Everywhere I go I see protests, dismantling the federal government is not some fringe issue or some culture war bs, it’s real and it’s happening right now
I agree with you, I live in the Midwest and so many folks here are business as usual, like the world isn’t burning down around them. It’s mind boggling!
Side note: we have a Daisy too 🐾
Our Daisy has become a little old lady but every day I tell her she is still the Daisiest of all the Daisy’s (and I made up the word Daisiest for her).
Mass civil disobedience organized by trusted leaders. Too bad we have no trusted leaders, mostly because of the disinformation machine of the right fracturing us.
The anti-Tesla protests here in Brooklyn and W Village have had a homespun quality -- all ages, many Boomers, handcrafted signs, supportive honking of passing cars.
Yes, we've been yelling at our Ds to fight & resist all along.
We explained over & over again that obeying in advance while strictly following the principles ftom their Polite Politics Playbook would harm all of us.
We had our best opportunity Friday. Partial shutdown over the weekend and we have a united media plan. Pass a real CR and get started on a real budget or go play golf. Donald would fold. He knows he's weak right now. But Shumer choked under pressure, broke his word to Dems, and look pathetic.
We can protest and contact our representatives until we literally turn blue. But when the leadership doesn’t listens and throws us under the bus, what do we do next? We won’t give up, but we can’t have our leadership ignore us.
Please don’t say it like that. We are no longer Democrats. We are the Opposition. The Resistance. If you are not MAGA, you are one of us. We are in this together.
The last time the dems were in power and did something truly brave or smart was when they pushed through the ACA (Obamacare). The Dems have been adrift for decades.
For a long time the republicans and the democrats have worn the same neoliberal power suit. The only way you know who is who is the ties change color. In other words, the difference between the two is rather minor and superficial.
I guess the good news is, recent events indicate that *ONLY* 11 elected Democrats aren't smart (Golden in the House, and the cave caucus in the Senate).
The bad news is that there are only roughly 11 who seem to be actually fighting (AOC, Garcia, Crockett, Frost, Sanders, Warren, Walz, Pritzker --)
Once the effects kick in, it's going to be more than anyone wants to ' Own the Lib' s' instead of a republican paradise these people will have 1970's NYC
Are they though? I have no faith at the moment that the dems will fight back. I fear they’ll roll over just to be a part of the conversation. The conversation to destroy democracy.
Where have you been? Or are you being ironic? I have yet to see one face other than Don Lemon coming home with groceries; protesting in the streets with us. We ALL have to get out there!
Well, I don’t think that anything Dems can say will be heard over the noise of Trump and his merry band of idiots. In the end it’s all lies and What Trump/Elon are doing will be painful to all his supporters. At some point, the abused leave the abuser. Hopefully.
If democrats were smart, they would hire your buddy Rick Wilson to teach them how to mount a 70,000 decibel scorched-earth messaging campaign that is impossible to avoid, 24/ 7
The question is how to fight it.
Expending capital in unwinnable battles is pointless. They need to choose strategy carefully.
It’s tough to win as a minority in both houses.
How do you improve messaging when the media complex will blame Democrats for a gov’t shutdown no matter who is in the majority? Regardless, people still won’t pay attention/care until they are personally affected by republican actions.
I’m a democrat, I’m smart, tell me individually what to do. Someone please. I write. I call. I’m ready to march. We need organization with a leader NOW.
If then Dems gave people something to vote for... they would. You seem pretty comfortable, most of us aren't. The Dems are not a ground-up but top-down. Wake the Hell up. They are more in line with GOP than those of us struggling.
THANK YOU FOR THIS! I am only interested in politicians who are for the POOR and for AFFORDABLE HOUSING. Fuck, and I mean with my whole chest, FUCK THE MIDDLE CLASS!
Why are you so afraid to admit that the main group who is to blame for where we are today is not the fuckin Democrats, it’s the voters themselves. WE the people made this conscious choice. Nobody else made it for us. Stop treating voters like spoiled children who are totally blameless.
The democratic platform in 2024 was diametrically opposed to dismantling the federal govt. They put out solid plans for first time home buyers, growing business and dealing with the war in Ukraine. This post is either wildly ignorant or weaponized disinformation.
Sometimes it’s just as important to vote against something as it is to vote for something.
If those who didn’t vote felt like they had nothing to vote for, maybe they should have realized they were voting for a government that’s willing to listen rather than one looking to destroy
Sometimes your responsibility as a voter is to look at the two real options you have in a general election & vote for the one that isn’t going to destroy the whole country & take away all the things we value. America isn’t perfect but I’d take what we had every damn time over an autocracy.
