We kept saying trumps second term will be worse and it is. But honestly, I get no pleasure from being right. It’s so soul crushing to watch how stupid everything is.
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Yes, it dies in dumb. And it also dies in ignorant cults whose members ain’t gonna learn what they don’t wanna know. Hopefully karma kicks them really hard where it hurts the most.
We're getting the government we deserve. If 36% of eligible voters can't be bothered to turn out — even knowing what the possible outcome might be, then they deserve the FO portion of FAFO.
Companies lined up behind this stupidity, but some more than others. We can hold them accountable. Check out our new website tracking corporate support for the right at https://whofundstheright.org, and give us a follow for updates and highlights.
It’s quite something to realize that a lot of the difficulties in the court cases are judges almost literally going “what the actual fuck are you even talking about!?!” and not being equipped to deal with the level of crazy/stupid arguments put forth 🤯
It isn’t lost on me that the Amazon logo looks like a dick, the rockets at Blue Origin looks like a dick, and that bald dick that owns the Washington Post won’t do dick about democracy dying on his watch.
Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.
John Adams
I don't think I have despised the uneducated before, but now I do because of the cruelty and the peak stupidity they are unleashing.
I hope America will somehow find a way back to make sure life in a working society is difficult unless you get properly educated to higher standards, like Japan does.
Elimination of the Education Department will bring untold misery in this country and kneecap Public Education for decades. Lost generations stacked up on list generations - the contempt the GOP has for families and children is unfathomable.
And my People wonder why I needed substances to cope from November through January 22. I spent 6 weeks knowing it was coming just not on what timeline. That’s were I got into arguments about how fast the doom was coming, not that it wasn’t. But in my head I had the timeline.
If it was just dumb I could live with it. It's the joyful cruelty, the death and misery inflicted already, and the promise of much more to come that is the worst part
It’s an epidemic of dipshit. & sorry but it’s Boomers, the demo that x2 voted for a syphilitic conman bc of their racism, lead pipe brain damage & malignant narcissism. They’re so dipshit they STILL don’t see it like 🤷♀️
The Greatest Con.
Ya gotta kinda chuckle (if only it weren’t so tragic).
Those MAGA folks were so petrified of a New World Order - they ravenously consumed guns & conspiracy theories & believed monsters hid in shadows.
Hoodwinked, MAGA got a NWO, just not the one they feared!
It’s so frustrating to hear so many people being ‘shocked’ by the situation. We warned ya’ll, we’ve been screaming about this for a long time. The information was all there. It was not subtle or sneaky
It’s been absolutely bat shit crazy‼️ Every single data point is fucked up; economy, liberty, life, health, welfare, pursuit of happiness, employment, education, stress levels, environment, and stability. It’s like some deranged ignorant POS is running the government.
RESIST. We need to continue the boycotts on billionaires and we cannot let up. The power of the people can overcome oligarchy and fascism. Even without an election we vote with every dollar we choose to spend or withhold. Keep applying political pressures however you can.
Absolutely soul crushing. So very sad. So many people in my family fought in wars for the ideals of this country. It's painful to watch everything crumble and collapse in 60 days. The guardrails of democracy are gone. It's unbelievable.
Soul crushing is right. I wish my assessment of what a second Trump term would look like was inaccurate, but rather than it being overblown, I fear I underestimated.
I thought it would be bad but it’s still even much worse than I expected. The big thing I didn’t see coming was Elon’s guys marching in and doing Twitter Takeover 2.0 all over the government.
It's much worse and going much faster than I ever thought could happen. I'm so sad and angry. I can't get out but I will continue to contact my members of Congress.
Trump is the dumdums' revenge. For years, Mr Smartypants told them no: you can't just dump aerosol refrigerant everywhere or hang black people for the fun of it, and maybe the book of Genesis isn't historically accurate.
Well now we're doin it the DUMB way, shut up and bang those rocks together.
Here's a weird thought...we might have been better off if Trump had won in 2020...
we wouldn't have Project 2025
he wouldn't have had time to have these advisors
Musk wouldn't be involved
he wouldn't have 4 years to game plan a 2nd term
obviously I wish he'd NEVER have EVER gotten in office.
2 Once at the airport, they can slowly circle the drop-off area, marveling at the traffic engineers' genius! Perhaps even snap a photo to share. Drive slowly and carefully, my fellow Americans. Please enjoy the sunny D.C. day.
Frustrating to see a country fall into hell because of one party's greed, hate, and ruthlessness. They break five laws a day, minimum, and our system can't keep up or doesn't want to. I'm exhausted, but I won't pretend it isn't happening. We have to find how to fight back.
