Went to Post Office today. Walked in to an old white man yelling at a young black woman about his mailbox and an old white woman yelling at another usps employee about an address which doesn’t exist. Jumped in the car, turned on the radio, heard ten minutes of commercials. America has gone insane.
No, America has always been this way. Folks are finally waking up and seeing what black people have been screaming into the void. Now everyone is in the void.
OnceTrump got relected we knew we went back 150 years back. We are losing our fundamental rights and the GOP is complicit.lets see what voters do next!
I don't usually like to make excuses (especially for members of the privileged class) but, after decades in administration, I've learned that people simply don't read signs. I don't know why but it is a thing.
& as far as accuracy it’s correct its usually males
I have an apple sign at our entrance & it states closed
Every makes drives into our long entrance so , I’d have to place a log across road or put fence up
The only way you prevent a person sitting in seat is place an object in seat /strapped in
Daddy Trumps crackdown on drugs at the border has Junior squirming and sliming around for his next drug deal. Poor little coke addict. I'd start checking his luggage on the return trip from those private charter hunting trips.
Even his ass thinks it has white privilege. í hope someone kicks the hell out of it & out of that seat That #WhiteBoy needs to learn a history lesson today
So you’re suggesting being absolutist is wrong? You were sounding pretty absolutists by suggesting violence to someone you don’t agree with… because it’s just something you have to do…?
Remember the calling out of the drunk patrons at the professional football game’s highlighting the guys who threw snowballs on field or a verbal assault at a woman just trying to be a fan
Apparently Rosa Park day is now isolated here on Blue hue amazement day for a non acknowledger of the honor .
I'd do my little old lady act and stand in front of him and ask for his seat. I'd keep asking, louder and louder so the whole bus knew. I'd make various comments about "being a man". If he got up, I'd stand in front of the seat and make sure no one sat there during my trip.
Dear Internet Sleuths: Please find this guy. Unlikely he'll get fired in today's political climate but that doesn't mean the court of social opinion is closed, does it? Right. #whatanasshole
Now this is funny. Not the disrespectful part. The part when someone shows him this picture and he either denies it's him or he owns it in spectacular fashion by splashing it on his social media profiles.
We don't hate you. It's becoming increasingly clear that you're the 'USA' only in name and the 'united' part needs a lot of work...with some competent actually democratic and socially responsible leadership.
Are there normally a lot of empty seats on the metro? If not, are people supposed to be late for work so that a laminated sign can ride around all day?
Your bio says you're in the PNW with me, not near DC. We can't see the rest of the car in this picture. We can't ask him if other seats were available or where he was going. Making people randomly forgo the public transport that they depend on is not a way to "honor" history.
It's crazy that people here are asking to ruin his life, with no other information at all! He sat down in a seat. That's all that we see that happened.
Stand up for real people and their needs. The laminated sign will be just fine.
Because there's nothing to go on! He's not defacing the sign, destroying it, disparaging anyone. He's using a public resource that everyone has the right to use. Show me a video that says otherwise and maybe I'll agree. Making 1000 assumptions because of his appearance isn't helping anyone. If you
He is probably one of those 130 million people who read at 6th grade level or below and doesn't know what "reserved" means. Then again he could just be an asshole.
Date on this...I want more info. That's not bc I doubt it, I just want to know.more about it. Adam has become famous for this shit that pans out to be untrue
Shark, battery, frog, snake, cat, mum, dad, bus, crypto. See, that guys? - no hesitation?
Get Xi on the line - tell him he can do WTF he wants. When's my tee-time tomorrow?
They said no one can...
I know it's utopian but I wish more than once that the color of skin is not determining the value of a human at all.
"Elevated" in his mind due to gender and race,
not "merit".
Yeah, I’m 3 too 😄
Make this viral by claiming it’s JD. 1. The guy in the pic gets shamed and JD has to talk about this idiocy.
It pretty much how the right works.
I have an apple sign at our entrance & it states closed
Every makes drives into our long entrance so , I’d have to place a log across road or put fence up
The only way you prevent a person sitting in seat is place an object in seat /strapped in
Your magic on educating this guy sitting in a place reserved for a legend on her Birthday Day?
Isn't that JDVance?
Punch Nazis. Deal.
Apparently Rosa Park day is now isolated here on Blue hue amazement day for a non acknowledger of the honor .
J D V ance
Another entitled limp-dicked white man-baby.
(Had to correct it twice to get it to skeet what I wanted skeeted!)
Racist white pig.
Respect for a civil rights icon would include NOT sitting in THIS seat on THIS day.
It's not just a "laminated sign" it's a sign of our times.
Rosa Parks stood up for her people.
What are YOU standing up for?
Stand up for real people and their needs. The laminated sign will be just fine.
It's about honoring a black woman who stood up for her rights.
THIS is a white man who sat in that spot even though it would disgrace & NOT honor her memory.
It's a matter of principles.
WHY are you defending him?