Jessica Aber, 43, suddenly found dead – and no serious questions or speculation so far? Considering her position and the current political climate, that seems… odd. Hopefully, this will be looked into carefully.
I was reading an article from ABC - they are already trying to spin her death that it was natural causes, when we all know it wasn’t! They never told the truth about Ivana’s death, whistleblower from Boeing or Peter Theil’s boy toy who fell to his death!
Imagine living in Canada, where MAGA trolls threaten us with death online every day, the orange clown hurls insults at us nonstop, spreads nothing but lies about us, and has effectively declared war on us. We are about to get feral soon; people forget we are why the Geneva Convention exists.
Good. We deserve it. The orange buffoon thinks Canada will be easy pickings because y’all are “so nice.” Any people that can not only survive but thrive in -40 temps should never be trifled with.
We appreciate it. Canadians report being harassed, refused service in the US. One family I know of, who goes to Florida for 3 months every Winter, has returned 1 month early because they were being targeted.
2nd, most of us have never experienced anything colder than -20, but it's still cold!
I used to spend my summers in the US, and it amazed me how many people thought I lived in an igloo. Years later, these are the people who would think we would want to become Americans.
Sadly, it will be my first knee jerk assumption for all deaths of high-profile or even low-profile American medical professionals, educators, scientists — intellectuals.
I wouldn't be surprised if she has. Trump's running out of patience and wants revenge on any and all lawyers who don't agree with him. I believe we have reached the point of a dictator's murders. Just like Putin.
Will we get thoughts and prayers?
I can’t even write something similar to this without thinking of so many school shootings and this horrible excuse of a reaction to the violence.
it’s sad that the first thoughts of mine are rage and disbelieve and not the sentiments a death should provoke.
I think we need to start fighting back with our own weapons to those who carried this out. There has to be some good guys who know the truth….leak it someway
She put a lot of pedophiles tied to law enforcement behind bars. The USA makes over 10 billion annually from sex trafficking. With Epstein and Trump being best friends, and the Diddy trial now, and the way people are investigating sex crimes, I'm pretty sure her death has something to do with that.
I don't know. Silencing is unnecessary because nothing revealed/spoken on means anything anymore. They simply lie and deflect their way out of everything.
People are murdered in Washington DC all the time. What the public is told when things happen is never the truth, but it's not hard to figure out if you have good pattern recognition skills.
She was a lawyer, in Washington DC, who helped put pedophiles behind bars. Trump and Epstein were close friends, and everyone is closing ranks. Think about it.
I did post that I was pessimistically suspicious earlier. I won't ever jump onto the suspicion bandwagon without some kind of evidence to justify it. Seen nothing yet.
Now that this has happened, the country is going to go wild with assumptions. We’re watching trump strip people of their security details. Sending citizens to out of country concentration camps. Now a prominent Biden attorney dead. Tourism will stop. Our economy is going to nosedive.
Hoping as tragic as this is, it’s natural cause. However, would we even ever hear if it were Russian related. My bet is no. Thats the type of the governments can hide from. Trump would never implicate Russia even if he knew the truth.
"Aber was nominated to be U.S. attorney by former President Joe Biden and unanimously confirmed by the Senate in 2021. She resigned two months ago when President Donald Trump took office."
Things that make you go, Hmmm...
He does use poison. I think it isnold school KGB.... if I am not mistaken, the Ukranian President in the early 2000s was poisoned. I don't think he died but was scarred.
Known Russian made poisons would only be used for the purpose of making an international statement. That is done on purpose. In this case Putin has nothing to gain, because she already resigned.
Indeed. And there are a million reasons people just drop dead. Chances are it's not Trump/Putin related. But considering Trump's accumulating, odious track record, it does merit a "hmmmm".
It needs further investigation. Otherwise, it's the same as Tucker Carlson journalism filled with hmmm conclusions and speculations.
Let's do better, shall we?
And we need to not worry about how we sound when we bring this up. It's not a conspiracy. Putin does it, trump has told us he admires Putin knowing he does this
I hope her death was not nefarious (God rest her Soul).
If it was, the second civil war looms just over the horizon...and I know which side I'll be fighting for.
They had the opportunity to rid themselves of trump plenty of times, but instead decided to make him president again, despite all the raging evidence that he's the worst person for the job.
I am sick of people telling me I was overreacting because they are too precious to see the reality in front of them. You are not on high ground. Has Putin ever allowed a real investigation when he assassinated someone who had the receipts to hold him accountable, or challenge him? MAGA took notes.
