No "genius" it's because you're NOT finding fraud, saying you are, and hurting real people who've sacrificed for families, friends, and THE COUNTRY, something you and trump have NEVER done.
It’s incredible an unelected, not appointed and unaccountable person with an army of random hackers is dismantling our government so freely and destructively.
Let's take bets on how this will be covered on Fox Entertainment...🤣
So incredibly SAD actually... although I'm not sure which part - the fact FOX is so willing to lie about virtually everything, or that so many people hang on their every word!
My question is why???
Even if they DO find true fraud, I'd be shocked if they have the knowledge, skills, or tools to document it well enough to satisfy a judge or even review committee.
Actual fraud is a crime, after all. People doing it are supposed to face criminal charges (and a fair trial) not just get fired.
Just because Leon can’t remember
anything from 2020, doesn’t
mean we can’t.
The current coup d’etat is going to fail,
and Leon will pay a heavy price
for his crimes.
It's amazing how a self-professed genius seems to constantly use fallacious reasoning. You could teach an entire course on Rhetoric just using his tweets.
no. That isn't it at all. He is breaking the country that made him, with our tax dollars so he can shive his mamma's boy tears up his felons ass. Zero fucks given.
No Elon. Y9u are seeing hate because
1) You are harming children, disabled, elderly, veterans
2) You embrace Nazi ideology all the way to your salute
3) You bought Trump's way into office destroying our country
4) You are a vile, despicable piece of shit
Besides the obvious disingenuousness, the way he words this shows his underlying worldview: that no one would object to actions that don't affect themselves.
Again, he had no understanding of empathy.
USAID's closure means that thousands may/will contract aids and die, but according to him, that shouldn't bother me because I'm not personally affected, and if it does, that means I must be somehow losing some (underhanded) benefit.
He’s a disgusting human being who has no legal authority to do what’s he’s doing, and is just outright lying with zero oversight. Congress is silent. The courts are the only place they have to show actual evidence. It’s the “election fraud” playbook all over again. The big lie part 2.
Musk and his fuckery DOGE isn't saving money - if anything has cost the country a lot more money along with Musks increases across his contracts -
The very same with Trump - he is not only charging the gov more - he is adding interest to his charges for SS 24/7 & Weekends at Palm Beach -
We need to make sure that A.) Nobody vandalizes Tesla shops. Lithium batteries are highly toxic once ignighted. B.)The optics of fleets Tesla abandoned cars will speak volumes. He is hemorrhaging money daily.If Dems can get control of
the HOR hope they can transfer funds to NASA and cut Musk out.
Wrong! The hatred is because you are a prick. If you are half as smart as you think you are you would know acting like a rich spoiled brat is not something people like.
He is arguably the biggest fraud the USA has ever concocted … without a doubt … just before Trump .. god he is a mother fucking joke .. and people worship this guy 🤣🤣🤣 … not a damn thing he says has any ounce of truth … again, a great example why no country on Earth respects the USA
I think someone didn't get told the truth growing up, instead he was told you're the best, they only dislike you bc they can't be you, and that boys not your friend he works in the family blood diamond mind. You know all the usual stuff.
1. Musk is not finding waste.
2. The reason people care is that you are ruining our lives & our country so you and Trump can give yourselves huge tax cuts. Stop using our jobs, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid,VA benefits & HC,FDIC,etc., for your own tax cuts. Tesla pd $0 in taxes last year!
The real question is Muskrat isn't telling America what he is doing with the waste 🤔. Installing starlink to prevent anyone from hacking information to know what they are really doing. So much being hidden no one will ever know except the criminals doing it.
How can an unelected official like Musk have so much power over Government departments?
A South African immigrant telling US citizens if they can keep their jobs or justify their existing roles.
Elon is lying to our faces!! And adjusting his lies as he goes along hoping Noone is noticing his theft and whatever else he and his cronies are doing! Throw this jerk out! He doesn't have the right to run around and do this to anyone!
The media is still treating DOGE as if its actual mission might really be to eliminate fraud.
Then there's the outlier NBC News poll that NBC/MSNBC are promoting which claims that 46% of Americans think DOGE is a good idea, but they don't like Musk.
Yes, there's a same way to improve governmental efficiency--methodical, systematic and thoughtful, have experts in the various fields study and identify issues, develop comprehensive reforms and implement them carefully over time.
This is not that way. And that is not the mission of DOGE.
It is almost like the entire point with it all was to destroy the governing state, install a fascist regime and the shovel all our resources and taxes towards the richest among us that has so much wealth that they couldn't spent it in a 1000 lifetimes. Oh, and help Russia.
