I agree with this. Leaving empty seats at the start would lead to republicans taking them, and that would result in "cheering from both sides". However, if they came, then were thrown out for disruption, then they would be empty seats. Greene is the only one who did the right thing imo.
Right, because nothing says democracy like refusing to let the other side, who was elected by the American people in an landslide, speak. There's a word for that...oh yeah...fascism.
They are largely, though not completely, the tools of their megadonor set. Dems acting like the emergency it is word harm the productivity of the workers those megadonors depend on to stay incredibly wealthy.
Seriously. Boycott like @wyden.senate.gov and @aoc.bsky.social or speak out and make the world watch them demand Sargaent at Arms drag each dem out, like @algreen.house.gov . Sitting and allowing this is outrageous.
You honestly don’t know MAGATs don’t give a shit about DT’s economic policies?
They hate who he hates; they’re chomping at the bit (Proud Boys are DT’s version of Hitler’s black-booted brownshirts, civies authorized to murder anyone who’s not a member of the NAZI party.)
"Allowing" the duly elected president of the united states to address the 77 million people that elected him is "outrageous"? Might want to think that one over and consider if u would ALSO recommend that tactic for republicans next time you idiots elect another Joe Biden. Same suggestions? I doubt
The Dem's missed their opportunity badly. A mass walk-out would have been more impactful. The R's are running roughshod over us. Eliminate the SOTU once and for all, it has become a divisive spectacle. Go back to the written document presented to Congress prior to 1913.
My OR Rep is there for some made up reason that she wants to hear he says about helping OR. Ha! She is really there to show Lori Chavez-DeRemer who won the OR seat. I didn't vote for Lori, but I think I voted the lesser of two idiots.
some action is required but i genuinely don't know what this would accomplish. the podium camera wouldn't even show it and trump would ramble either way
The man is a traitor .. They should not give him any respect. Shame on Dems. Plus he is an elitist... its ok for the wealthy to buy their way into America with $5M dollars but to those fleeing oppression and death the door is closed
It’s time to take back the Democratic Party. It needs a revamp. We can go bigger and better!!!! I know deep down, we feel like we need to take the reins and all be leaders at this point, because there’s no one person to lead us. So,let’s reimagine American greatness together. We fight back with love
Many are there with fired workers. Also, the idea is not to leave the seats empty so they can be filled in by GOP sycophants who will jump up and clap at everything, making it appear they agree with him. Some are not there out of principle. I'm hoping some of those guests yell LIAR and walk out.
While it’s too easy to blame the state of the country’s demise on regressive republiCON ideology, the lack of even a modicum of opposition is actually providing the final few nails in the coffin as the US retreats to its pre-war era of bumpkin-gilded mediocrity.
So your idea is to disrupt the message from the president elected fairly that won in a landslide by the American people? Did you ever think that WE DO want to hear what he says, what he has planned, and what our votes are doing for us? Ur spoiled kids mad at daddy and acting out violently.
Not be there
Lead from the front
Hold monthly rallies in red states
Go do townhalls in ruby red districts
Daily press briefing from the hill
TV Ads, Billboards
Online Live streaming events for all Americans
Put a Project 2028 together
what the fuck did they do with the millions in donations?
I mean, where's the Democrat equivalent of
Heritage Foundation
Trump Rallies
Conservative media apparatus
By the hour alignment of talking points
Many Americans are stupid & gullible, but worse, they don’t care about facts or truth, just easy-to-grasp explanations that give the illusion of understanding, even if they don’t.
Rupert watched 1975 movie Network, but didn’t see it as a warning, but took it as a roadmap.
so go meet them where they are .... pump out the sound bites hourly, get the short talking points going ...learn from Trump and the GOP ... do what sells to the MAGA
Sadly, Dems are going to have to sit back & let MAGATs learn the hard way DT’s scammed them all, how he’s not their BFF but serves to serve whims of the elites.
To poke the bear encourages violent suppressions of minority parties (it’s a pattern that’s repeated throughout World history).
Yeah, the wait and see is not an option when there is a coup underway.
For the Russians that sat back and waited ... are they still learning the hard way with Putin, no, because once he consolidated absolute power, all avenues to push back disappeared.
Hate to break it to U, but coup is almost complete: Stage I was competed when Federalist Society seized control of Judicial Branch in 2019, paving way for King DT.
Why do U think Thomas felt comfortable not hiding his blatant corruption, knowing he was untouchable?
