Trump voters:
“We want cheaper goods!”
[They elect Trump. Prices go up]
The Trump administration:
“Americans never wanted cheaper goods.”
“We want cheaper goods!”
[They elect Trump. Prices go up]
The Trump administration:
“Americans never wanted cheaper goods.”
The fucking lot of them need to go.
from tariffs so Trump & buddies can get richer.
History (if we even make it to future) will universally point to tRump as the definitive embodiment of cult-of-personality.
It will now be patriotic to “take one for the fatherland.”
It was always about itself.
Revenge Tour and more grift for itself.
To show Trump how dissatisfied we’re with his policies, what he is doing to the USA and Ukraine!
He’s decimated our gov and denied arms, stopped intelligence and commercial satellites to Ukraine.
ALL for Putin and the so called King! #repost
If only our military leaders weren’t cowards & arrested the obvious traitors.
" The one with the RAPE/ 2 x IMPEACHED/ 34 x Felony Convictions on his 🍑?" 🎶
Trumpcession inflation: Awesome.
They are the same people that put trump's hero into power in 1934 Germany.
They are responsible for this, make them pay.
Fire them, deny all aid and comfort, they are the enemy.
Were there no trump they would simply find another, plenty are waiting in the wings.
“We’re going to fuck them six ways from Sunday, tell them we’re doing it, then blame it on Biden. They’ll go on Twitter and defend it, while Elon’s and my Cayman Islands bank accounts get bigger and bigger.”
You can't fix stupid.
We just didn’t know how to put it in words.
T*ump hates maga more than he hates us.
trump voters:
"We never said we wanted cheaper goods, it the media"
(and btw, I NEVER capitalize trump)
It is all he knows how to do.
And when Trump opens his mouth the asshole is talking
They are the same people that put trump's hero into power in 1934 Germany.
They are responsible for this, make them pay.
Fire them, deny all aid and comfort, they are the enemy.
Were there no trump they would simply find another, plenty are waiting in the wings.
Freedom from using services like Medicaid and Medicare that they paid for growing up.
Freedom from at least moderately funded public schools, postal services, and transportation.
Freedom from wondering about other people's genitals or menstrual cycles.
Freedom from safety!
Someone doesn’t understand economics.
Yeah, dipshits. The normalization is... wait for it... higher fucking prices.
60% of Americans were living "paycheck to paycheck" FOR THE LAST 2 YRS of #DementiaJoes tenure, yet YOU sleazy democrat propagandists told us that #Bidenomics was working. 😂
Trump is supposed to fix #DementiaJoes 4 YR SH*TSHOW in less than 2 MONTHS? 😂
So, "The American Dream" was sacrificed so that cheap sh*t from Mexico & China can be sold at Walmart & Costco.
According to Obama's TOP ECONOMIC ADVISORS (Summers, Rattner, Furman) - There is *NO DOUBT* that #DementiaJoes reckless spending caused the highest inflation since the inept Carter administration... 😉
"A former top Obama economist throws cold water on the Biden administration's favorite inflation argument: 'Corporate greed is a bad theory'"
"Obama advisor tears into Biden for his 'dishonest' claim that the highest inflation since 1982 has been caused by the supply chain and greedy corporations"
"Larry Summers slams Biden economic agenda as ‘increasingly dangerous’"
It sounds exhausting and stressful.
They’ll try to convince you they think so, but can’t name it. lol
So, they voted for a f-ing draft dodger who called them f-ing losers...
We hate black and brown people! And women! And also college! And Canada!
I got you, fam!
MAGAts: Cheer uncontrollably.
It was always about hatred.
Hatred of POC.
Hatred of women.
Hatred of LGBTQ.
Hatred of immigrants.
Hatred of ‘liberals’.
It was ALL about hate! ☹️
Trump voters: "We want cheaper goods!"
(they elect Trump. prices go up.)
Trump voters: "YAYY! We have cheaper goods! Thank you Emperor Trump! We like your new clothes, too!"