you should read david’s thread for a thorough dismantling of this article. i will only add that it is very disappointing, although not altogether surprising, to see some progressives treat trump’s war on DEI as a legitimate policy difference and not as an explicit effort to resegregate the workforce
Reposted from
David Austin Walsh
Look, I'm hardly one to defend DEI, but this is an incredibly poorly-reasoned article that bases its prescriptive argument on *incredibly* flimsy grounds.
Self reflection can be useful, but there's a time and a place for it.
It's not now.
He told you why he is demonizing DEI; there is no secret about it
He is swapping out old epithets for new ones
the GOP has shifted the Overton window to overlooking Nuremberg 1938.
if you are against DEI you are a racist misogynist bigot. repeat endlessly. DEI lifts EVERYONE.
the Diversity is there, you can't unring that bell.
Equity and Inclusion maximize productivity.
Like you’re telling me not to worry about the trees they’re cutting down bc we have to focus on protecting the forest.
We've seen this play out in history. Regimes like this... people suffer. people die.
Some day centrist liberals will get clue, But apparently not today
Trans, gays, blacks, immigrants, the poor, the sick, the hungry, school children hiding from gunmen,...
We stick together or die alone.
MAGA may try to start trouble to invoke an LE action.
It is VITAL that our protests remain peaceful. We can’t be goaded into being deterred from the goal- to be heard, to unite in force, to show that we will fight!
Seems like I was correct in thinking they were just publishing drivel now
Let us know if you know of any other organizations we can support 💙💙💙
Fight firehose with firehose and flood the zone with EVERYMOTHERFUCKINGTHING that matters to us.
And I intend to ramp it up.
Their strategy fails as disinformation cause majority to temporarily believe something vile.
It also fails because voters turned off b/c they stand for nothing
also owns a company that makes "brain chips". (Maybe he put one in T rump which made him so Docile in the Oval.)
There’s a local political struggle in my area that’s just standard power jockeying, but I know someone claiming it’s about “DEI” and “cancel culture.” 🤦♂️
It is Mathematics!
Maybe a good subhed here would be "some articles aren't worth defending."
Post 9/11 comes to mind as the most obvious, but it's far from unique in that respect
So if you hire a non-white-man, why? Why not "default"?
.....They have found their God....
They're still to blame morally, of course.
Just broken, sad people
But of course, they believe, with total faith, that any non-straight-white-Xtian-male is a priori unqualified and that's the motive and purpose of their plan.
The utterly useless mediocrities and failures Trump appoints proves that beyond doubt.
Donald, Eric, ivanka.
Did I miss something?
Eat the rich, but not just the rich. We have to oppose reactionaries no matter what tax bracket they're in.
Not gonna win by tossing diversity under the bus, guys!
"What is important now is to lie to win my argument that a black man may have gotten a job that a white person was also qualified to get."
I read it for the sake of seeing his point, but I'm not intererested in his other ideas.
Dems: “Yes, some of the inventory is out-of-date and should be retired. Can we agree that this pattern is selling well and should be retained?”
then who tf is in charge of vox, jacobin, and the quincy institute?
well, whoever they are, theyre the ones who get to publish their bull, not ur alleged "good scotsmen" lefties
Let's have a conversation vs. Broadside bombardment.
CRT, DEI - all just euphemisms for how much America STILL glorifies & reveres its slavery past.
Actively & intentionally blocking & demonizing the structures that help level the playing field is outright bigotry
I will never forget how dem leadership let us down. How Pelosi & Schumer blocked more capaple voices from taking over, and then essentially abandoned us.
I blamed misguided and aging leaders at first--now I suspect complicity.
Mind boggling since we know that diversity and inclusion is good business!
West Virginia is Example 1 of how policies don't work when there's no skilled personnel.
And when they object that you're changing the subject, force them to explain the difference.