The US is going to unrecognisable in 6 months, let alone after 3-4 years. Those of us in rest of the world need to strengthen our alliances and limit all contact with Gilead
Could it possibly be because the news media in America sits around what is the journalistic equivalent to a middle school lunch table, talking solely about people and what stupid thing they said that week? Zero ideas. It's not the hosts who are dumb - it's the discourse.
It's "soul crushing" but more frustrating. My soul is and will stay intact. But since the emergence of stupidity and lying, as political tactics, it IS hard for intelligent, decent people to see what's happening. And NO ACCOUNTABILITY! Yet we're here. EVERYONE AND NO ONE IS GUILTY AT THE SAME TIME.
I feel like the Dems in congress are like a deer in the headlights. What’s going on?? Why are they not speaking out about how the Administration is talking about judges.. and EVERYTHING ELSE. It’s so frustrating. It really does feel soul crushing! These help- a little 👇
I had a feeling that whoever had won in 2020 against tRump would be treated like a scapegoat. I feel horrible being right because the lack of respect for Joe Biden during his time in office was unrelenting and intolerable. I hated being right. Still do.
We all knew a second term would be far worse, hello Project 2025. What is distressing is watching independent journalists fail to help build an effective opposition to instead build their own subscriber base with defeatism. EX: A govt shutdown was not an option r/n and D’s got the best CR possible.
'She, like many Canadians, is swearing off travel to the United States for the duration of this administration but welcomes Americans. “We love Americans and we also love the American dollar, especially now,” Ms. Salter said.'
And to see Dem leadership has ZERO plans. None. Zip. Just going to standby, kick at the ground with hands in pockets, and wait for their “friends on the other side of the aisle” to come back and play nice again. 🤯🤯🤯🤯
Look up the Canadian
actress who has a legal
work visa, was coming back in the US at the Mex. border, and was detained by ICE & ended up in jail. They held
Her for TWO WEEKS.
Everyone writes about how America is devolving into an Autocracy. I think they’re wrong, dead wrong! To paraphrase the great American character actor, Strother Martin, Jr, “What we have here in an idiocracy”. A government run by idiots, led by the Idiot-in-Chief, and followed by a cadre of idiots.
Unfortunately, it will go from really bad to really awful fast. And sadly , total capitulation by the media , obviously law firms , sports figures , and more. And the DOJ and FBI will not stay neutral position whatsoever and will do whatever the orange turd tells them to do
I don't know that they think he is doing a good job for them, but I know there was a contingent that voted this way to hurt the libs or people poorer than them bc they were convinced mexicans were given everything while they got nothing. In the meantime we deported out lots of social security $$. 🤯🤯
Remember, the ENTIRE US House, All 435 are up for re-election NEXT YEAR (2026) Along with several governorships State Legislatures Numerous local offices Across the country.
There IS time to get organized raise funds and find candidates!
The shit belongs only ONE place ON THE FAN IN'26
You are partly to blame with yout support of neo-liberal policies and the support of Netanyahu. Please sit this one out and have a diet coke in your millionaire Manhatten apartment.
And how do you get the shit back in the horse when it's all over. Generations will study this time and ask how a people's could be fooled so easily. Sound familiar?
Trump is a traitor just like John Robert’s and Elon Musk as these tossers want nothing than a collapsed America the Supreme Court is corrupted and ineffective due to the 6 conservative trash
I'm an expat in Seattle. In November I figured I'd wait and see how things were going and consider maybe moving back to Canada around the end of the year. I'll be in Vancouver next week.
In spite of being told by everyone, including Trump himself, that he would be a dictater, and his second term would be bloody and nasty--in his final stump speeches at the end of the campaign. By the way, anybody heard any recent updates on fentanyl or food prices?
It’s taken me years to grieve the death of my Mother. idk how long it will take me to grieve just who and what i believed my Country to be. i feel suspicious of everyone i meet now. are they part of the country that voted for a lying, raping, bullying felon?
A third of the country is unplugged. Another third is incapable of nuanced thought, debate and compromise. God help the remaining third, furiously bailing out a badly listing ship of state.
How about we stop bashing Schumer for being right.
There is no pleasure in his not willing to shut down the government to own the republicans. Short sighted on the part of the knee jerks.
If it were merely stupid, I could maybe deal. But everything is dangerous, precarious, uncertain, frightening. Flawed as it was, we could once rely on the government to keep us relatively safe. There were structures in place that we could depend on. No more. He has destroyed it all.
The stupidness of it all is what I hate the most. Trump and Musk aren't evil geniuses who have outsmarted everyone. They just have no morals, will lie about anything, and don't care who they hurt.
The mantra from the right is ALPHA MALES and they are the polar opposite! They proclaim that there are two sexes, male and female, yet these whiny piss ants aren’t strong enough to qualify as either male or female!
