i have not had a drink in 12 years. can i be in charge of the military? NB: i do not know anything about the military. I preferred star wars over GI Joe action figures. I own a lot of olive drab clothing already.
Pfft, when I was in the Navy & they banned alcohol on ships...Captains would order cases of Listerine...for the alcohol content...there's always a way around.
I don't drink. By the principle of affirming the consequent, I should therefore be in charge of the military. Or possibly I already am. Someone check, please?
I dont have kids. 😂🥰 They are all adults. 43, 39, 34, & 27. My grandkids are 20 x 2, 22 & 15. ❤️ its just me & David & we will be in Portugal a lot next 4 years.
Do you speak Portuguese? Intriguing language. I followed a Brazilian web serie a couple of years ago. Really liked it but I was dependent on subtitles. One of my favorite actresses is Portuguese. Even if she recently married an American.
I can almost promise that I would resume drinking if put in charge of the military, Pentagon and a $1 Trillion budget. I’m about as qualified as ol’ Pete.
As would everyone under my command.
I hope to get access to all the best whiskey if I'm Sec Def.
That said, I'm the kind of guy who is all, "Oh, is this what all the military guys say is right? That's what we'll do."
The Left doesn’t have a good track record.
YES without "sexually assaulting" everyone, christ anything else? - Pete