(1/X) Terrible jobs report, stock market is way down, and predictions of negative GDP as a Trump threatens tariffs.
Hate to keep going here but what if it happened under a Democratic president, say one that was seen as hostile to business like say...Bernie Sanders.
Hate to keep going here but what if it happened under a Democratic president, say one that was seen as hostile to business like say...Bernie Sanders.
Biden's stances on these issues were not noticed on the left.
I say this as someone who has not voted for Bernie in the primaries (I'd be happy to in the general), but....
Yet (if that Times article is accurate), many or most higher-ups on Wall Street and big business continue to...
It's a very strange dynamic.
You're basically saying you're surprised they're not class traitors.
One, the tax cuts are personally beneficial and are valued more than what impacts a business (they aren’t loving the chaos though)
Two, in a bad market, cash is king and these guys are flush. As they say, when there’s blood in the streets, buy real estate.
If it were Bernie: sOcIaLiSm BaD
long as their relative percentage is larger, they are happy.
In a few days, when 45 rolls back the tariffs,the stock market will bounce back, and these assholes would have gotten richer.
As long as the rest of us don't eat them.
2. You should have voted for Bernie in the primaries.
But that isn't what the media and GOP spoke about. They spoke about nonsense and that the sky was falling, even though literally nothing of note happened for the most part.