i feel like this is evidence for my view that people experience trump through a strong form of ironic detachment. they literally do not perceive him as real.
Reposted from
Daniel Drezner
There’s gonna be so many variations on this theme over the next three years and eleven months. www.wsj.com/politics/pol...
I'm autistic and for my entire life I've been told I have no empathy. Yet I understand protecting others far better than the allegedly "normal" people seem to.
Us: We feel alienated from most people and groups so why would you be inconsistent in your approach to the problem of socializing and “fitting in.”
Unfortunately for them and all the rest of us, they're going to find out rather soon.
Some people just don't engage until it affects them personally.
Religion poisons everything.
When people talk like snake-oil salesmen, the most likely explanation is that they are, in fact, snake-oil salesmen.
You go, hang out with some like-minded peeps, and have yourself a grand old time.
Things only ever seem to get weird after you've long left the party, awake with a massive hangover, not sure how you got home, and you may have signed some stuff.
But that party, tho.
You go again.
Bet she wouldn't say that if she thought her and her partners' jobs were safe.
She'd most likely say, "awww, he doesn't mean it". Typical American, only waking up when their fortunes may change.
And so far our collective response is mostly to keep mowing our lawns.
It’s incomprehensible to me.
They’re not grounded in reality therefore are unable to comprehend or trust what their instincts are telling them.
And that is a dangerous place to live life.
You can put the facts in front of people but you cannot make them think.
The same people that ignored the warnings about Trump ignored the warnings about SS and COVID.
Stupidity, really. He had his immorality on display for all to see. If a person cannot detect basic goodness from evil, they will suffer.
Unfortunately, they caused the suffering we are experiencing.
Why is context so hard for them?
Like that
It’s always in the margins we gain and lose anyway; we don’t always make best use of our gains and so…..
Like sisyphus
No. This is forever if there is not mass action to stop it.
Silence IS Complicity.
Cooperation IS Collaboration.
Keep notes. (Madame Defarge style)
Vive la Résistance!
"it's gotta be a bit. nobody's _That_ bad"
now we have super-nazis.
FYI Maga ..Social Security is a "socialist" program and Maga loves THIS SOCIALIST PROGRAM
Unfortunately she took all of us down with her
Kinda like 2017 to 2021 and now, without dangerously high stakes. With none at all, in fact.
They have to learn their goddamn lesson.
I have SO much MAGA family down in US (Canada resident US expat here) who have been lifelong GOP & really ARE good people... BUT they've lived their lives as GOP, listening to GOP talking points & failed to see the shift, started w Nixon, then Gingrich, on to... 1/x
Rush Limbaugh, then Tea party/Faux News & now MAGA/OAN/Etc.
Current FOTUS base have been the proverbial frogs in a pot, unaware of the slowly rising water temps around them & fully scammed by fear-mongering, rage-baiting, partisan spew both for GOP & against ANY non-MAGA (Newt's RINO's...)
But I have also seen family wake up to what IS happening &, when good people realize what they have been sold/how they have been scammed, it is NOT easy or pretty.
Hold space for those around you & know that MOST of them (not all, ask Germany) will wake up from this toxic coma.
They'll need your kindness & welcome. It will NOT be the time to say "I told you so" (trustme, I KNOW how badly you WANT to say it but DO NOT!)
They will become FOTUS's worst nightmares.
My 94 y.o. Mom is there right now. It is both a HUGE relief & great sadness that she now sees ...
BOTH what they have become AND what they had convinced her to be/do.
She now is, with her sisters & nieces/nephews, where I was 4... 8... years ago with her too, & all of them. It deeply hurts her to talk to them & hear how they refuse to see & hear what is obvious to any body looking/listening
It was SO faith-restoring to hear her reject all that GOP has become both federally & in OH. I can breathe again. But extended fam...
They've unfriended & name call & now Mom has to see that too. Easier for me to accept their choice to distance than it is for her. Her baby sister...
Kids bully each other, but when they do it face to face, they see the pain they cause and hopefully learn to stop. Phones cut off the consequences of your cruelty.
Then they started to experience the reality of it and realised it was never about them or what they imagined they wanted.
~Gibby Haynes
People treat him as a TV character because that's what he has been.
But doesn't it seem like a lot of people just view everything as entertainment now? The government is supposed to be boring and steady, but doesn't seem like a lot of voters are looking for that anymore.
It is lazy thinking and stems from these people never having real consequences for their actions in their entire lives, and a general lack of empathy for others because of that fact.
Can’t get much plainer than that.
And then they discover that their electeds' team is big businesses and very rich people
I pointed out it was unregulated; he voted for anti-regulation pols for decades.
He said, a little hurt, something along the lines of "I thought they'd only oppose regulations that don't make sense".
It's a complete abdication of responsibility.
Thinking you were the single unseen force?
Thinking the force was focused exclusively on you?
Thinking you could negotiate with it?
Thanks for asking.
"I voted for him, and he's the one who's doing this," she said of Mr. Trump. "I thought he was going to do good things. He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting." https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/trump-voter-hes-not-hurting-the-people-he-needs-be-hurting-msna1181316
Last one I can think of getting similar treatment was Reagan who was, likewise, an actor.
Then this happens. And hopefully it wakes them up and seismically shifts attitudes.