These morons are so dumb it's embarrassing they represent the US. Even most Europeans speaking English as a second language would know it's spelled 'freeloading.'
Silver lining for Europeans. It shatters the illusions of any remaining European Atlanticist voters who may have resisted higher taxes needed to rearm Europe by 2030, so we can create as much distance from the US as is possible; militarily, economically, diplomatically, in trade, etc. New era.
Just to point out to Corporal Vance that when UK and France attempted to intervene to protect their position in Suez, in 1956, the USA pulled the rug from under them by literally threatening to crash their respective economies. An event on which both their foreign policies have since been based.
Daughter#2 just returned from a trimester abroad in London. Son is currently running around in Greece. My sister has lived in the UK for decades (but is currently in Spain). They tell me that, wrt the US, the Euros are a mix of sad, angry, perplexed, and scared in varying proportions.
I don’t blame you. We elected a malignant jackass backed by a chorus of mean, nasty, obsequious fools. I don’t know how this will end but I suspect it won’t end well. And I fear there is fallout yet to come beyond our borders.
I can tell you as a someone who has been more than average pro-US in perhaps one of the USA's most loyal and supportive European allies for over 35 years for my part, I'm done with you.
We'd be better off with a gigantic free-trade agreement and indeed military alliance with China at this point
Along that line, Barbara Coloroso connected bullying and genocide in a book that Canadian ambassador Stephen Lewis endorsed.
European free loading? Oh dear. The misplaced confidence/arrogance of another mediocre white man. Have another drink Pete and stop showing yourself up.
European here!
Where is our friend and ally? To betray a friend will cost you dearly in the end. it's like a boomerang! The common citizens are the ones who suffer! The Europeans, Canadians and Americans
My problem is they voted for that fascist creep TWICE.
Also 90 million never bothered to vote, because what, that would be hard?
all of your hashtags, plus #Canada #BuyCanadian
As we say in Dutch, "a donkey does not hit the same stone twice“. Meaning; “you won’t catch me making the same mistake twice“.
Propaganda misled al lot of voters and non-voters and now what?
Love your hashtags! 💪🇳🇱🇪🇺🇨🇦🇺🇸
A % of 47’s voters are convinced that POC are freeloading off the gov & taking things that rightfully belong to them. They feared a Black/Asian woman wld cont to dole out 💰 to the interlopers who they think are replacing them. Racism is a helluva drug & US pols have used it effectively for centuries
I thought the very same. It’s something of a challenge being the ally of a country that treats you with such utter contempt. This administration is destroying an 80 year old diplomatic and military relationship. That will please Russia and China amongst others.
Canada had the same reaction as Europe. You can see in speeches, news broadcasts, and even shifts in policy and travel advisories, that counties that have been allies since WWI and II no longer trust the US.
I think it's all done on purpose. They want to create enemies and justify their profitable deals. Buying weapons is more profitable (in short terms) then helping workers or students. We don't have to take them seriously. Ciao from Italy.
Europe already knows the US under Trump is a hostile power. They have Russia to their East and the US to their West, both hostile, and opposed to NATO and the EU. The end result will be much closer ties between Europe and China, showing how self-defeating Trump's policies are.
We've known for a while - now everyone does. It's not looking good for America whose only allies will be Russia, Hungary and a few other vile authoritarian states. What your regime is doing is 💔
As a Brit who lives in a country where a MAJORITY of voters agreed to leave the EU and kept the Tories around for over a decade, this is quite a comment.
Europe please don’t think every American is as bad as Trumps, Gabbard,Hegseth, Waltz,Bondi,Holman,Radcliffe and all the other bozos in the Trump administration
As a Canadian I totally understand how the EU feels reading this. The contempt these entitled incompetent assholes feel for the world in general is breathtaking. May they rot in hell for the pain they are actively causing untold numbers of people 🤬🤬
You feel how non-moron Americans have felt probably since George W Bush and his war on terr. The hatred for white conservative men became physically palpable among everyone else in the past 20 yrs due to their arrogant incompetence.
In moments of leaked bravado, it's tempting to reduce complex alliances to cheap insults—like calling the EU "freeloaders" while benefiting from the very stability they help maintain.
But reality, unlike group chats, deserves nuance. 1/5
EU nations contribute significantly to global security—not just through NATO, where many have increased defense spending, but also through intelligence sharing, cyber defense, and diplomatic alignment. 2/5
From Baltic troop deployments to counterterrorism collaboration, European nations pull weight in ways often overlooked by those seeking rhetorical scapegoats.
