This is real, lol
I bought myself a steamdeck and I couldn't be happier. That thing is literally what I wanted a handheld to be... except for the size... that thing is HUGE 😄
I miss true hand-helds that could fit in a pocket, but I guess it's either the enormous size or the lack of games I can play🤷♂️
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I copy pasted this post from my twitter I didn’t even realize there was a spelling mistake because I usually say “I would of done this” out loud as in “would’ve”. I think I might have used text to speech or something.
As a former JW I love buying my inner kid the things I never got as a child. Traumatic instance that still haunts me is of my mom finding my Pokemon card collection and made me cut up each one 😭😭😭
i had to have a talk with my friend irl at a con when he took the last of a funko pop at a stand when a kid who actually wanted it as a toy was behind us
My family was too broke to even buy a single pokemon booster pack when i was 10 so i would just wishingly look at pictures of rare pokemon cards on the internet/guidebooks. Many years later i now have many of them.
I played back then and there are so many cards I want to have copies of now. I should buy like, meganium ex, delta flygon ex, delta dragonfly ex. Fond memories
I bought myself a steamdeck and I couldn't be happier. That thing is literally what I wanted a handheld to be... except for the size... that thing is HUGE 😄
I miss true hand-helds that could fit in a pocket, but I guess it's either the enormous size or the lack of games I can play🤷♂️
Same for could've and should've
What's up with that?
same with there/ their or your/ you're
We just need to formalize "woulda" as normal English. But *never* "would of."
And buying my kid those crazy ass toys he wants!
It's a contraction of "would" and "have". Would've. "Would of" literally makes no sense.