One thing the success of drugs like Wegovy has convinced me of is people have huge natural variance in how much their bodies think about food. I've been skinny my whole life, never thought much about it, and only recently came to realize I just don't think about food as much as other people.
A large sweet tea from McDonalds is the caloric equivalent of a double quarter pounder with cheese. Same with Frappuccinos
Not thinking about food 24 hrs a day?
Utter nonsense, how are we supposed to take you seriously?
I’m on ozempic for T2DM. But I still always want to eat. Didn’t change anything for me and I wonder if it just because the habit is so ingrained?
I've heard the term "food noise" to describe that feeling of wanting food without being hungry.
Different people have different set points where that signal kicks in.
....or at least it would be, whenever I get around to filing these forms
Works great for my anxiety, but helped me put back on 80 pounds.
(I need more hobbies)
Food cravings are part of my brain pattern but they're weaker off gluten
The times I've gone on a diet, trying to stay under 2,000 calories a day, I feel hungry all day, painfully so at night.
I'd rather be overweight and die early than feel like that every day.
That makes me weak?
But my numbers are too "good" to get put on any fancy meds, and I *can* lose weight without them just by restricting calories. I just feel like I'm starving myself, which is unpleasant.
Would love to not have the cravings all the time.
Not enough characters here to describe my diet but I'm at ~1500 calories a day now.
I've had to train myself that food that doesn't serve my best interests is *already* wasted
Was skinny, 6’2” and 160 lbs until about 10 years ago.
Hit by a combo of lower back and knee issues.
Can’t exercise much and my metabolism slowing so I got fatter.
Not always about greed.
I think about food more than I think about my kids
(I don't have kids)
I used to run. Back then, I ate to satiate hunger. Not hungry? I wouldn't eat. Many days, an apple was more than enough.
BTW, when you stop, the hunger gets sooo bad!
On the other hand, I really don't care if I'm ill and can't eat something for a week (and being able to gain a pound per day would probably considered a superpower in other times ^^).
I have never been one to binge eat but I do have a weakness.. more of an addiction… for Frappuccino’s. Yup! Fattening sugary fraps… that’s basically my first meal of the day.
I eat breakfast, then fast for 10 hours.