there's a reason that even right now we're discussing the Cheneys instead of, say, Kamala Harris's amazing plan to expand Medicare to cover home health. And the reason is because the Harris campaign has chosen to center Liz Cheney in their outreach strategy, rather than expanding Medicare
Politics is so fucking insane right now that I can totally envision myself in 2027 saying “wow! Look at MTG campaigning for Mayor Pete! Never thought I’d see the day…”
we have differing views on the campaign, and that's fine, but this in particular strikes me as implausible. sure, he put out a statement, but i seriously doubt that this was wholly a surprise to the Harris camp. surely they were in communication, even if via surrogates.
I'd assume there'd be communication along the lines of a heads up at least, yeah? Like, just to make sure that Harris wouldn't respond, "That's nice, Dick, but I'm still not going hunting with you," or "This campaign disavows endorsements from war criminals" or something.
it's not that. i just find it hard to believe that endorsements like these come out without some kind of back channeling happening first, regardless of party. if there's a powerful person involved, there's back channel communications we aren't privy to. maybe that means i'm a cynic, idk.
And even with Liz Cheney, Harris did like three events with her about how dangerous Trump is. People talk like the whole campaign is Harris fanning Cheney with a palm frond
Right. And from what I see, there haven’t been concessions to the R’s. It’s just about letting them know you can be a conservative and still do the right thing despite deep policy disagreements.
It's not like that in the Twin Cities Minnesota. Estimating the mood of the country requires more data points than "where I live." I share your fear, but I also try to be objective, otherwise I'd be paralyzed.
It is very frustrating in general that people act like Republicans endorsing Harris is some sort of sign that Harris is terrible. Especially since people are free to endorse whom ever they want regardless of what the campaign thinks.
Not downplaying Dick Cheney's status as a real historical monster re: Iraq but he has also acted, in this election, more like a real human being than most MAGA faithful. He saw his daughter get attacked by Trump, and he was like "Fuck that guy."
I woke up and there were Cheneys on my lawn
🎵Take the Cheneys bowling, take them bowling🎵
“Yes, you should should totally shove venomous snakes in your mouth”
Snklover69: “Right ON! I’m shoving a cobra in my child’s mouth right now! Builds immunity”1️⃣
Or barring that some tragic accident where he gets electrocuted while taking a piss…. For democracy of course
Compare to Ted Cruz, say.