attacks on Tesla are the opening salvos of America’s 2nd CW. 🍊Felon47 calls it domestic terrorism. that’s what modern CW is, domestic violence in opposition to authoritarianism. contrary to it going away, i expect it to expand exponentially. just like N. Ireland’s *Troubles.*
Preachin' to the choir, sister. Sane America realizes the horror of Republican policies. I only fear the horror it will take to change a MAGAts mind...
"Conservatism today has but one proposition. To wit: that there be IN-GROUPS that the law protects but does not bind, and OUT-GROUPS that the law binds but does not protect" - Wilhoit's Law
I sieg heil them when I see people on the road. Tbh they use to be everywhere down where I live. I haven’t seen many on the road but when I do I give them a salute. Friends of mine won’t even drive theirs and having a hard time selling their 130,000$ swasticar.
You’ll love this musk playing with utensils and mom of 14th child rocking at dinner at Bedminster social cues or awareness..his ASD is off the charts
Please join Rabbi Rothschild’s World Peace Discord: Rabbi=Truman Show YouTube Live 24/7/365 3+ years. We dare you: type #ViralRabbi in any social media search. Data=Earth’s #1 resource. Rabbi=most data ever. Share to be a trillionaire! #RabbiRothschild
These Republicans would be fully prepared to serve their kids Jim Jones poisoned cool-aid if Trump told them to.
Like the idiots in Texas who's child died of measles because they're anti vaccine because of their lunatic cult. It is criminal
911: what's your emergency?
Caller: There is an active shooter at the school
911: We will get to you in due course your 120 in the queue
Caller: The kids are attacking his #Swasticar
911: Swat and all available units are on their way..
1/ I'm a black man. I know you've heard the jokes about white people being in a scary house and hear a voice saying "GET OUUUT!" Blacks would be out the door. Whites are like "Who's there" and start investigating, at the cost of multiple friends lives. OR being in the woods and coming face to face
2) with a wild animal, and say something "Hi Mr. Bear", when WE would be in retreat. It seems white people sometimes can't recognize URGENCY. The GOP are the "voices", the "wild animals", and we are here, in this chaos, BECAUSE OF A LACK OF URGENCY! This is ALL SO UNNECESSARY. Could've been stopped
The most frustrating part(they're ALL the most frustrating) is like your sports team. You can appreciate your team, going up against a powerhouse, with a disadvantage, and losing the game IF THEY LEAVE IT ON THE COURT/FIELD! IF THEY COMPETE!! We want to see a good game! So far it's been a blowout🤬
They didn't compete AND we don't have a star player on our team. So everyone has to pull together to play SMOTHERING DEFENSE! They didn't. They act like they're still in the off-season.
1)The REALLY frustrating part is what I've been saying since the 1st term. THEY NEVER FOUGHT LIKE THE FACTS CALLED FOR! They were PERFECTLY WILLING to let a guy who committed crimes against the country, culminating in an INSURRECTION, ride off into the sunset. THEN they let him be treated like he
2) was STILL POTUS! Allowing him to meet with world leaders, AT HIS HOME! CONDUCTING THE NATIONS BUSINESS THE WHOLE 4 YEARS HE WAS GONE! Could Orban come visit me "in the hood" if he wanted to? The ignorance, cowardice and complicity did more for WHITE SUPREMACY than the idiots did.
It is rich that the "Do-nothing" Congress, with SOME members who have never even introduced a bill, are firing Federal employees, for according to them, DOING NOTHING. It is EQUALLY rich that a FELON tells us everyday that he wants ALL criminals out of our country.
They don't care about kids or anybody but themselves. Not even their OWN kids or they wouldn't be teaching them this 💩. We don't want another generation of racist idiots.
Well said! But remember they don’t give any shits about kids past the point of birth. Matter of fact republicans seem to be the biggest in trafficking as well. They give 0 fucks about human kind.
They only care about power. Everything else is a distraction.
Republican members of Congress need to be made more afraid of their constituents than of Donald Trump. That is the only way we are going to get him out of the White House.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
T-rump calls protesters terrorists who protest in front of the Teslas showroom. But not the people who kill schoolchildren. This man is totally f in the head.
This slimy asshat is committing crime, yet again!