Someone clearly gave them bad advice, and the leadership passed that along. Given the fact the Democrats are a big tent party, they can’t control each other the same as republicans can. So, they are always walking this fine line. Point is, they need new advisors because this wasn’t a good plan.
Nothing. I had to turn. I can't do it anymore. They should stand up and fucking LEAVE. Anyone left in the room for the Dems gets primaried. These Vichy Dems are getting me HOT.
Dems silent protest is not enough. #Democrats should walk out in solidarity. We need Democratic warriors who will stand up to a pathological liar, con-man Trump.
To all Democratic members of congress!
Hold town halls in Republican Districts where Repubs won’t. Show them who represents them and that you won’t walk away from them. Democrats not Republicans!
and now that they have been there for an hour - they look like absolute craven chumps - not even holding up signs anymore. He has worn them into submission - they are the passive party of do nothings now
These are people who ran and won elections. How do you have the passion to do that but you're so lazy that the best response you can come up with to this is an auction paddle? Does this seem like a game?
It's a party that needs to be abandoned. Not meaningless 3rd party Presidential campaigns. Not fringe amateurs. Actual elected Democrats need to jump ship, bc it's going down. Find a party, make one, whatever works. Get Out.
Yeah.....that'll show em! Now you're talking serious change! What a great idea...a costume party where adults are being serious and addressing the people who elected them in a landslide. Lets not let that guy even speak. Fascism all the way....right?
it's amazing how selling disappointment in Democrats to Democrats doesn't make them vote for enough Democrats to have the power to do anything but talk
Bunch of obsequious corporate economic neoliberal spineless weasels who still think they are in an old white guy establishment institutionalist rule of law world instead a white christian nationalist nazi world.
The leaders think old school where one has to have decorum, however that isn’t what is needed at the present time. We need to fight and they need to lead or get out of the way.
But now they're just sitting there letting Trump jizz his lies all over the country.
Break the momentum! Keep him off balance! Do something, FFS!
Just so MAGAT can get their vicarious thrills by watching Dems get their skulls bashed in?
Don’t poke the bear when you don’t have any power.
You honestly don’t know MAGATs don’t give a shit about DT’s economic policies?
They hate who he hates; they’re chomping at the bit (Proud Boys are DT’s version of Hitler’s black-booted brownshirts, civies authorized to murder anyone who’s not a member of the NAZI party.)
The hate only gets them so far. They also want material benefits for themselves, and they aren't feeling that.
Screw off, troll.
Little signs, color coordination, ffs act like this is more than a game to any of you.
"But first, you’ve gotta get mad!…You’ve got to say, ‘I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take this anymore!" Howard Beale (Peter Finch)
That’s silly virtue signaling, & gives GOP yet another talking point
disruption seems like the way to go
Very true.
It's so true.
Asking questions volubly is a valid form of rhetoric.
They need to heckle a damn sight harder if they're attending this crap.
What do you suggest they do?
Lead from the front
Hold monthly rallies in red states
Go do townhalls in ruby red districts
Daily press briefing from the hill
TV Ads, Billboards
Online Live streaming events for all Americans
Put a Project 2028 together
what the fuck did they do with the millions in donations?
Heritage Foundation
Trump Rallies
Conservative media apparatus
By the hour alignment of talking points
Rupert watched 1975 movie Network, but didn’t see it as a warning, but took it as a roadmap.
Dems lost the infowars.
Sadly, Dems are going to have to sit back & let MAGATs learn the hard way DT’s scammed them all, how he’s not their BFF but serves to serve whims of the elites.
To poke the bear encourages violent suppressions of minority parties (it’s a pattern that’s repeated throughout World history).
For the Russians that sat back and waited ... are they still learning the hard way with Putin, no, because once he consolidated absolute power, all avenues to push back disappeared.
Why do U think Thomas felt comfortable not hiding his blatant corruption, knowing he was untouchable?
"Town halls in red districts" was already on my list of things to harangue my D rep about.
I live on a blue island in a red sea. Local media reach from the blue into many red districts. I want to see my rep on TV every day.
I'm glad to see someone else thinking the same way.
To all Democratic members of congress!
Hold town halls in Republican Districts where Repubs won’t. Show them who represents them and that you won’t walk away from them. Democrats not Republicans!
It's not even possible to tell whether they're for or against the things on those little signs.
Can't even imagine a more pathetic display of "dissent".
real head-scratcher there
This is the Dem Way.
We’re fucked and they are fucking us.