As usual this fascist talks in doublespeak. Not only does he keep lying about finding waste and fraud, his entire statement is completely backward: we wouldn’t be so angry if DOGE was actually rooting it out—we’re furious because every day it’s clearer #fElonMusk himself is the fraud and waste!
What's wrong with his reasoning?? Oh, I get it: they are actually NOT getting rid of waste and fraud but are destroying our government's structure and ability to serve citizens. THAT'S WHAT WE'RE FUCKING ANGRY ABOUT.
Hey Elonia…Show us the actual receipts, DOGE…and for the record, people are angry because like a bad hairdresser, you’re cutting too much without regard for style and finesse. You actually really suck at government efficiency. You should have stayed in your lane.
People are mad because you’re rapidly demolishing a country that took 250 years to assemble *and* you’re making nazism one of the defining features of a major political party.
LMFAO! You are so out of touch with Reality !
You've yet to show any credible evidence of fraud of significance !
GTF Out of OUR BUSINESS, and Mind Your Own Businesses, which are failing miserably right now...!!!
You asked for what you're getting!
His statement makes no sense. Sure we’d all like fraud stopped. But just closing entire agencies, especially when you’re not an actual agency. Why is he still there. A judge should stop DOGE entirely as you can’t just go “poof” - new agency.
They still haven't even reported fraud or really much waste to speak of. They reported a bunch of spending on policies people may not like, but that's not what they're claiming to be targeting and finding.
So often during these despicable trump years, I have remembered an episode of Law and Order in which a group of depraved teens killed a classmate "to see what it felt like."
If we weren’t succeeding in causing a shitty overvalued company built on govt subsidies, hype and other people skills then Elon wouldn’t care that it’s tanking
Yeah guys, why would you be worried about the world's richest man and his edgelord techbros, unappointed and accountable to no one, rummaging through your personal data and critical government agencies unless you're trying to cover up corruption? Why do you care so much?
Over the course of Molly J-F' s investigation into number of PROVEN FRAUD cases ended at 0.00? Or is it just so low as to be statistically ZERO.
Pretty solid by my count.
But, I am no Nazi Billionaire.
Yeah #ElonMusk that's the exact same bullshit #MAGAFascistNaziGOP are trying to sell about #American #voters being #paid #protestors at #townhalls! You all keep telling yourselves this fantasy! All we have to do is point out the real you stupid fucks never thought about that!
No Elon; you're not actually seeing hatred nor violence - you're seeing disagreement & disdain,
and it's certainly not because you're uncovering anything -
it's because you're breaking & ruining everything and literally killing people!
You're just fooling yourself and being an idiot. Please stop.
I'm saying it again, if your country wants to avoid a potential world war, that we think it will eventually happen between Europe against Russia and Nazi America, then you have to get rid of him and all his helpers. We'll take care of Putin here. We have nukes if he or he dares...
People are being fired. Careers and lives ruined. The work of critical agencies is being decimated. But sure. It’s the fraud you have provided zero evidence of.
Why is this not the question asked to every member of the GOP in interviews touting the DOGE team searching for fraud, waste and abuse? How many cases have they referred to the DOJ?
Every bit of that is false. You're not finding fraud, you and your team are fumbling and misunderstanding data while hacking the US government and transferring data to private servers (wasn't that an issue for Hillary Clinton). You don't know what you're doing and you're wrecking things.
Unbelievable what one super rich guy can do in the political world of the USA and try and justify it. This is not justified, it's totally illegal and fingers crossed the insanity will settle down to some normality and those assholes will be tossed out.
The lies coming from the First Felon’s administration are both numerous and despicable. Put elected and appointed officials under oath and impeach them if they lie.
So those arrests should be starting any day now right? But wait a judge just sent them back to work? Is the judge allowing the fraud or is President Musk lying about the fraud? Pathological lying is contagious maybe RFK should look into it
They'd just have to produce one shred of evidence.
No, what they're eliminating is jobs. So, paychecks. Just cutting that payroll spending, good job. It'll be more than made up for in lawsuits, you memed out morons
There’s no fraud. Never was. DOGE is just Musk’s cheap-ass fig leaf while he angles to jack the government’s data, because he knows that’s where the real power lives. It’s not about corruption. It’s about control.
If there really were vast amounts of fraud and they were succeeding in uncovering it, I wouldn’t be as angry. But they and we all know that this has nothing to do with a search for fraud, that’s just the cover for gutting govt regulation and enforcement that Mush personally cannot take.