He knows these judges are our last line of defense, so he's using his power and money to rig another election. Please mobilize and spread awareness!
Wisconsin, let's vote and support Judge Crawford!
What amazes me more
than Trump's squalor,
is the complete implosion
of the once proud
Party of Lincoln.
An entire major party
AWOL or complicit
in the shrinking
of America.
Congress neutered.
Can't think of a single
GOP member that
to admire & respect.
Give me a name.
If only the lumpen understood that when a guy who does any of the shit Trump does is NOT the working class hero they believe he is, just because he hates all the same color of people you do..!
"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American people_-- H.L. Mencken
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of Trumpland and to the dictatorship for which it stands—one divided nation under Trump, indivisible, without liberty or justice for all. From this day forward, the land formerly known as the USA shall be Trumpland. Obey, or face my wrath!"
Agree, Chrissie, that FIATS are about the worst car anywhere, lol.
And while I agree with the ‘idea of Tesla’; a car company which moved the entire auto industry to towards ‘cleaner’ cars.
But, despite interesting design cues, they are still suffering build quality and quality control issues.
From the IQS Directory:
Tesla's Common Problems
Battery/Range Issues.
Suspension and Noise.
Software and Autopilot Glitches.
Interior and Exterior Quality Issues.
Performance and Handling Problems.
Climate Control and HVAC Issues.
Service and Repair Challenges.
Body and Paint Durability Concerns.
Please explain the battery range issues? All Bev does have these issues. It’s not a Tesla Problem. Suspension and Noise in older models or high-mileage vehicles. You should hear my Ice car!
We now live in a country where the executive extorts a state to force an apology from its governor for having the audacity to say, " we will follow the law". Pause and think about that for a moment.
Let's be clear. They care about nothing except what they are told to care about. These people have been programmed for decades and are paid for following orders. If you look at the collective republicans in Congress, the average IQ seems to be the same as the average temp in DC.
For those who don't believe this, just go back and look at the tweets and social media posts by Republicans after school shootings. You'll notice their first public response is almost always in defense of the murder weapon.
Republicans care about money. TeSSlas make Republicans money. Selling assault weapons to disaffected teenagers makes Republicans money. The key to stopping school shootings is to make it more profitable for them not to happen. Imo.
I am willing to bet that they will pass a law Called "Musket" to prevent people from protesting. Yet, our children, teachers, innocents are being killed by guns and all they off is thoughts and prayers!!! It's extremely obscene.
Republicans offer thoughts and prayers to protect children, but Musk is a demon on ketamine—even they know thoughts and prayers can’t protect his cars.
Perhaps if they were riddled with bullets from AR15's instead of being set on fire, the response would's too soon, let the owners/dealers mourn. Thoughts and prayers go out to them. There's nothing more we can do...mental illness is rampant.
My question is this if Trump’s opponents are being threatened with ASSASSINATION pulling their security clearances will make it easy, correct?! Donald Trump, the FBI and the current justice Dept. CANNOT be depended on to protect any opposition especially since he pardoned ALL THOSE CRIMINALS 🤔
MAGA becoming EV fans is the clearest indicator that they are a cult of people with no critical thinking skills, nor principles. They are sad, weak, blind, cowardly, followers.
They don't even care about protecting Telsa's. It's all a fucking show. I'm sure even these Republicans can't stand him but have to play along and bow down to KING A and KING B.
The Tesla death spiral is a beautiful thing. Musk's wealth is strongly tied to Tesla stock. Destroy the stock price of Tesla by refusing to buy those death traps and Musk eventually gets financially hammered when the margin calls hit.
If only they cared as much about a healthy economy and safety of its citizens, and then the benefits of it.
When someone makes it to an adult and hasn’t gotten past the ‘I want to own everything’ child stage (3-6), and believes it takes care of itself, it just…
well, look around.
Mine! Mine! Mine!
In the US many foreign born doctors staff rural hospitals and towns. Cutting Medicaid will decimate the financial support of those hospitals and all nursing homes ( 2/3 of nh pts are on Medicaid).
Loss of the hospital, those jobs and health services will kill many small towns.
Just because it can potentially be a baby doesn't mean it is a baby until it develops.
People don't go around saying their eating fried baby chickens..those don't come until after the baby chick fully develops. Before that it's just eggs and not a living being.
