They are multiplying quicker than intelligent people are. We can't keep up with them. Its sad. Humans, for the most part, haven't grown or progressed as a Species in over 5000 years. Most are regressing instead of progressing. And it looks like it is only going to get worse over the next few years.
They're literally planning on killing themselves. We're just collateral damage... maybe. I and everyone I know are vaccinated. Just let Darwin do his thing and the world may become a better place.
Who knew they'd be as smart/dumb as to actually MAGA by getting rid of themselves and their progeny.
This is the flaw that lies at the heart of democracy. There are more stupid people than smart people. And the battle for control of the democracy centres on swaying enough stupid people.
I’m tired of folks getting a pass because they didn’t connect the dots, or were too “low information” care, or were too gullible, or “just didn’t like her” (read racist sexist fu$kers).
(The stupid person is me, and the us is me).
going to be the President but does
he have to be such
an asshole before
he takes power ?
I wonder how pissed maga would
be if Joe just stayed
on ?
He's threatened my
Country already.🇨🇦
Imagine what he's
going to do to you.
Great again,my ass.
Who knew they'd be as smart/dumb as to actually MAGA by getting rid of themselves and their progeny.
Literally? are you sure?
And if a stupid person slowly poisons you and you knowingly swallow, are you the smart one?
And publicly held companies.
It doesn’t have to be fancy, but young; Educated people (DREAM ers) need to go where they are wanted
Look to EU 🇪🇺, Canada 🇨🇦, Mexico 🇲🇽, the Bahamas 🇧🇸 but get out while you can
Paradox of Tolerance x 1000000
Not that it makes it any less fucked