Yes, burden-sharing debates are valid—but dismissing allies as “pathetic” undermines unity when solidarity is vital. 4/5
Mutual respect isn’t charity. It’s strategy. And in a world where adversaries are united, the West cannot afford to be divided by its own insecurities. 5/5
Article 5 of NATO has been implemented, incorrectly, exactly one time, by the US after 9/11, and the "freeloading" European NATO Nations as well as other European nations answered the call.
As a french I don’t have to imagine it, my feeling is that you have a D head as defense secretary without the most basic understanding of america’s strategic interests. It only reinforces a desire to break away from the US’ alliance network since we happened to neither be your parasite nor your pet.
Yeah, we can kiss goodbye any relations with Europe. We will be covering our own butts from now on and probably not be doing any business with them whatsoever
Time for our ex European allies to release all the intel they have on Trump's crimes. Not that it would make a difference to MAGA. The scumminess is the lure.
And Hair ShitFuror FatFuck tripled down on this at his "press conference" where he sat in his steaming shit-filled diaper and couldn't answer a single question without lying or lapsing into brainless insane gibberish.
Wonder if Pete’s now save texting “ no, we didn’t mean loathe, damn auto correct, really. So the thing is my friend Steve says bombs are really expensive and we’d like some “remuneration”. Lol, ✋✋🥰. Bye now.
I am in England reading it .
To be honest it is good for Europe to be distanced from the ignorance,crueltyand stupidity of your current government.
Sorry for ordinary Americans but you need to stop seeing common humanity as communism.
Many of us are becoming despondent and desperate to get the hell outa here before he kills us all. It’s that bad Europe. It’s that hideous to see the daily destruction of everything good and decent in our nation. For what?
No shit. It’s bad enough that this is even happening and I know we haven’t even begun to feel the effects. Extra sucks to be living among people who support these malicious dumbasses.
To be clear, ordinary Americans don't feel that way. We just have too many idiots who listen to a very very small group of conplete assholes. Our issue is that the ordinary Americans don't prioritize voting or critical thinking. Almost half of our eligible voters couldn't be bothered to vote.
One if the problems is fox news promoting such hatred. We have gb news here it's absolutely repulsive as are those who work there. Murdoch empire has a lot to answer for.
Letting so few have so much is the problem.
Once you can pay your way out of anything lawlessness is the result.
We have this problem here too...we are also seeing extreme Right-wing, but trump has helped discredit them I think.
It’s a shame that he’s a cautionary tale for the rest of the world. How disappointing. I keep wishing the hamburgers (hamberders?) will finally finish him off. But so far no luck.
We may be able to credit Trump with saving 🇨🇦 from a right-wing populist (and incompetent) government. Anything Trump-adjacent is toxic all over the world (except the authoritarian countries).
Yeah just remember that Trump ultimately fails at everything he does and that failure taints everything he touches.
As an American it’s not a fun thought but poetic death and rebirth and big narrative arcs is, like, our “thing” so I’m sure we’ll figure something out. Maybe. Hell, I dunno
He is a serial failure, which is the one thing that gives me hope. I am a glass half full person, and believing g he will ultimately fuck up his quest to fuck up the country, for his own enrichment.
Honestly I think you're going to do this yourself just fine. The damage Trump's administration will do to US credibility, economy and soft power will be unprecedented and the US will have decades of rebuilding ahead after the regime is finally defeated.
I'm sorry for everyone who voted for Kamala.
I keep thinking about my southern ancestors, and how it took them losing a war before they would admit they were wrong about slavery. I hope we don't have to go that far, but coexisting with MAGA is untenable.
As US citizens, who travel a lot over seas, we get asked a lot about Trump when we meet locals who realize we’re from the states.I t’s quite common and we’re very quick to say we do not support Trump at all. US POTUS’s are at minimum , respected by most foreign leaders.Trump is not one of them .
Why is this administration treating our friends & neighbors the same way that KGB Dude treats Russia’s neighbors? It’s a great way to lose respect & make everyone hate us.
