How could you possibly vote for a funding bill that the Vice President is telling you will be overruled by the executive?
Train v. City of New York (1975).
Tariff power belongs to Legislature not Executive
(Article I, Section 8)
Time to take it back:
For the rest of them, we need to know what they are doing—or tacitly condoning—so we can hit the streets and town halls to demand better or vote them out of office.
They Musk feel pretty financially secure to be okay putting themselves out of a job.
He's going to ignore the law and steal the money even if you vote yes.
Vote no.
What's the point of a spending bill if it's already known to be meaningless?
> I'm the King and I'll do whatever I want
Afraid of a shutdown??? What do you Mump is trying to do?
Act now to stop the tyranny.
Get your folks in line
Cloture is a procedural motion that allows the Senate to move to debate a bill and needs 60 votes.
Dems are prob. worried about being blamed for shutting down the government, but in truth would be standing up for democracy.