No necessarily… I think it’s more systematic like a lack of curiosity about government and lack of education on civics and our duties to participate. It has to start young.
If they are low propensity voters they could easily fall prey to trumps, Russia Elon propaganda lying to get their votes
If Americans were smart. Can't fully pin Trump on the Democrat party. Yes, an extremely lame DNC deserves scorn, and yes, Schumer is an old clown but it's bigger than the blame for one party.
Rules for the Senate Dems to remove leaders, for those that are bored:
Just 10 members (20% of the Senate Dem Conference) can call for a meeting of the conference to vote on whether and who shall replace Schumer as Conference Chair and Democratic Leader.
“If democrats are smart” there are some really bright ones. They’re just not allowed any power. That’s reserved only for people 75 and over with a preference for them to have cancer.
It would appear to us outsiders that the majority of America is OK with all that’s happening under trump, republicans and the democrats that vote with them. Also, we don’t see mass protests in the US like we do in other countries. Americans are a strange bunch.
NATIONAL EMERGENCY: Do people think that if Democrats had forced a government shutdown, Trump wouldn't have been been on TV blaming them, & declaring a National Emergency for financial instability with a signature on an executive order, & taken full control of government. https://tinyurl.com/5bamdzsn
Disagree. MAGA will never acknowledge it is wrong (or we helped) until things grind to a halt. For us to fix things now is to perpetuate the MAGA mythology
Trump's base is far right Republicans. It's not going to help him an election. Democrats are like what the hell are you talking about? Transgender mice?
“How does declaring martial law and mandatory public displays of Two Minutes of Hate at the new MAGA rally facilities that have been built on the grounds of what used to be universities bring down the price of eggs? Democrats will stay focused on kitchen table issues that matter to Americans”
Too many Dems are complicit because they’re protecting their own self interests and not those they were elected to represent. It’s pretty obvious…Schumer
That’s nice Molly, but if it’s allegedly so unpopular, where was this outrage in November? Where were all of these people then? Did they vote against the man who openly talked about dismantling the fed gov on the campaign trail?
It is my understanding a federal judge can indict him or them . The judge can appoint a special prosecutor. Now will the MARAHALLS do what the judge needs . Or listen to DOJ ? I am not a lawyer - just how I read the constitution
This isn't being covered in the media. Needs to be, every day, thoroughly. Needs to be treated as significant. Every pushback is as important as every offense committed in these very dangerous times. Treating resistance to the ascent of this nightmare as incidental has real consequences.
Things will change when MAGAts start protesting. For now it’s majority the democrats out there.
The NC veteran in Ashville who was escorted out actually ran as a democrat and lost (sadly) and not some random republican veteran.
Dem leadership needs to take note. Recent events prove that at least 10 members need to get out to some town halls and see what voters think of their appeasement strategy.
Ignore us at your own risk, Quislings.
#NoCowards #NoAppeasement #NoQuarter
Except with the eunuch Republicans in congress, who find Elon to be their spiritual leader. And, unfortunately, with our system, what anyone else says doesn't matter.
2026 midterms will tell if it is wildly unpopular. I've didn’t think Trump had the support to win the 2024 election not just based on what he did his first term but all the things he said he would do if elected, and people voted for him again especially with a woman’s right to choose on the ballot.
But racism and homophobia is wildly popular among the GOP. The GOP knows that as long as they stay racist and homophobic they will never lose their base and can do whatever they want.
They don't seem to care.
So we need to make them care.
-Massive peaceful protests repeated for weeks & weeks.
-Economic boycotts
-General strike
We're moving toward that already:
@teslatakedown.com @protectdemocracy.org @indivisible.org @riseandresist.bsky.social @generalstrikeus.bsky.social
"Even prior to Trump, our democracy was deeply flawed. It’s entirely possible that future generations will look back on this awful time and see the seeds of fundamental reform. Many of you are leading this. In hundreds of thousands of ways...you are the beginnings of positive change." - Robert Reich
BIL says "There's so much waste." I pointed out his wife is in Special Education. He said privatized schools will now accommodate those students with resources. (Not one person in favor of vouchers has said this would happen). He's also racist and now proved he's Gullible.
Hahahaha, that guy is living in the cult koolaid land. No way will privatized schools provide resources for special ed kids, no way!!! They do the opposite, only take the students that meet their requirements. Public schools don’t have that right, they must provide for ALL. I’m a special ed teacher.
