Since Mitch McConnell announced that he will not run for reelection, many have described him as “liberated.” Indeed, McConnell voted against more Trump nominees than any other GOP member. Mark Leibovich met the senator to find out if he feels freer now:
Seriously, Mitch, go freeze at a podium, permanently.
...he deserves that.
Your weakness is showing, my advice - just shut up and slither away to wherever you are going!
I'm on my to Costco, anybody want anything?
Rotten bastard brought all of this on. First by stealing a Supreme Court seat, then by not convicting Trump in 2020. F*ck him.
No whitewashing- history will remember his actions
Him voting against nominees is a start.
Redemption only comes from admitting your complicity and fighting back.
America and your conscience are waiting, senator.
He orchestrated making the SCOTUS for Trump & Putin.
Hell has truly frozen over.
Welcome to the resistance Mitch! (I mean it.. go knock heads together)
Both of them are shit piles.
You’re the reason we’re in this misery right now.
Please lave. Quickly.
We to call and tell them we won't forget.
He could’ve prevented all of this. All of it.
They better act soon or it's too late!
Who cares how he feels
From the interview it's pretty clear he has no sense of personal responsibility over any of this no matter how many any suffer or even if America ends up losing.
I really wish I could edit my posts to fix errors.
Now Moscow Mitch dissents? When he returns to KY to die in obscurity. History will not be kind to him nor his legacy.
He could’ve “liberated” himself way before now.
He helped put Trump in office AND he stole a Supreme Court seat.
THAT, among other despicable acts, is his shameful “legacy.”
He gave himself that moniker.
Good for him he feels liberated, unlike the many he has consigned to a life in chains.
Keep reporting on him, The Atlantic, cos his story is really important right now, isn't it?