They've got measles. By definition, they aren't healthy.
I know that's not what he means, but even ignoring the direct mortality rate, measles opens the body up to whole boatload of secondary infections. Which I'm sure he will claim aren't measles deaths.
Just like all viruses and infections do. You die of something like sepsis or pneumonia with measles as the underlying cause. And they, including my grown son, said the million people in the U.S. didn't actually die of Covid. My son smoked a boatload of pot when he was young.
Literally the exact opposite. The USDA just cancelled a $1 billion program that helps schools and food banks buy from local farms. Rural areas (ostensibly where food is grown) often are huge food deserts.
Child nutrition in the US correlates with income & income is usually higher amongst people who are educated. This might sound crazy but what if measles outbreaks are higher amongst people who don’t believe in science & therefore don’t vaccinate?
Even if this were true, the response to this is "okay and?" because healthy or not, people should not be left to die, especially not of an illness that is easily preventable in ways that don't rely on individual health
especially when he even MENTIONS a SYSTEMIC issue like food deserts that causes a lot of long term harm to the people living in the area who have no way to change it. people who choose to eat unhealthy food are also valuable and worth saving, and so are people who don't have another choice.
He's a eugenecist. He thinks if you get sick and die, you deserve it. He won't protect your food supply. Food poisoning only kills the weak. He won't fund cancer research. If you get cancer, you deserve it for having inferior genes.
i wish i could get people to understand that you can draw a straight line from the current interest in pretending covid is over / mild / only a problem for "vulnerable" people to where we are right now with public health.
At one time the leading cause of profound intellectual disability in children was a woman becoming infected with Rubella while pregnant. Many babies died or had to be institutionalized their whole lives. It was heart breaking and now preventable.
Attacking the sick as guilty for their illnesses is pretty explicitly fascist - the focus of care shifts from treatment to moral penance - 'arbeit macht frei' reimagined as a healthcare motto.
Same moral hazard/eugenics bullshit as COVID. Elderly and children aren’t producers so they’re expendable. Elderly are nest eggs to drain. Children are avenues to market products to parents. That’s the entirety of their worth. No subsidized child or adult care. No concern when they’re vulnerable.
Yeah but it's rather easy for encephalitis to kill a relatively healthy person. Given that one possible outcome of measles is encephalitis, then, uh your point is fatally incorrect. Oh and there are other outcomes from a measles infection. Such as SSPE.
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a very rare, but fatal disease of the central nervous system. It results from a measles virus infection acquired earlier in life. - CDC
So getting that harmless infection early on may not be so harmless as you imagine.
Imagine waking every morning determined to conjure up any excuse you can muster, based on zero qualifications, to justify the 100% preventable deaths of children No effort to fact-check this? Seems like it would have been pretty easy to get an... I don't know... actual expert on measles, or even infectious disease to weigh in?
Yes! And I'd say that increases his likelihood of dying from measles... except for the fact that he and his whole family are vaccinated. Fkn hypocrite.
“The dead child should have ate an apple and got some exercise outside. Also we’ve deleted the fund to give children apples and outside is a polluted hellscape full of diseases”
Yeah, I don't understand how "this child died because of malnutrition due to an entire region of their state being a food desert" is supposed to be a thing we all accept.
This is basically, “Well the torment nexus we devised only kills children if their parents don’t have the means to barter with the Robot of Economic Slavery which we also devised.”
only if by "nutritious food" you mean some weird-ass diet based on an obscure passage in the old testament on the diet of ancient jewish folk while they were starving in the desert
If anyone alive deserves a rapidly progressing, terminal cancer spurred on by rampant growth hormone and drug abuse, it's RFK Jr. May the cosmos crush his entire existence with great haste.
RFK Jr. made this response to unverified treatments that have frustrated some doctors in Gaines County.
Mumbles under breath Grrrmph... Mmph mmph... Trails off into a jumbled mess of sounds... Blargle wargle Mmmph, flibberdigibbet... Grumbles, growls, and mutters a string of unintelligible words
Bobby's favorite "natural" supplements are the tried and true, stanozolol, clostebol and dianabol--will guarantee that your infant will be an Olympic-level athlete!!
Well, I am just an old hillbilly, but I remember when the even older hillbillies used to say that when a baby cried, they were exercising their lungs. Hope that helps!
Because he's the Secretary of the ENTIRE department of Health and Human Services and is responsible for public health. I wish he were just some Twitter troll who we could block and ignore.
Yes, and along the same lines he seems to believe that nobody would have any diseases if they just ate perfect diets and took up jogging. It's a way to blame people for getting/being sick.
Well when we elect dumb pieces of shit to our highest levels of government and they put crack pot dumber pieces of shit in charge of important departments, here's the world we live in!
Whoo, this is like when the neurologist to whom I was referred suggested to me that healthy bodies don’t get cancer even though after all that fucking treatment I went through I didn’t have it either. I was like, I am here about my optic nerves?
Are NYT employees told that if they use the word "lie" when anyone in the Trump admin lies--they will be immediately fired?