My degree is in Special Ed but I never used it as schools went a direction I didn't personally feel was in the student's best interest at the time. A lot has changed since then but I've heard from others in Education that kids have had to meet in a makeshift closet to still get services they need.
And in the end it will save no money overall because we will actually spend more but get less services. Not counting the impacts from disease ,science and the environment.
Agreed. I said since the beginning that once they went after the VA, shit would get real. It’s why they waited and didn’t do it on day one. So many veterans support Trump and now they are finally realizing…
It doesn’t matter how unpopular it is if the Democrats won’t stand up and stop it. The Republicans are caught between a rock and a hard place too—do they do what Trump wants, knowing that if they do, there’s no way they can win reelection? That’s if our country can survive that long
Until it truly affects them. The numbers for “in favor” will drop. As long as they are “owning the Libs”, many will be happy but once they start to get “owned” their tune will change. It is already happening. Many of that 44% believe that once the dismantling is done they will fix it. Not happening
He created a department without congressional approval to dismantle our government and Congress is ok with giving away that power…
Musk has zero authority and Congress pretends their hands are tied and can’t do anything besides enriching themselves.
Just wait until people want their tax refunds, their SS checks, the latest in cancer preventions, a local library, peace in the world.. .. they will wake up but it will be too late ‼️
Not with the worst people you know. And there are a lot of them.
Multiple generations of "conservative" grifters screaming "The government isn't the solution to your problem. Government IS the problem" worked on the rubes as intended.
What are these politicians afraid of as they watch the overthrow of our government and the oncoming police state? Silence is complicity! https://bit.ly/3DLC2pi
I don’t know much about that, being Canadian, so I’ll defer to you on that. But did you read the article? Where all all these people? Why aren’t they speaking up?
The Clintons and Obamas spoke up constantly before the election. They made the choice very clear. Our ignorant electorate ignored them. GWB is cowardly, like most Republicans. Powers speak out often. Nadar is as narcissistic as Trump, if he doesn't see it, it didn't happen.
We handed a loaded gun to a toddler and are watching as it shoots us in the foot, then we do nothing but watch as it smiles and shoots us in the other foot.
Well for the cult no. My sister FB is local government worker cheering this on and I pointed out that some same arguments could be used against her on local level
I know it’s long, but this *might* be an important read - several sections describe (I think) what we might be going through, god help us. Pay special attention to the discussion about the “fifth column.”
Sadly, Trump & his cronies do not care one bit that it is wildly unpopular. Trump is on a vendenta and is out to pilfer & defraud the US out all he can regardless of what the American public thinks or if he destroys the government & all it stands for. He knows he has only 2 years to get what he can.
The GOP has been trying for decades to cut it and the GOP voters don’t care. All they have to do is blame minorities and the LGBTQ community and the base will go along with it saying the GOP is fighting for them. They would rather starve to death than vote against MAGA.
They don't care because it hasn't actually been cut. Nobody screams louder than conservative people when they have to give up something they feel they are owed or want - like tax free industries.
Touching social security is the third rail. The difference this time is that these people have to actually live through their politicians shitty policies. Face the consequences. Usually the D’s bail them out. Not this time.
I would urge you to listen to the last 10 minutes of this episode. Schumer explains his vote on the CR so as not to shutdown the government.
Magats are being told by the bullshit factory that they will profit someday from every dime that DOGE cuts off the govt payrolls. And that allowing them to do it is patriotic.
Without a plan to oppose the CR — a plan which could have been made weeks before knowing what P25 and GOP intended — the resulting Dem capitulation occurred as expected.
Without a plan & daily press conferences, unsuccessful brinkmanship tactics makes all losers in the end.
Trump's people issued a direct threat
Their takeover will remain bloodless if we let them do what they want
Trump knew we would resist, that's why there's a fox host running the military. He will order troops to fire in protestors
So, will our sons turn their guns on us? https://youtu.be/FznbfmZ0JZE?si=2_OgUMHWAT7MMvGA
It's what the people voted for or chose not to vote against.
I wish I was over the "told you so" phase but I'll still be saying it in my detention camp.
My detention mantra will be:
I told you so.
THEY told you so.
THEY wrote it down.
I told you so.
THEY told you so.
THEY wrote it down.
I always think about the Heritage Foundation meeting about Project 2025 and no one saying, “Um, what if several hundred million people all say this is bad and come after us for trying to end their government?”
Like did you chucklefucks ever consider no one wanting your brand of crazy?