Nice to know that even behind semi-closed doors he's still just a basic fox news weekend host with fox news weekend host opinions. Kinda refreshing since we found out that behind the scenes Tucker Carlson hates Trump but lies to everyone. I prefer they be actually deranged than just disingenuous
This is the same Hegseth who called Musk a patriot and said germs don’t exist as he can’t see them. Water off a ducks back tbh. Really fearful for my US cousins who have these idiots looking after national security. I pray there is no war or terror attacks due to their incompetence
We hate him, even before this. It will be useful though as all the European countries must now realise that we cannot rely on US support for anything, so we must make urgent plans to circumnavigate this dangerous moron.
Sadly, the world won't have to wait long. There are plenty of good helpful things to destroy.
I am sure some unborn babies are committing all sorts of fraud 😉.
No apology necessary, for the fault lies in our overtly corrupt government that’s made an absolute mess of international travel. I wouldn’t advise anyone to come here.
Well....... us Europeans loathe him equally
He now certainly won't receive any co-operation back of Europe's intelligence gathering
As we all know..the intelligence arms of the UK, France, and Germany have the 'goods' on many of the current these US 'leaders'
How much longer before leaks occur?
Has the EU said anything yet? I know they have to be extremely cautious crafting a statement about a very dangerous, very powerful enemy. That enemy would be the US, of course.
I know we need to do more, but we are trying. Our senators' and reps' voice mail boxes are full almost ever day from constituent messages. Town Halls, even empty chair town halls, are standing room only. Protests are small but growing. 20% report they are participating in boycotts.
I know this all because I am on this site, but you wouldn't know from the media here. There is no word about protests and boycotts, just daily reports about what Trump does and says. They are doing his work here, too. It's a fucking shame. But yeah, he needs to go, along with all his sycophants!
Seriously, it’s heartbreaking. Especially for those of us who have spent ten years trying to get our fellow Americans to wake up. As a country, we deserve all the hell that’s about to rain down on us
You’re right. As Americans we are all implicated in this nightmare that’s been unleashed on the planet even though we’ve voted against it and worked to prevent it. It’s really difficult to swallow that our country is now threatening other countries, our long term allies, with aggression.
As an ashamed American, I wish I could personally apologize to every European for what my country has become. I promise to continue to stand up and speak out against this administration and fight for our democracy. I fully support Europe's choices to turn their backs on the U.S. we don't deserve you
We’re trying to fix this, but in the meantime, here’s another heartfelt apology from an American. We tried to tell his supporters that this would happen, but they’re in the cult too deep to listen. 😞
I can tell you: §N=Ü)U§OT ÜNU) §T😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬 followed by a long string of swearwords that I chose to not post.
It is clear that the 80 year old bond of trust and friendship between Europe and the US is broken, not only deeply damaged. That was already explicit in JD's speech in Munich.
If he was in any way credible or serious we'd probably worry.
As it is the cabinet are proving to be just how we expected them to be.
Watching it all in real time gives amateur hour a bad name!
Never underestimate the likelihood of the The Trump administration to match and indeed exceed its previous level of incompetence, cruelty and stupidity.
I know. Many of my fellow Americans desperately need to get over their hero worship of people who have an air of authority about them. We need to grow up. I include myself even though I never voted for Trump, ever.
Yes, please don't share with them. Or share instead with a trusted member of the opposition or with someone from a former administration. Or with one of the altgov people.
I can’t recall where I read it, but having the EU dependent on the US military was possibly a policy choice during the Reagan admin… bc he didn’t want any peer or near-peer militaries in the world.
The free world is contemplating how to move on without an abusive partner. Tarrifs, trade, intelligence gathering, you name it, it’s happening.
Sad, but true AND necessary.
We have. It’s quite clear to us here that we can no longer rely on America. Sad. But true. But we will manage. We should frankly have realised we needed to do this years ago, so that’s our bad.
They have! We don’t have any allies! They are already planning on purchasing military equipment from another country not the USA we can’t be trusted anymore
And that's part of the problem
Our country is one of instant satisfaction so if a president can't fix everything in 4 yrs, well, time to vote for the other side
And we play this deadly ping pong forever, never getting anything done
Right now, over on Truth Social they are twisting every bit of the story to make the Reporter the Bad Guy, saying Sec Def declassified the information before the operation started. They are also saying that everyone in the security agencies use Signal and that it was used by Edward Snowden.
European here, let me reassure you that we do not get offended when wannabes throw toys. Reading this did however fill me with loathing, same sensory impression when accidentally inhaling the stench of a putrid pond sludge. They’re disgusting.
I hear you, especially with the constant threats regarding Greenland.