This would have been more effective if a Musk statement about 'fraud' had been used. While 'corruption,' 'waste,' and 'fraud' are related concepts, they are not synonymous. Therefore, a graph depicting 'no actual fraud' does not disprove anything Musk claimed in the quoted statement.
AND they're wasting Govt time + money making employees jump thru hoops to report what they did last week and scrubbing everything of the Govt list of bad words (like equality and climate) and forcing people back to inefficient offices that don't have space.
If this team tried to present it's achievements to a corporate CEO, they would out on the sidewalk in 10 minutes. Bumbling, misstating findings, careless and sloppy. Trump seems to have forgotten his catchphrase, "YOUR FIRED".
I think he's got that backward. People wouldn't be hateful and violent if he was successful in getting rid of corruption and waste but they would be (and are) if he is gutting our government and not finding corruption and waste that justifies the horror he's inflicting on us.
It makes sense that a man who thinks only in videogame terms assumes he's making progress because there are an increasing number of "enemies" trying to stop him.
Stupid twat.
I said it last night, and I’m saying it again. His complete lack of Alf awareness is astounding!
So incredibly SAD actually... although I'm not sure which part - the fact FOX is so willing to lie about virtually everything, or that so many people hang on their every word!
My question is why???
Actual fraud is a crime, after all. People doing it are supposed to face criminal charges (and a fair trial) not just get fired.
anything from 2020, doesn’t
mean we can’t.
The current coup d’etat is going to fail,
and Leon will pay a heavy price
for his crimes.
Elon Musk’s Schutzstaffel aka DOGE
There is nothing related to "efficiency" in the DOGE ABUSE OF POWER!
DOGE is implementing CRIME!
There is no authority for the DOGE group to do what they do!
Unfortunately, few recognize the GOP CRIME as CRIME!
1) You are harming children, disabled, elderly, veterans
2) You embrace Nazi ideology all the way to your salute
3) You bought Trump's way into office destroying our country
4) You are a vile, despicable piece of shit
Those are MY reasons for hating you.
Again, he had no understanding of empathy.
The very same with Trump - he is not only charging the gov more - he is adding interest to his charges for SS 24/7 & Weekends at Palm Beach -
the HOR hope they can transfer funds to NASA and cut Musk out.
Kim Taylor (R) alone, 50 counts of voter fraud in Iowa.
A bogeyman over ~0.0000845% of total votes.
Now similar, undefined, infinitesimally small "waste" to justify destroying gov't and people's lives.
Dumbest rich guy I know.
Someone 🪦 him please.
2. The reason people care is that you are ruining our lives & our country so you and Trump can give yourselves huge tax cuts. Stop using our jobs, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid,VA benefits & HC,FDIC,etc., for your own tax cuts. Tesla pd $0 in taxes last year!
A South African immigrant telling US citizens if they can keep their jobs or justify their existing roles.
That and freedom.
Then there's the outlier NBC News poll that NBC/MSNBC are promoting which claims that 46% of Americans think DOGE is a good idea, but they don't like Musk.
Christ, networks, do your damned job already.
This is not that way. And that is not the mission of DOGE.
Continue to crush this cretin.
People are mad because you’re rapidly demolishing a country that took 250 years to assemble *and* you’re making nazism one of the defining features of a major political party.
You've yet to show any credible evidence of fraud of significance !
GTF Out of OUR BUSINESS, and Mind Your Own Businesses, which are failing miserably right now...!!!
You asked for what you're getting!
The number of deaths caused by the haphazard shutdown of needed programs.
That number will be much higher than zero. 😢
Check over at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
No evidence of fraud.
Why are Musk/Trump so intent on hurting people?
And for being "so smout" you sure are stupid.
Failing humanity.
Over the course of Molly J-F' s investigation into number of PROVEN FRAUD cases ended at 0.00? Or is it just so low as to be statistically ZERO.
Pretty solid by my count.
But, I am no Nazi Billionaire.
-Elon Musk
and it's certainly not because you're uncovering anything -
it's because you're breaking & ruining everything and literally killing people!
You're just fooling yourself and being an idiot. Please stop.
No, what they're eliminating is jobs. So, paychecks. Just cutting that payroll spending, good job. It'll be more than made up for in lawsuits, you memed out morons
They don't have shizz. Zero. Zip. Nada.
Total losers lost in their own fever dreams of alternative facts.
AND they're wasting Govt time + money making employees jump thru hoops to report what they did last week and scrubbing everything of the Govt list of bad words (like equality and climate) and forcing people back to inefficient offices that don't have space.
This man is delusional❗️ ~ he lives in his own little world!!!
He is one SICKO SOB❗️❗️
We’re the waste and fraud
This is the douche who wants to put chips in Your head