evil.
The electorate should have abolished long ago. There’s no need for it now and in two of the last presidential campaigns democrats won the popular vote ie; Hillary and Gore both got the most votes but lost. We’re the only country that does that. Republicans are against changing it for obvious reasons
We had a shocking number of people who registered to vote and then did not fucking vote. I cannot explain that, but it's clear that the majority of the 31.8% of US citizens who voted for that 🍊🍕💩 believed lies and didn't even do a tiny bit of research
Again. Even the obvious cheating speaks to their evil genius. They did exactly what they set out to do. What most of us were saying they would do. They nailed this coup on only their 2nd attempt after years of planning and tearing their way through all norms and customs that the left kept to.
Maybe I'm not so impressed because I've seen this type of blatant disregard for the rules before, and how well it worked for those who did it. Any opposition is going to have to get dirty to be successful.
They basically believed t-rump could magically turn inflation around and I’d bet there’s some bigotry in there even though they’d swear that’s not true. Winning the male minority vote proves one thing and it’s that they aren’t ready for a woman in the oval. I’ve known several to say this over time
I don’t think they believed it as much as it was propagandized to them. The right has institutionalized and perfected propaganda, aided by evil corps making zillions of $ stealing our data and corrupting the world. People who weren’t taught how to use the internet (esp FB demo) were co-opted first.
That started with Fox and GW Bush during his campaign that changed forever the way campaigns were done thanks to Carl Rove and his bright idea of playing to the Southern Baptist right and Fox willing to lie right out. First time I realized so many Americans were ignorant-stupid and guidable.
I read a comment from a religious person about trump taking over Gaza. “ what will that do about bringing on the end of times “. Yeah they want us to die because they think they get earth to themselves.
So President Musty can violate the Logan act by meeting with foreign leaders and nobody bats an eye. When the 💩🤡 did it while a private citizen again nobody enforced the law.
Let's not call it the Republican Party, they've moved so far to the Right, it's more like The UnDemocratic Party. Not one of them has stood up for the Rule of Law? They have all caved into lawlessness.
You’re right. That’s a big part of the reason for the trouble we’re in. But right now the senate and house need to use the courts and stop this craziness
Looks like someone is as pissed off as I am. These Traitors posing as Republicans are just that, Posers. They stole the Republican name. They knew many voters just vote party no matter who is running. They knew a much higher % of Republican voters pay less attention than Dem voters do.
I am thinking the Democratic party is not far behind…why are they not united shoulder to shoulder? Where are their fangs & take no prisoner attitudes?. Felonublicans should be fearful to play in the Democrats sandbox.
In my dotage….geriatric years…I am calling Senators & Represenatives, donating $$$’s, networking, neighborhood biweekly meetings, keyboard pundit, x@ least 8 years. I am glad you asked, though my guess is figuratively … you threw down the gauntlet…So, quid pro quo=what are you doing? Fair, right? 😉
I am probably your age. Local D committeeperson, knocked on 300 doors last cycle, phone banks, work at poll, contributor, attended many rallies and fund raisers, call corrupt Rs daily.
This was not meant as a challenge. I usually ask bc so many complain here and do nothing. Thanks for all you do.
Those white been have gotten just what they’ve plotted for since before Reagan! They managed to amass enough wealth and power to put Project 2025 into action. 😡
Next time they say they are conservative, fiscally conservative doing this for their kids and grandkids, etc., we have all this shit on tape. Their votes, words...the works. This is not sustainable. #magadowninflames
When you allow Chaos to be a leader Chaos is what you become ! What’s scary is their supporters are blind when it comes to this ! They have become Denial Enablers ?!!!
I wish people could recognize just how destructive they have been but they are too wrapped up in being anti-democrat, anti-liberal, anti-socialist, anti-women, anti-woke, anti-environment, anti-science, anti-government, anti-education, anti-childcare, anti-welfare, anti-anything-good-for-us, etc.
DJ Trump, a man who runs on Attention as fuel, commandeering headlines, bending reality, feeding a base starved for spectacle.
But Accountability? Ah, his Kryptonite. So he conjures offramps, scapegoats, distractions. A master illusionist in a shell game of chaos. Keep watching—he owns the table!
We must work to show people why most should be voted out at first chance. The Constitution gives them
the responsibility to Advise and Consent. Withholding consent is Congress’s only power to use against an out of control executive branch.
They have shown they cannot exercise their responsibilities
No...that implies they are somehow mislead...this is a coward's choice because they are too pussified by Trump to stand up to him and protect the Constitution they swore to protect.
The Republican party was always about power. They had plenty of money, but needed to cobble together disparate groups unhappy with modern life & government and then make them vote against their own economic interests. In other words, the GOP tapped the most cohesive group there is: stupid people.
Special election April 1st in FL, that can possibly give us a fighting chance to stop Orange Turd from totally destroying what's left of America if flipped
FL - 01 (Gay Valimont - D) Matt Gaetz old seat
FL - 06 (Josua Weil- D)
Please spread awareness, donate, or volunteer 💙
The republican party no longer exists. It's the Trumputin party of crime and disorder.
Pure maga.
Wait till ppl start dying abroad without aid. Gas hits 5 dollars here. They steal benefits and medicaid. etc.
And this bad joke is about to bite us all in the ass.
ethnically challanged and morally corrupt.
Not just for those that agree with you, but for all Americans.
Plan, communicate, act.
“Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant." - Robert Louis Stevenson
attacked because of all the shit Musk and his assistant Trump pull?
I'm sure that's only a matter of time. I, too, am embarrassed and disheartened with what we have become.
Fuck the Republican party!
The Republican party sucks,!
Trump 47 is the president president of my lifetime!
Who gives a fuck about the GOP!?
This shitshow is pretty far from funny.
They've been in bed together for decades,a marriage made in hell to fuck you, their children, every which way till Sunday.
Yeah, this relationship has been fucked from the beggining, in fact, the USA lost its morality on day 1 when the pilgrims arrived
They’re spineless and heartless.
This was not meant as a challenge. I usually ask bc so many complain here and do nothing. Thanks for all you do.
Now we got the biggest con and convict in America running the government.
And like the Joker in the Insane Assylum, he is recruiting his fellow inmates to run the government, the country, and Americans into the ground.
Grand Old Plutocracy
And we democrats are super smart!
Also we’re not an echo chamber like they are!
But Accountability? Ah, his Kryptonite. So he conjures offramps, scapegoats, distractions. A master illusionist in a shell game of chaos. Keep watching—he owns the table!
the responsibility to Advise and Consent. Withholding consent is Congress’s only power to use against an out of control executive branch.
They have shown they cannot exercise their responsibilities
And unfortunately they aren't joking.
The joke is on us.
FL - 01 (Gay Valimont - D) Matt Gaetz old seat
FL - 06 (Josua Weil- D)
Please spread awareness, donate, or volunteer 💙