Keep this in mind when people claim cars mean business — closing Central #Madrid to cars over holidays resulted in a 9.5% boost in retail spending on its main shopping street: STUDY.
There was also a 71% drop in air pollution.
Via in #citymakingmath #citiesforpeople
There was also a 71% drop in air pollution.
Via in #citymakingmath #citiesforpeople
Visitor numbers to the CBD have increased as car access has decreased
Public transport is absolutely key.
Anyone who can perform their job from home, should be allowed to do so - for the environmental benefits alone.
Plus, one way to build a constituency for expanded and improved transit is to stop subsidizing car trips into dense cities.
In Germany, it's primarily the greed of landlords that has made city centers interchangeable and boring with H&M, Zara, and the like. The side streets are now exciting, where small, local businesses can still rent for €15-20 per square meter. This is where I want to start revitalizing them.
Nobody wants to walk 800m across parking lots to buy socks.
We have 6 buses a day. None on Sunday. Last bus is 5.00pm.
I either drive or don't get out. It's a 2.5 hour walk to the nearest Town. 45m to train station that only go to London.
I won't hold my breath on public transport improving this decade.
I need a car.
Leysin, Switzerland. Hourly trains at minimum from 5am to 12 midnight, buses to all points. Cheap, clean, fast. No car required.
I regularly visit friends, theatre, concerts, museums, cultural events and just the joy of different environments. My kids live all over and it would be practically impossible to visit in emergencies without a car.
I'm hardly alone in not wanting to be marooned in one place however nice
If I've got to park somewhere and transit or walk to shop, you're darned right I'm going to make every effort to buy everything in one stop.
Even picking "second choice" or slightly more expensive items.
The drop in air pollution is a good main headline.
If they see there is an economic interest to mass transit, they’ll both support it.
And then we have wellbeing and community :-)
Sorry, I've grown so cynical in these last few decades.
Madrid city council is very pro-car. They ran an election campaign attacking the (weak) restrictions the previous government introduced. Although the EU prevented them from removing these when they got into power, they won't do anything else.
It was the previous council that closed the centre to traffic (I can find complaints about the measure for 2016 and 2017). Although it worked well, it didn't catch on.