"dei medal" you might as well just put "n*gger medal" because that's what they mean to say
Reposted from
Brandon Friedman
This is blood-boiling. Charles Rogers was awarded the Medal of Honor in Vietnam after being wounded three times leading the defense of a position.
Google his name and the entry below comes up. When you click, you'll see the page has been deleted and the URL changed to include "DEI medal."
Google his name and the entry below comes up. When you click, you'll see the page has been deleted and the URL changed to include "DEI medal."
I hate all of this. I want to see more people out in the streets protesting.
Where is our recourse?
Did they give a reason?
To be fair, Stalin and Hitler and Mussolini did the same thing...
The message that they are sending is very clear.
This has absolutely nothing to do with “DEI” and EVERYTHING to do with once again codifying that Black (in particular) is INHERENTLY inferior & that “merit”=white.
The message that they are sending is very clear.
This has absolutely nothing to do with “DEI” and EVERYTHING to do with once again codifying that Black (in particular) is INHERENTLY inferior & that “merit”=white.
Full stop.
One of my Dad's old managers flew B-52s and was in the reserve as a tanker pilot. (He disappeared for a couple of days in April 1986!)
I asked him once why he never became an airline pilot. Forgot the exact answer, but sentiment was "you know why."
Oh did I mention he was black?
movements should merge!
One day we'll erase Trump from history.
I’m not even being an “internet tough guy”. The kind of hate I have for right wingers will nullify all the white privilege I have.
just not in front of us
The lack of effort of white male will not be compensated by labeling every accomplished Black or Brown as "DEI". Only to imply favor. This proves the need of laws to ensure Access! FFS
I'd not be surprised if they did not make it back safely....then he would've have to acknowledge her!
I always knew there was the potential for this especially given our history, but really thought that generally we were progressing, however painfully frustratingly slow.
These hero’s will always be bigger and better then the puny dod sec pete hegseth.
He has never been or done anything of honor. Nazi weasel.
#Heritagefoundation #News #media #march #NowDC #14thNOW #50501Movement #3E #TeslaTAKEDOWN #VerifyTheVote #DigitalResisitance
Please someone who knows how
You're so ON POINT, about the ENTIRE history of this country, that the nail saw your hammer coming and RETREATED into the wood on its own!
completely complacent.
The same way it's a dogwhistle for "f****t," and eventually, will be a dogwhistle for "female," "woman," or "assigned female at birth."
They don't have the fucking balls to say what they mean, so they need to hide behind language use.
Plausible deniability is the same of their game, because fundamentally, people who speak in dogwhistles are cowards.
WE THE PEOPLE are strong, WE have changed so many things for the greater good of OUR COUNTRY. WE WILL DO IT AGAIN. STAND PROUD, SPEAK LOUDLY!!!!!☺️💪
they're still waiting for the baby killing, poor killing, "Coloreds" killing, and "undesirables" killing bills to go through, they've only so much time to rape us 😳
And…..a year from now this will sound kinda standard. Dull even.
Erasing history
It’s up to us to keep our history alive!
Trump and his white supremest people will no longer help us! They will hurt us!
It’s just a matter of time before the Dear Leader says it out loud, then they’ll feel comfortable using it.
We're seeing history being rewritten in a scarily literal way.
I'm done with them.
What has happened these last few weeks must also must be taught in the future.
No matter how dark a chapter, America should not forget this period of executive governmental insanity.
Now, let the sun come out.
I'm documenting everything. we will remember this regime.
History is in full force
Because if I don't make my jokey jokes I will just cry forever
He was a Jewish doctor imprisoned at Auschwitz Birkenau, and was strong and noble enough to view his captors with compassion - even while he was being tortured - because he realized that they believed that they had no choice, and were therefore even less free than he was.
I am thankful every day that I was raised by parents, grandparents, and older sisters who all valued dark humor in the bleakest of times.
Viktor Frankl noted, in "Man's Search for Meaning," that he knew when someone had lost their will to live by when they lost their ability to laugh
This is absolutely the work of some seriously psychotic minds.
Can they go more NAZI than this???😡
This is intolerable!
When will people say Trump has gone too far?
When he orders soldiers to shoot Americans who stand against him?
If citizens topple him, it would be the step 1 to making the constitution matter again
Hegseth, a raging alcoholic, has turned the US military into a clown show.
To the family of this brave soldier, we are in awe of your loved one. We thank you for his service and your sacrifice.
Hegseth should award himself the DUI Medal.
Senators Schiff and Padilla please make this right and give this Medal of Honor recipient the recognition he deserves
That interview is important.
I dare them to say it to me because at this point I’d probably punch them in the face and I am not violent but I am fed up
As a person in recovery with years of sobriety, I can tell you it's very easy to stop drinking. It's the staying stopped that's harder.
Shame on them
It will be renamed ELON-TRUMP-NAZIS era.
We are living in a dictatorship, but only the state of emergency hasn't been declared yet.
Congress is useless and/or complicit. The WH does not recognize the power of the courts as legitimate.
It starts with small crimes, but the crimes grow is scope & severity, ultimately leading to the gates of the death camps for the "undesireables".
Don't think it cannot happen!