I keep saying to myself, "Who the hell wants to live in a country like this?" It's not the country I grew up in. At some time soon, a million people need to show up and surround the Capitol. Massive street protests may be the only thing that saves us.
Exactly. They're forgetting one tiny thing.... Millions of Americans. They've been living in their right wing propoganda bubble for so long that they truly believe the 'American people,' want this. Sorry, no. The mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging morons want this and they are the minority.
I’m not saying they care what anyone thinks but you have to be a special kind of stupid to not expect the majority of a country this size is going to push back in a way like never before to ending their fucking government.
It was the one thing that both sides had that existed as the “playing field”; the base to build from where all the rules and laws were. Now the floor has been broken wide open and everyone’s in free fall. And there’s no safety net down below. Both sides have let America suffer: for what exactly?👎 👎
Let's hope you're correct - he's indicated on more than one occasion that he wants to go for another term. However, it might be tough to fashion a dynasty from the ashes our democracy will be in after this 4 year term.
Walz's "running the engine without oil" metaphor was 💯. The GOP has been wanting to privatize social services for decades, speed running the destruction of those services seems to be the Trump 2.0 blueprint.
I'm afraid of what's going to happen when they, eventually, decide to ignore the courts.
Is this why one of the songs played at his rallies is “You can’t always get what you want”? That’s the point of authoritarianism, as people may now be realizing.
Just think how many people still think it’s heroic and are about to understand how important the federal government actually was to every day life and prosperity😬
Donald Trump never wanted the presidency. It just happens that Project 2025 (corporate dismantling of democracy) and Russian (extreme destabilization) interests align and he's the perfect fool/tool. He can drool occasional insanities for appearance & golf, MAGA can cheer. How it all ends.
Unpopular. Not wildly, though. It should be the case but the deplorables are still in thrall. In my neighborhood, in Queens, MORE drumf signs have gone up and a car dealership has put a cyber truck in the display window.
But @mollyjongfast.bsky.social as long as the GOP allows it to happen does it matter? By the time midterms happen almost irreversible damage will have occurred.
The critical force exists to push back against the destruction of the current government.
What is needed are leaders willing to stand up and mobilize the forces.
The judiciary can not do it. Trump/DOJ/DOGE are listening to the federal judges'orders.
It has to be a massive, physical push at the risk
Of Trump invoking martial law.
At that moment, we will know if we survive as a country.
If the military and national guard go against its own citizens and against their Oath to the republic, we cease to exist as a constitutional republic.
In case they side with the people - the current
Administration gets overturned, and new elections get put into place.
Martial law will still be in place due to the trympian elements fighting to reverse the changes...or there will be a civil war.
Whatever happens, if it happens, it will be ugly, violent, and bloody.
Did we reach that point?
Too late! We handed them the keys and nuke codes. All we can do is yell and scream to show our dissatisfaction and hope the few lawmakers left and those in charge of govt organizations have a spine to withstand the onslaught!
Not on Bluesky. Every left-of-center account I have seen over the last two days thinks the government should have been entirely shut down and all unreviewable power to decide what is essential handed to Musk on a silver platter.
People hate the government... until they realize what it does to protect them. Without it, they'll be at the mercy of marauding #oligarchs. Does anyone trust billionaires to protect the public interests??
It’s super popular in red states, right up until the folks cheering for it get personally harmed. They love it when they think it’s just harming “those” people.
They took the cries of the people wanting a new government as in the federal workers.
Nahhhh, what we wanted was the career politicians, who have for DECADES casted their votes based on donors/lobbyists pockets, to get the hell out of office!!
They have always been the real waste, fraud, and abuse.
While getting a pre-travel haircut, I sd I hoped they hadn't fired all the air traffic controllers yet. She replied that she didn't pay attn to politics and that they probably wanted too much money. Deep blue state. There's anger, sure, but we can't sugar coat the job ahead.
And yet, MAGAt voters approve by about 80% because they’ve been told by Fox and all their other propaganda sources that owning the libs is the ultimate goal. They’re all in with that.
But it's happening anyway. There's too many in power who want it, and there aren't enough ppl in power who care or are too paralyzed to do anything about it.
And Americans aren't mad enough yet en masse. Which is astounding to me. All over the US, our streets should look like Hungary.
I really wish I could agree, but he's still polling well. People think he's "improving efficiency".
Also, the right wing media has spent a couple of generations teaching people to believe that government is their enemy. They're happy to see it being torn down.