It isn’t a question of overreacting. It is a question of simply making stuff up out of thin air.
What I stand for to the best of my ability is reason and truth.
It’s why I oppose Trump.
It’s why I oppose making up stories with no facts about what happened to this poor woman.
Who “wants this to be true”? It is our reality. He’s kidnapping people off the streets, sending them to prisons without due process, and his whole business model of organized crime, and having thugs do his dirty work. Now he has immunity and will do horrific things to anyone that tries to stop him.
I would not be surprised if Felon tRump, American Traitor, and his thugs had Jessica Aber, former U.S. Attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia assassinated. Felon tRump is so loaded with hate for U.S. Attorneys this would be an easy hit, a logical hit for him. Just my curiosity,,,
Trump has nothing to lose bc he is already near the end, he can’t run again and he will be called out soon, Putin will either kill him or Putin will kill people looking into Trump/Putin ties
I hope they find video footage or something to help catch these guys- we need to stop this madness!! Where is our brave snipers who can surround Putin and his passé of killers and end this insanity!
We don't know the cause. I fear we will start to see an uptick of Suicides in former federal workers who likely lived paycheck to paycheck or had a budget but no huge next egg. & consider both adults in a family lose their gig. we need check on ourfamily and friends affected.
My concern also. Crazy stress they must be experiencing right now. Loss or possible loss of livelihood and having the country you served turn its back on you.
Or who fought the good fight when Biden was in office and can’t see how they’ll get through living in a fascist country. I think we’ll see a lot of those as well - to see your country go down the tubes is very depressing.
That is Russia level shit unless just a coincidence. Like helicopters crashing in the air or planes or people falling out of windows or dying of radioactive poising.
Foster & Clinton’s 1st chief of staff McLarty had been lifelong friends with Clinton since they were 5-7 years old. Foster was seriously depressed by becoming the “travelgate” media target and killed himself under media scrutiny.
The childhood friend committed suicide and they got hounded. Sad.
Exactly. First thing through my mind was "What did they use to make it look like natural causes? " No evidence yet but I hope people keep a close eye on the medical examination because 43 is an abnormally young death.
The fact that we're talking about it like this at all tells you how Society has turned into a place to live in fear.. nothing but fear and uncertainty.. that's the real domestic terrorism ..what they're putting people through mentally an emotionally
IF this is the doings of the Putin stooges, are we going to stand up and say, impeach that mother fucker??!!
I'm truly worried that the investigation will be legit- considering who's in charge of justice dept.
I am so angry at the people who enabled this shit! 🤬
That almost every reply notes that this stinks of Trump, this is how Russian citizens acknowledge news, first impression is always Putin, and usually is.
Just a few months after resigning. I sure hope agent Krasnov didn’t have his short fingered vulgarian fingers in this by stopping Russian sabotage of cyber threats and maybe other things. Is he turning his eyes away from all things
Russia related?
Her family could be reading all of these comments. Is this what you’d want to read about your daughter, wife or sibling who just died? Have some compassion. Why would you let that POS man cast a pall on her with rampant speculation and no facts. Just don’t.
Por rusos que tienen manga amplia del gobierno proruso de la casa Blanca
No digo que lo haya decidido la casa blanca
Simplemente, eliminaron a los encargados de investigar a los terroristas rusos? pues actuemos, el gobierno es nuestro (dicen los rusos...que lo tienen claro)
Also could have been the cops and politicians she prosecuted. The Russians are likely as well. Some one very likely put a hit on her to the benefit of many dangerous criminals with a lot to lose.
When are we ever going to go after Putin ? How many people must get assassinated over and over- for christs sake- do something meaningful!!! Send out mercenaries to wreck havoc at his Russian palace!
My deep condolences to her family and friends. I hope her untimely death is investigated by Bondi with the same passion she has against Tesla demonstrators.
Could Trump be following in Papa Putin’s footsteps and having his enemies assassinated? Was he inspired by Netanyahu’s gift of a gold exploding pager? Is he just allowing Putin and Netanyahu to directly assassinate purged US law enforcement agents who were trying to hold all of them accountable?
Conspiracy theories INSTANTLY leap to mind. I’m hoping they will find unambiguous evidence of natural death. But a paragraph into her bio, I was wondering…
So sad. I hope she didn't suffer and that the cause of death is natural (something undiagnosed) rather than foul play at the hands of someone who she may have prosecuted...
