Looks like he's trying to show off the building he's in front of more than the car. He's doing it to show what a special boy he is. Which reminds me, the place looks like the old IBM country club in my hometown. From back when area companies felt the working class deserved nice places to visit.
The only plausible reason he is standing so far from this car is he does not want that one TikTok mathlete to determine how tall he is. Subtract 4 13/14 freedom units for those boots etc
Any lawyers out there want to sue these corrupt politicians for shilling product for a supposed government employee and self proclaimed “richest man in the world”? We are all injured by this open corruption.
Picture it: Never one to miss an opportunity to suck ass, Ted buys himself a shiny red Tesla. It gets delivered and while he's busy showing it off to the family Snowball jumps into the driver seat, steps on the "wrong" button and runs Ted's ass over. THE END.
Ted can cook a shit ton of bacon on that hood when it catches fire. Do all boots have Cuban heels, if a Cuban wears them poorly? Or is there a certain standard to be labeled that? Asking for a friend.
And to think there was a time where both sides of the aisle would think shilling for a private company while holding public office was unacceptable and trashy.
Never mind they are fine with said company's CEO being allowed to fuck with agencies he has financial conflicts of interest with.
Or just a routine explosion.
One simple answer:
Might be a bit but I’ll be waiting for it.
A car is the coolest thing Ted Cruz has ever seen. Not surprised.
Never mind they are fine with said company's CEO being allowed to fuck with agencies he has financial conflicts of interest with.