It’s also incredibly stressful & frustrating to know that WE KNEW this would happen yet far too many people either didn’t care or didn’t believe it.
Feel like I’ve been banging my head against a wall for the past 8-9 years.
Too many people on the other side living awash in the fake news, plotting revenge for four years, but in the end, the revenge is all that defines them. Now what? Supposedly a pot of gold at the end of the daily Trump sh#t sandwiches? Yeah, unlikely.
Me too. But I have no voice so I can be philosophical about knowing I was right and did not convince anyone. But people like HRC, KDH, L Cheney, A Schiff were in positions to know and hypothetically could have led a serious put down of this insurrection but for being outplayed by cheats.
Messaging needs to be in the *physical* space of Trump voters: billboards, change-my-mind (but better worded) conversation tables outside grocery stores (run by locals), ads in local papers with digestible simple facts- one-liners. get in their spaces!
Many Europeans decided not to visit your country for fear of being detained by your nazi regime just for criticizing Trump on their cell phones or for just coming from free nations.
I heard throughout the years what most Americans say about us, French people. And right now, we want an apology from the COWARDS whose faces are brown with Trump's feces.
We are the leaders of the free world. We lead Europe against you, Nazi Americans, and against Putin.
You’re right. That’s why it’s such a thrill to see @aoc.bsky.social and Bernie do their thing across the country. It shows there still are good, strong fighters on the right side of history who are willing and able to motivate like-minded people to stand up against tyranny. Now we need more of them.
It’s also Soul-Crushing that your neighbor or your family member still trusts this Fake. I am beyond overwhelmed by current events.. I’m angry, I’m scared, worried, I will use every amount of energy I have to Educate, Protest, boycott and stop this Evil mayhem!
Well, wake up @mollyjongfast.bsky.social, we are losing our democracy, threatened by losing our due process, threatened by being disappeared, and threatened by our own chief executive who is actively pursuing an authoritarian dictatorship. Enjoy your freedom of expression while you can.
Reading stories of those he disappears, including undocumented, asylum seekers. green card holders, & visa holders is a cautionary tale for what will happen to citizens next. No one is safe.
Trump calling J6 attackers 'heroes' but Tesla burners domestic terrorists is the biggest bullshit. They're both examples of terrorism. Let's not mince our words here, America. They're both examples of terrorism.
And vindicating to all of us that walked from MSM and Facebook. Instantly and simultaneously after election day. Abandoned and forsaken. Realizing that none of this was for the people. It was, is and will for the foreseeable future be but artifice for the rich.
It certainly is. I'm told every day I'm overreacting to all of this freaking bullshit. I don't believe we're reacting enough. I remember what a hardship it was for my mother to keep us all in school. Book rentals were very expensive. Our dad died at 42 years. Mom had to raise 9 kids by herself
And it's bad in ways that were never on our radars. One of the first things he does is come swinging at Canada? Greenland? I knew it was going to be bad for us, but it feels like when you can't protect your friends from your abusive family members.
Feeling badly for young people who, instead of worrying about careers, children, saving money for a first home, building a career and equity, struggling with the demands of family, will have to stand up and fight for democracy, perhaps lose their freedom as dissidents.
The best quote and I may be paraphrasing: "America had a choice between the joyful, intelligent, qualified woman and a monster, and it chose the monster."
Agreed. I would love for all of us to have been wrong. We can’t take pleasure in the demise of a strong economy, a beautiful world, and our status as leaders of the free world.
But we need an army of psychologists to study why so many people were willing to believe the fascist lies over the truth. I get the right wing propaganda machine reached these people, but they couldn't hide from the truth, they simply ignored it. Why?
Yes, and now I see people complaining that more matter what Trump tries to do, he gets blocked. So, that may be a reason that Trump does so many illegal things. He is trying to become a martyr, so matter what he tries to do, he gets blocked. If people start to feel sorry for him in this regard...
...so no matter what, it may aid him in the mid-terms. It doesn't matter if he thought of this strategy or if someone else did. He is using it, and it could work, Heaven forbid.
I keep saying, over and over and over. This is not our country. It gives me little satisfaction to know that Republicans own this, as am not sure what we will have left. Not foolish enough to think that we have any control of our destiny.
My morning issue is that #MSM, #MSNBC is actually discussing #DOGE as though it is something legitimate. And, as though #musk is going to go away and #Trump has him under control. He doesn't have to be in the room to get the briefing on China. We know this. His Chaos campaign has worked.
Yes it is and the disappointment in fellow Americans and republicans who have helped him. The government that is folding like a broken chair that has broken any faith in our not great country is unbearable. How will we ever recover. I am heart sick for my grandchildren
My hope is that this is a reactionary spasm, not the beginning of a trend. The GOP has been stewing for 60 years - since the Warren Court, when the country took two giant steps forward. The Reaction began with Reagan & the NeoCons.