In this piece there are the phrases "without offering proof", "contrary to existing research", "strayed far from mainstream science" (having said that, well reported story)
I agree 100%!! Or do they, as journalists, just want to use more or bigger words. But then again, maybe that's why all the stupid people voted for this, they didn't understand what the writer meant.
Mddc. O ministro da saúde dos EUA, RFK Jr., culpa a dieta pela morte de uma criança causada por Sarampo. Essa gente é tudo doente. Onde encontram tanta gente ruim ?
They believe in Darwinism to the extreme. IE: Survival of the fittest. Trump possits whether disabled Americans should just die, referencing his nephew. They don't see value in cancer patients etc. living.
Good luck with that lottery. It is a lottery on whose cells mutate.
I lived through the early 1960s measles epidemic. I was 5 , my brother was 4 and had measles encephalitis/ pneumonia , and the MD making the house call drove him to the pediatric hospital, himself. My mother panicked when he wouldn’t wake up. He lived , but he is a little different.
My oldest brother had measles around 1957. He was a well fed 14 yr old high school freshman from a privileged town who was a top baseball player. He also got encephalitis and it was a very, very close call. Mom always said he wasn't quite the same afterwards. I don't know. I was 5 or 6.
So Roadkill Kennedy "thinks" the child may have been malnourished. Has he checked the child's skin turgor? BMI? Weight and growth curve? I'm so sick of every jackass in the country trying to practice medicine without a license!!
Before I was born and before vaccines, two men in my family died of measles . I do not understand how children can attend school when they are not vaxxed?
Don’t parents realize their child can die if?
too many people, when their kids die of measles, rush to blame things like "measles" and don't ask important questions like "how much could those kids bench"
The Prosperity Gospel is just the divine hierarchy: kings and queens just below God and his angels, priests below royalty, nobles below priests, on down. So if God decides you should be born poor, you are not question God. And everyone above you in the hierarchy kicks you every time you try to rise
That's part of it but kind of in inverse in that God would stop you from being prosperous if you were a bad Christian. So if you have lots of money or power, it means you are good.
It's basically how religion justifies oligarchy. "Well if I was bad God would have stopped me".
The big difference is that it provides the illusion of social mobility- You'll become rich/prosperous if you just plant your seed faith deeply enough. And if it doesn't manifest, you've done something wrong. Therefore, the hierarchy is actively, divinely shaped.
God: Never the source of your failures even though He planned all this from the very beginning and nothing happens outside His plan, because everything always happens according His plan, but it's still your fault because you didn't pray and believe hard enough for Him to change his mind and plan...
Has nothing to do with gospel. Jesus addressed the rich young ruler "I say, it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Prosperity Gospel=Great Lie.
Oh agreed but there is bullshit about some narrow gate being called "the needle" and so it isn't that bad really and yadda yadda yadda. They will always have a justification. A lot of them don't hardly read the Bible anyway.
That's what he said when his constituents were complaining about TX reopening schools, government buildings, hospitals, etc without a mask mandate in the fall of 2020 when covid19 was mutating & we had no vax. He should have volunteered to work in those areas 1st, instead of getting the vax 1st.
To state the obvious, a measles vaccine would eliminate all of those variables. Also, most elementary school children don't have a fitness routine. I'm no scientist, but I'm gonna have to throw the usual bullfunky flag on RFK Jr. More time studying, less time drugging.
I know that's not what he means, but even ignoring the direct mortality rate, measles opens the body up to whole boatload of secondary infections. Which I'm sure he will claim aren't measles deaths.
"Oh good heavens no."
Secretary of Health and Human Sacrifices
Sound familiar?
Which is a terrifying thought.
Insane person who has never actually looked at the sky says the sky is plaid.
We here at the NYT don’t see our job to include looking out the window, so who are we to say who is right?
So getting that harmless infection early on may not be so harmless as you imagine.
Richard Roe, 1911
Now we can add the kids deaths in the list ..
Trump and his government are setting the grounds of eugenics ..
They also have high rates of opting out of vaccinations
That man is such a tool.
Mumbles under breath Grrrmph... Mmph mmph... Trails off into a jumbled mess of sounds... Blargle wargle Mmmph, flibberdigibbet... Grumbles, growls, and mutters a string of unintelligible words
As if Bill Maher had become spox for the HHR dpt.
So the reason for gov’t not initiating protocols to isolate the infections and stop spread is because…they had it coming?
He's a monster.
In this piece there are the phrases "without offering proof", "contrary to existing research", "strayed far from mainstream science" (having said that, well reported story)
Actually, I blame that damned brain worm for not being stronger.
Good luck with that lottery. It is a lottery on whose cells mutate.
Doesn't even propose addressing it with public policy
No one could have predicted this.
It’s atrocious to blame victims of an infectious disease especially when you are responsible for that disease’s reemergence.
Don’t parents realize their child can die if?
Even if you accept his thesis (I don't..), good nutrition and regular exercise have become luxury goods in this country.
I remember the whole "Why should we wear masks to save a bunch of old people when they're gonna die anyway" line
So cruel.
It's basically how religion justifies oligarchy. "Well if I was bad God would have stopped me".
Absolutely insane!!