Okay, glancing around the thread, I'm gonna need you fellas to organize the various flavors of Wrong Lefty into piles of no more than 100 each, grouped roughly by how much spittle flies off your perfectly waxed moustaches when you talk about them, before I commit to an identity.
The problem with people who describe themselves with a grab bag of vague political/economic keywords isn't that you don't know what they mean. It's often that *they* don't know what they mean.
The right spent decades screaming that Keynesian economics was indistinguishable from radical socialism. So much so that millions of centrists now consider themselves sufficiently radicalized because they’re against work requirements for SNAP benefits
That means socially conservative leaning but economically populist/progressive.
So this is probably someone who likes the idea of single payer healthcare, regulation, higher corporate tax while also bitching that we should throw X minority under the bus.
Wired: Chapo/Cumtown
Inspired: Odd Lots
So this is probably someone who likes the idea of single payer healthcare, regulation, higher corporate tax while also bitching that we should throw X minority under the bus.
Keyword probably. 🤷♂️