An entire analysis piece rooted in the (unacknowledged) logic of domestic abuse.
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So the whims & moods of ONE PERSON don't determine the fate of an entire nation, his or otherwise. The rule of law protects People's unalienable rights.
by contributing commentator Neville Chamberlain
Let's try "refused to give away his country's property".
There’s a reason the strategy keeps failing over and over, and they look (and become) weaker and weaker. No one is impressed.
This has nothing to do with anything Zelensky has said or done.
Like all thosevapid corp media squids airing why I voted for the felon panels in red states and telling the Democrats they are just too woke (too decent & caring) 🤬
It's the way it is now.
Poor lil Marco Rubles
And none of the replacements for our oldest and best allies will be worth a damn in a genuine crisis.
Rapist/abuser mentality!!!
Maybe it's actually him that's always the problem.
-Ed Bajarana (a professional public speaker and audible narrator) at Idaho town hall, speaking to an audience while watching **a woman being dragged out by a gang of unknown men.**
Look at the current "dictator" one.
Literally doesn't matter what Zelensky does.
Trump wants to bend to Putin, so he will find a pretext to justify it.
That is probably the best he can do with an admittedly weak hand.
Definition of a long-standing, fallen institution that academics I love and admire still fucking read or cite.
Fuck Trump. I stand with Ukraine