We have a channel almost similar to your nazi channel, Fox News. Ours is right-wing, and in many cases, far-right. But, if Fox News was in France, we'd shut it down. Last week, we shut down 2 TV channels because they spread lies, conspiracy theories, hate, & racism. They were exactly like Fox News!
Look at this, Americans.
We looked at you as the country that used to support freedom around the world. But now, your majority chose to be slaves to a dictator, his party, his billionaire friends, & Putin.
Europe is rising, and you are dying!!
Oh, look, yet another blowhard who knows nothing about the vast differences between protesting in an area the size of the US and any of these small countries you say are doing better at protest.
It would be funny if it wasn't so aggravating. Regardless, you can go do something unmentionable.
And information about Obamas inauguration was widely advertised for months. There's a huge difference when major media are deliberately not reporting protests all around the country.
They don't care if it's popular. They don't need votes anymore. We're no longer living in a democracy. People need to wake the fuck up. Protests aren't going to cut it, they will just be the excuse for martial law.
Someone needs to tell Pam Bondi that a Tesla is not a national monument. The federal government has no jurisdiction to charge anyone for vandalism of private property.
I’m not so sure about that. Here in Michigan’s thumb I still see plenty of trump flags flying, yard signs everywhere. There’s no protest around, the Republican Party is still fund raising off this destruction.People can’t afford eggs,prescription medicine or rent but they can still buy trumps merch!
That would scare the crap out of me if it was my neighborhood. How will the U. S. ever get out of this mess when your neighbours are part of the problem? I know we have people in Canada that support the right wing, but not to the extreme like down there. I am sorry your situation is so grim
Unfortunately, I see the same in Northwestern MI. The Trump flags are still in place. It’s disgusting and depressing to be surrounded by so many hateful people.
Yet no protests besides a couple hundred at dealerships. I get it, big country. But plenty of you are local to Washington, and the surrounding NEARBY states can't tell me they can't make it out to the Capitol on their two days off and back. The cowardice is palpable. Nothing but excuses.
He has already declared a state of emergency. In early Feb. That’s what gave him the power to unilaterally impose tariffs.
And the Congress has a 15 day window to end it & they put a provision in the spending bill that essentially extended that period to 2026 so they can’t stop him.
Exactly. Far worse to come soon & Americans are not at all prepared for it except for the 卐 insurrectionists & private militias they have been training for years. They have drones, robots, armored Teslas, etc. & we have protest signs & pitchforks. 🪧 😱
Billionaires seem to need the government less than the rest of us,but that’s not really true. They need the tax breaks and the incentives from the government in order to pad their own accounts. The rest of us just want to be able to eat,have a decent roof over us,and have real access to medical care
Side note: we have a Daisy too 🐾
this ?
We all know why it is happening - we need to move forward and fight
We need direct action, non-violent civil disobedience now.
@mollyjongfast.bsky.social .
Mega-fan of yours. Ask Rick. ❤️
Americans will take a racist clown in exchange for the perception of cheaper goods every time.
Yes, we've been yelling at our Ds to fight & resist all along.
We explained over & over again that obeying in advance while strictly following the principles ftom their Polite Politics Playbook would harm all of us.
They shd reflect & change tactics
They blame the MAGA Rs 4 doing what the MAGA Rs SAID THEY WOULD DO in Project 2025!
DC DEMS= take responsibility & change tactics at the same time.
The bad news is that there are only roughly 11 who seem to be actually fighting (AOC, Garcia, Crockett, Frost, Sanders, Warren, Walz, Pritzker --)
𝑼𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒚, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒐𝒐 𝒃𝒖𝒔𝒚 “𝒈𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒉!”
The notion that the administration casts doubt on the results of the election are absolutely over 50% however.
Expending capital in unwinnable battles is pointless. They need to choose strategy carefully.
It’s tough to win as a minority in both houses.
If those who didn’t vote felt like they had nothing to vote for, maybe they should have realized they were voting for a government that’s willing to listen rather than one looking to destroy
If they are low propensity voters they could easily fall prey to trumps, Russia Elon propaganda lying to get their votes
Murc's law applies here.
Make them think.
Or the NEED to fight?
Rules for the Senate Dems to remove leaders, for those that are bored:
Just 10 members (20% of the Senate Dem Conference) can call for a meeting of the conference to vote on whether and who shall replace Schumer as Conference Chair and Democratic Leader.
March 18th, 6pm
Sadly, I stopped reading right there because since past is prologue we know the Weimar Democrats are not smart.
The NC veteran in Ashville who was escorted out actually ran as a democrat and lost (sadly) and not some random republican veteran.
