every person involved in this needs to be in prison
Reposted from
Jenny Cohn
“One young man sobbed when a guard pushed him to the floor. He said, ‘I’m not a gang member. I’m gay. I’m a barber.’ I believed him. *** He “began to whimper,” as his head was roughly shaved, “folding his hands in prayer as his hair fell.” He “asked for his mother & cried as he was slapped again.”
I'm beginning to think the United States, at its core, is a criminal enterprise.
That's a great look, America.
I've said since 2017 - as early as the Muslim Ban weekend, that we would need an #AmericanNuremberg
Even MORE so NOW!!!!
See that orange thing in the distance? I can spot that BS from 2700 miles away. I think you need to sharpen/update your skills.
El Salvador put on seemingly clean clothes, but the dirt that caused the gangs to emerge remains inside; it doesn't disappear by hiding it, and it will come out somehow.
Sums up Bukele.
Beware of populists saying all the right things; they often have ulterior motives and agendas.
And I'm trusting those will happen.
Every country needs to be under intense scrutiny after this to ensure no politicians, military, etc. try that stunt again
Remember when Americans were against it?
Sometimes it seems like we're going backwards, but it's only to plant our foot firmly behind us and leap forward.
Let's fight strong and with confidence.
They expect terror, defeat due to the inability to process, but not confidence. Bernie is an example.
I'm not saying this so we can wait for karma to act without fighting, because we can be the hand that applies karma.
So why mention karma? Because it's an energy that can fight alongside us.
They had nothing under right wing government. Not a thing. Chavez increased life spans, health and education in Venezuela.
The elites in Venezuela didn't like that.
Steve Bannon says it doesn't matter if innocent people get caught up in this.... it's too bad, he says. He has no sympathy for those who are innocent of committing a crime
then they come for the political people .. labeling them enemies of the state
while they break every rule in the book themselves :(
Thing is, I remember that back in October or November (will have to do some research), there were a bunch of GOP who went to Venezuela for some reason that I had never found out. It's very speculative but I do wonder what that was all about. Just makes me wonder.
WHY did he NEED to tell them that he was gay? That is unless he was made up and such.
I’m only ASKING THE QUESTION. Because for myself, I just wouldn’t have said anything about that.
Did either of you read the Time article in Jamelle's post?
I'm unclear as to why Jamelle's anger at the lack of due process for these migrants would cause anyone to question his credibility.
The prisoners were shackled at wrists and feet.
Their heads were shaved.
They were slapped repeatedly in the intake process. When the one man started to cry, he was slapped again.
*Fixed it for ya*
Is prison about punishment or reform?
We need to humanize the entire correctional system before we subject other parts of our community to it.
All 3 branches of the Fed have failed their oaths to the Constitution, nullifying its authority to govern.
May it all come back on them.
Mark Milley made military's allegiance very clear.
Remember Nuremberg.
They were kidnapped and imprisoned in a labor camp.
It's disgusting.
Now if you're suggesting an El Salvador prison, I got your back.
Fuck me, incredible story. And now, the orange stain is threatening protesters with this place.
The fear is the point. The cruelty is the point.
There will be a day when those responsible will face justice. I just hope I live to see it.
You guys seriously telling me that these people would have been exported as slaves to a concentration camp if the federal government was shut down? Because that’s fucking bullshit, do your fucking jobs.
It will have to be taken back by force.
DT's Brown Shirts.
- coche negro de la guardia civil
By Robert Burns
But it is.
War crimes
The collaborators are almost worse than the perpetrators.
I just could not take Kari Lake winning.
I was horrified and in tears.
No federal agent should be operating without state oversight. We know federal agents have been breaking our laws.
Let your state legislators and governors know this cannot and will not be tolerated.
“I was just following orders” will not work as an excuse.