I think it's worse than dumb or stupid. Calling it dumb or stupid undermines the severity of what is going on in your country.
You need to be out in the street by the millions. The world is watching and wondering why the American people are waiting for a savior. They have the power. Use it.
Sadly the rest of us are along for the ride.
Apparently he is all dicked out.
Why must I do all the work?
John Adams
I hope America will somehow find a way back to make sure life in a working society is difficult unless you get properly educated to higher standards, like Japan does.
Education is key, and too few of us have a keychain.
The anti-intellect of all these decisions.
This is also cruel and self-destructive.
Ya gotta kinda chuckle (if only it weren’t so tragic).
Those MAGA folks were so petrified of a New World Order - they ravenously consumed guns & conspiracy theories & believed monsters hid in shadows.
Hoodwinked, MAGA got a NWO, just not the one they feared!
And they're pissed... They're ready to defend their democracy cubs to her last dying breath.
This is no longer a drill everyone. democracy is being dismantled in front of us.
Donald's approval rating is going down. Donald doesn't care.
The economic indicators are already looking worse. Donald doesn't care.
People all over the country are nonviolently protesting against him. Donald doesn't care.
Donald cares ⛳
We just barely beat Hitler and that ain’t saying much.
that way, but sure feels like stupid is expansive these days.
Well now we're doin it the DUMB way, shut up and bang those rocks together.
we wouldn't have Project 2025
he wouldn't have had time to have these advisors
Musk wouldn't be involved
he wouldn't have 4 years to game plan a 2nd term
obviously I wish he'd NEVER have EVER gotten in office.
Thanks for the respect.
Get up.
Posting and talking is a good first step!
I PROMISE there are other people in your community who think like you, who are just as aghast as you, who feel just as helpless as you.
Fight Back.
The world is counting on Americans to fight.
We’re somewhere in between the stupidest and worst of people.
Not fake news. Just stupid.
YamTits WILL form private army to help with military takeover of America
'She, like many Canadians, is swearing off travel to the United States for the duration of this administration but welcomes Americans. “We love Americans and we also love the American dollar, especially now,” Ms. Salter said.'
actress who has a legal
work visa, was coming back in the US at the Mex. border, and was detained by ICE & ended up in jail. They held
Her for TWO WEEKS.
There IS time to get organized raise funds and find candidates!
The shit belongs only ONE place ON THE FAN IN'26
I would rather be happy about him, doing some good things that would make our country, better, healthy, stronger, more united.
The leftist misery is intoxicating!
Willful ignorance is not an excuse, it's the definition of evil.
Right now we need to donate to our local food banks ASAP. The USDA has suspended $500 million in food shipments to Food Banks!!!
I encourage you to read this article from The New York Times. Here is a gift link you can read it for free without a subscription https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/20/us/politics/food-banks-usda.html?unlocked_article_code=1.5k4.T0Nw.7d245v8WemlC&smid=url-share
And I’m right about more terrible things that are still becoming true and I hate it all so much.
Can the Evangelicals call for Armageddon?
There is no pleasure in his not willing to shut down the government to own the republicans. Short sighted on the part of the knee jerks.
I hope his life ends suddenly also.
Feel like I’ve been banging my head against a wall for the past 8-9 years.
That's how we see it in Europe.
Many Europeans decided not to visit your country for fear of being detained by your nazi regime just for criticizing Trump on their cell phones or for just coming from free nations.
What have you become?!
We are the leaders of the free world. We lead Europe against you, Nazi Americans, and against Putin.
Trump calling J6 attackers 'heroes' but Tesla burners domestic terrorists is the biggest bullshit. They're both examples of terrorism. Let's not mince our words here, America. They're both examples of terrorism.
is being kind!
This second term is a fucking disaster, a dumpster fire 🔥🤬😡🤬
Feeling badly for young people who, instead of worrying about careers, children, saving money for a first home, building a career and equity, struggling with the demands of family, will have to stand up and fight for democracy, perhaps lose their freedom as dissidents.
I remember what that felt like
;( I miss being pleased
Us. Us together.
Join the General Strike!
And really, it is because no one heeded the warnings. And so now we all have to suffer the consequences. Maybe this is the only way we learn.
I stood with @hrindivisible.bsky.social in calling him a liar and s felon. And that what he was doing was treason.
We did not mince words.
and despite what the bots are pushing both sides are not the same. 🥃🥃
Americans who matter encourage it.
You need to be out in the street by the millions. The world is watching and wondering why the American people are waiting for a savior. They have the power. Use it.