Ignore us at your own risk, Quislings.
#NoCowards #NoAppeasement #NoQuarter
So we need to make them care.
-Massive peaceful protests repeated for weeks & weeks.
-Economic boycotts
-General strike
We're moving toward that already:
@teslatakedown.com @protectdemocracy.org @indivisible.org @riseandresist.bsky.social @generalstrikeus.bsky.social
- Amb. Londo Mollari
When are Republicans going to find their spines?
Exactly WHERE is their red line?
How sad is that
May this regime's demise be swift and certain.
Democrats are bureaucratic in ideology. Regulate everything, spend but don't build.
Republicans are autocratic in ideology, with an emphasis on lower taxes, reduced bureaucracy, and free market capitalism.
🍊Songs of the Doomed
🍊Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail 72
Written by Hunter S Thompson who saw right through the corruption & greed that inflicts most politicians
I doubt even he could predict such a fascist, dishonest & speedy destruction of Fed gov on this scale tho.
I don’t call that ‘wildly unpopular’
Musk has zero authority and Congress pretends their hands are tied and can’t do anything besides enriching themselves.
Multiple generations of "conservative" grifters screaming "The government isn't the solution to your problem. Government IS the problem" worked on the rubes as intended.
It's over. All that's left to see is the wreckage from this journey.
Most people are too ignorant to know what the repercussions are. By the time they figure it out, it'll be too late.
Concepts and Elements
I know it’s long, but this *might* be an important read - several sections describe (I think) what we might be going through, god help us. Pay special attention to the discussion about the “fifth column.”
It's simple, tell us what is not going to be accomplished.
I would urge you to listen to the last 10 minutes of this episode. Schumer explains his vote on the CR so as not to shutdown the government.
Without a plan & daily press conferences, unsuccessful brinkmanship tactics makes all losers in the end.
Dems need a plan.
Their takeover will remain bloodless if we let them do what they want
Trump knew we would resist, that's why there's a fox host running the military. He will order troops to fire in protestors
So, will our sons turn their guns on us?
Manchurian candidate
That felon owes putin
but we are paying.
F him n Put-in office
I wish I was over the "told you so" phase but I'll still be saying it in my detention camp.
My detention mantra will be:
I told you so.
THEY told you so.
THEY wrote it down.
I told you so.
THEY told you so.
THEY wrote it down.
Which is why they lied about project 2025
Like did you chucklefucks ever consider no one wanting your brand of crazy?
Quit expecting them too.
They won’t.
So the bigger, and more important, question is - "why is the government not responsive to the will of the people?"
I'm afraid of what's going to happen when they, eventually, decide to ignore the courts.
#Wordle 1,366 6/6
What is needed are leaders willing to stand up and mobilize the forces.
The judiciary can not do it. Trump/DOJ/DOGE are listening to the federal judges'orders.
It has to be a massive, physical push at the risk
At that moment, we will know if we survive as a country.
If the military and national guard go against its own citizens and against their Oath to the republic, we cease to exist as a constitutional republic.
In case they side with the people - the current
Martial law will still be in place due to the trympian elements fighting to reverse the changes...or there will be a civil war.
Whatever happens, if it happens, it will be ugly, violent, and bloody.
Did we reach that point?
Nahhhh, what we wanted was the career politicians, who have for DECADES casted their votes based on donors/lobbyists pockets, to get the hell out of office!!
They have always been the real waste, fraud, and abuse.
He told us that he plans never to hold another free election ever again.
And since an unexpected billionaire has absolute power, we can surmise that only billionaire's opinions matter.
So, "praise jesus, hand over your rights, entitlements, and paid benefits, and stfu. "
That's the GOP's effective slogan.
And Americans aren't mad enough yet en masse. Which is astounding to me. All over the US, our streets should look like Hungary.
Also, the right wing media has spent a couple of generations teaching people to believe that government is their enemy. They're happy to see it being torn down.
Maybe by June 2025?
We looked at you as the country that used to support freedom around the world. But now, your majority chose to be slaves to a dictator, his party, his billionaire friends, & Putin.
Europe is rising, and you are dying!!
It would be funny if it wasn't so aggravating. Regardless, you can go do something unmentionable.
Where did she go to law school?
And the Congress has a 15 day window to end it & they put a provision in the spending bill that essentially extended that period to 2026 so they can’t stop him.
His 'friends' are dictators who've all successfully seized control of their governments using the exact same roadmap.
Resilience Targeting is what appears we're witnessing at this stage.