Says someone supporting the party married to the idea of killing the kids <6 years before before they even GET to go to school? You can shut TF up at any time...the sooner the better, you commie.
Do you have anything relevant to bring to the conversation? Its funny how you are obsessed with Trump, but know nothing about the progress of your own party....😂😂😂
Kids get their heads blown off in the classroom, “thoughts and prayers.” But to protect Tesla, you go to jail for 20 years in Trump Prison, El Salvador.
Only in America!
That is known as the 3.5% Solution.
And now Tesla has been added to the In-Group.
Your post are great JoJo!
School kids ... not so much.
Some executives and board members fear the billionaire’s use of drugs—including LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, mushrooms and ketamine—could harm his companies
Like the idiots in Texas who's child died of measles because they're anti vaccine because of their lunatic cult. It is criminal
Caller: There is an active shooter at the school
911: We will get to you in due course your 120 in the queue
Caller: The kids are attacking his #Swasticar
911: Swat and all available units are on their way..
Republican members of Congress need to be made more afraid of their constituents than of Donald Trump. That is the only way we are going to get him out of the White House.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
He knows these judges are our last line of defense, so he's using his power and money to rig another election. Please mobilize and spread awareness!
Wisconsin, let's vote and support Judge Crawford!
Cultists gonna cult.🤷♀️
Like the ‘family values’ of the multiple kids, by multiple wives ‘president’/rapist.
“ The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power.”
- George Orwell, 1984
than Trump's squalor,
is the complete implosion
of the once proud
Party of Lincoln.
An entire major party
AWOL or complicit
in the shrinking
of America.
Congress neutered.
Can't think of a single
GOP member that
to admire & respect.
Give me a name.
But they will cancel education to help children ?
Sorry hard pass
"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American people_-- H.L. Mencken
You lost a Tesla: "we'll come after you".
All you need to know.
Gotta admit, for an
Aston Martin, I wouldn’t lose a moment’s sleep for some kids; but for a Tesla???
Totally different frame of reference.
(‘Gestapo’ Musk, notwithstanding, lol..,
I’d rather pay double for a fkng FIAT…)
And while I agree with the ‘idea of Tesla’; a car company which moved the entire auto industry to towards ‘cleaner’ cars.
But, despite interesting design cues, they are still suffering build quality and quality control issues.
Tesla's Common Problems
Battery/Range Issues.
Suspension and Noise.
Software and Autopilot Glitches.
Interior and Exterior Quality Issues.
Performance and Handling Problems.
Climate Control and HVAC Issues.
Service and Repair Challenges.
Body and Paint Durability Concerns.
Protect the gun makers not the people
Protect car makers not the people
Protect the banks not the people
Protect the [industry here] not the people
Your turn now....
When kids are shot, it's thoughts and prayers.
When Teslas are defaced, it's 20 yrs in El Salvador.
BTW, Republican priorities suck!
They are f***ed up.
#TeslaTakedown #musk #SchoolShootings #GunSafety
Unless you have different bibles written by different authors.
If you give the christians power, you get the ones who are ruling over you now.
The Divided Christian Nazi States of America.
Just an idea…
In the words or Tucker Carlson 🤮, I’m just asking questions
The best way to hurt tesla’s stock price is to let unsold inventory and excessive cars for resale sit unsold and having to have their prices slashed.
Shooting up a school is ‘an unfortunate tragedy’.
Destroying private property is ‘an act of terrorism’.
Nothing more!
People are dying!
Fuck Musk: we have had enough.
When someone makes it to an adult and hasn’t gotten past the ‘I want to own everything’ child stage (3-6), and believes it takes care of itself, it just…
well, look around.
Mine! Mine! Mine!
Loss of the hospital, those jobs and health services will kill many small towns.
People don't go around saying their eating fried baby chickens..those don't come until after the baby chick fully develops. Before that it's just eggs and not a living being.
My view on abortion.
Every US Tesla owner has been outed by hackers - Trump is going to have his hands full protecting them
Of course not all owners are Maga, so it is a worrying development that they may not even be aware of
DOGEQUEST released an interactive map showing names, addresses, phone numbers & emails
Social media is filled with HATE, IG & X influencers should announce to women to cease online dating over fears of women's safety.