I have never had occasion to summer in El Salvidor, but my love for the Salvidor Dali paintings in my collection lead me to support the surrealistic nature of deporting disobedient Americans into the Bosch scene of After-Earthly Delights.
We must shut down the country on 3/22-23 for 48 hours, and again on 3/25-27 for 72 hours. Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early. We must work stop our airlines, trucking, transportation and retail and industrial manufacturing.
hopefully next is the stage when tens if not an whole hundred million people lynch the ones who declared that those who protests against an falling car company are sent to an mega prison in el salvador
There are way too many times when I have to point out that my being a Shadowrun fan does not mean I actually want to *live* in Shadowrun, especially if we don't even at least get cool magic stuff as a consolation prize.
They might not have protested anything. Evidently MAGA America doesn't to bother with due process.
We're utilizing abduction & trafficking to foreign prisons to deal with suspects now.
I'm going to assume that's sarcasm. (bsky needs a sarcasm font).
In my experience, "many people", (depending on who they are-which makes ALL of the difference), can have their heads shoved firmly up their a$$es.
Curious about the plight of people extradited to El Salvador by the Trump administration? These sheet pan pupusas will have you feeling like you're serving time in the country's notorious Terrorism Confinement Center.
Our Founders knew all about the Tower of London & its horrors. The Bill of Rights protects us from that. Due process. No cruel & unusual punishments. Trump wants to bring it back. Make his "enemies" fear him. No rules. Sending people to El Salvador, beyond our law, is like sending them to the tower.
They don’t call it the prison-military-industrial complex for nothing. And guess who your price-gauging landlord is? A REIT that your pension fund invests in.
It was never really a car company. It was a machine to suck in government subsidies and to sell government-mandated clean energy credits. And, apparently to make wildly illegal pump and dump fortunes on crypto.
It is not that they don’t make cars, but they’d have long ago been out of business had they not been so substantially subsidized in ways no other company was (and broken laws with reckless abandon)
We're utilizing abduction & trafficking to foreign prisons to deal with suspects now.
In my experience, "many people", (depending on who they are-which makes ALL of the difference), can have their heads shoved firmly up their a$$es.
#ElbowsUp #TeslaDown #cdnpoli
Somehow very Prussia circa 1853.
We all agree that myriad unauthorized alterations to our Form of govt are taking place daily?
Now maybe we can all agree to cite our 1A daily: "Peaceably Assembled & Petitioning the gov for Redress"
Americans need to start demanding their Const'n Enforced
When reality goes behind fiction.