As "non-suspicious" as the Heathrow fire. I feel like this is a test of the dictatorships first domestic assassination, and like defying judges' orders, it's the game that truculent five year-olds play: just how much can I get away with before you slap the ever loving shit out of me. Time to slap.
Waiting to see, but it's awfully fishy that it's a female judge in Virginia appointed by Biden. We'll see what the news reports, and judge it's veracity (is it a "man dies falling from first story window" situation). With what Boasberg is trying to do, and Trumps resistance, it's fishy.
Now, let me add: for real, for real, she's a crackpot, but god damn, these people are insane! Every time people are like "Oh, they're totally gonna not do the thing" and then fucking-A guess the fuck what you're surprised, and I'm not. These are lying mutherfuckers and we have to assume the worst.
What I mean is, they're going to do everything they say. They're coming for Greenland. They're coming for Panama. They're coming for Canada. Every day I hear the fucking jets doing practice runs over my campground. I hate it so much. Listen to them. Watch what they do. Judge them by their actions!
I haven't been in the news business for over a decade now, but I was in the courtroom for AUSA Aber's questioning of Bob & Maureen McDonnell when they were on trial together for corruption. (Among other things, that is. I got to cover the whole trial and sentencing.) What a loss.
Oddly specific individual to “suddenly/unexpectedly” pass away at such a young age - having the best medical care on top of that with a role that includes prosecuting high level dirt bags…. Yeah….
That being said, I'm assuming she would've had access to the Epstein files as US attorney, no?
I'm suspicious of this until they release the cause of death.
I can't trust anything while we have a government that behaves like the Kremlin.
What division was she assigned to and what cases. This is "slipped on the soap in the shower 50 times and fell out a window afterward type stuff. Trump - Putin connection. Note the Trump removal of anti-Putin investigations and security.
Navalny poisonings in America will up the ante forever.
Someone else. sorry
We need to end Putin’s regime.
2nd, most of us have never experienced anything colder than -20, but it's still cold!
We aren’t buying it.
but she was a Senate confirmed US attorney who just stepped down for what seems like political reasons.
There’s a story in there somewhere.
Would be in style….
I can’t even write something similar to this without thinking of so many school shootings and this horrible excuse of a reaction to the violence.
it’s sad that the first thoughts of mine are rage and disbelieve and not the sentiments a death should provoke.
There will be one of t🤞🏼hose:
"In the event of my demise..."
Things that make you go, Hmmm...
… hmmmm.
Let's do better, shall we?
If it was, the second civil war looms just over the horizon...and I know which side I'll be fighting for.
Some civil unrest is quite possible if Trump continues to ride roughshod over the Constitution and other laws.
What I see at the moment is a rapid polarisation with some people who maybe haven't engaged with politics to any degree angered + taking sides.
Medicaid = SS pos flashpoints.
How the US will be after him is unknowable. I fear that if there is violence it will be on a catastrophic scale.
Think English or US Civil Wars for scale of casualties per head of population.
It won't ever make sense to me.
What I stand for to the best of my ability is reason and truth.
It’s why I oppose Trump.
It’s why I oppose making up stories with no facts about what happened to this poor woman.
When it's something that we want to be true, that is when you have to be the most skeptical
The childhood friend committed suicide and they got hounded. Sad.
I'm truly worried that the investigation will be legit- considering who's in charge of justice dept.
I am so angry at the people who enabled this shit! 🤬
Listed as self-employed, was she black-balled for post-DOJ employment by #JeffBezos?
She angered #Bezos and #PatrickStokes by shutting down a sham criminal case and was a witness in $billion case.
Russia related?
My sincere condolences to her family.
No digo que lo haya decidido la casa blanca
Simplemente, eliminaron a los encargados de investigar a los terroristas rusos? pues actuemos, el gobierno es nuestro (dicen los rusos...que lo tienen claro)
even should seemingly unsuspicious investigative findings be released:
we no longer live in a nation where any who oppose Trump/Russia can unexpectedly pass away..
and realistically *not* be suspicious circumstances.
Under Trump2.0,
basis for trustworthy investigation erodes.
Interesting timing.
How very sad
Very timely, I just revisited this documentary, 22 March 2025:
Active Measures, 2018
covering – coincidental deaths – of regime opposition.
And it's pre-covered up:
Time will tell.
That being said, I'm assuming she would've had access to the Epstein files as US attorney, no?
I'm suspicious of this until they release the cause of death.
I can't trust anything while we have a government that behaves like the Kremlin.