80 years of postwar alliance, and this administration throws it alway like an old shoe! 🤬
I just hope we can hold on to Greenland. It is tragic that Trump is gonna destroy our country. I hope a revolution happens in US soon, so they forget about us.
Yeah I'm not sure that they as non-Americans can fully appreciate the rage at least half of the country has felt for decades. IT ISN'T LIKE WE APPROVE OR HAVEN'T SUFFERED PLENTY BEFORE NOW BECAUSE OF THE EXACT SAME REPUBLICAN MEDIOCRE WHITE MEN.
The comments from the VP were disturbing and shows is who he really is. I am sure most of the GOP see nothing wrong with anything. The world is unsafe because of the Trump regime. Thanks MAGA!
For those of us fighting Trump/Musk/MAGA over the sovereignty of our countries, this is beautiful. Every moronic statement those knuckle-dragging mouth breathers vomit forth, is additional motivation for us to continue to isolate the USA. It will soon be more than a laughingstock; no one will care.
So are we in America. This is how rich white an-cap libertarian fuckwits talk about all women, people of color and even poor white men. Welcome to the nightmare of being an American since Reagan.
I’m so sorry. My heart is broken for what these people have done to the USA, causing the rest of the world to hate us. Please don’t hate the US citizens, we’re going to need you when this is over.
It's not your fault. I said to my OH that we might have to take in a US political refugee at some point in the next few years and he is cool with that.
It’s not like European leadership isn’t fully aware and awake to what maga voters have installed. Unlike our democratic leaders, the rest of the world is quickly adjusting to dealing with maga forcefully.
What these dipshits don't know is that European payments in case of WW3 were to be made in blood while the USA saddled up and crossed the Atlantic en mass.
I don’t think this is getting the attention it deserves. Our European allies keep getting shit on by this admin while they want to prop up Putin & protect Saudi oil. We’re for sure the bad guys.
Our enemy too. Like every country with a criminal leader we are as outraged as you all are. They are destroying us first because they are Russian assets and that’s their plan.
They r expansionists. Yes they r isolating their people & trying to bring manufacturing back BUT their policy is to expand their power & absorb UK, Greenland, Canada & part of Panama. UK is 2 tied to US indu$try rn & 47 would rule the British commonwealth.
European here. We are done with you. Sorry. Trump gets his way in that we massively increase defence spending to protect ourselves and Ukraine. In return we will spend nothing on US weapons or indeed anything else because of ridiculous tariffs. Isolation will be lonely
I hope Europe makes a quick, clean break. The US has become your enemy and the sooner you realize that FACT, the better off you will be.
Because of our archaic method of choosing a president, a felonious moron was able to win with less than 50% of the votes.
The world needs a strong, united Europe.
American here. Sorry is not necessary. If I lived in Europe I would feel the same way. The people who elected this monstrosity are celebrating his administration’s lawlessness and sadism. The only way they will be deprogrammed is if they feel the pain of consequences.
American here. Good on ya. What you should do is open immigration from America and brain drain them. I'd tell (and pay for the move) my nieces and nephews to gtfo.
Totally. Am no longer buying from amazon. Would never buy a tesla, but that's obvious! Holiday booked for Canada. Not a penny to the US while this lunatic is in charge
Yup, same. Cancelled plans to go to America, I wouldn't ever have touched Tesla or Starlink, cancelled Prime, deleted anything Meta, etc. Etc. They get not a penny until they have an adult in charge again.
The civilized world should be boycotting all things American until we can get rid of this current regime. I would add sanctions on all members of the trump regime and their collaborators like musk, bezos, etc.
I wish our TV channels would join in. I'm really fed up with "Celebrity USA" this that and the other. Plus other similar US programs that presumably are cheap to fill UK air time.
There's a more serious problem though - one which has been going on for decades. The horrendous violence in American films - so commonplace that many viewers have gone beyond being desensitised.
Movies apparently created by 14 year old boys for 14 year boys. And finally topical!
I like that it’s being done by the people with no need of official sanction. Here in America we are doing something similar- attempting to take down Tesla to bankrupt musk, and it’s working
Yes. American here. Take the "America First" isolation ideology into something that gets rid of this administration.
Trump wants countries begging to join us. Turn this on its head and make the US a pariah instead. Bring them to heel and congress might FINALLY do something.
Knowing that every four years all partnerships, and alliances can be flipped again, does not seem like a good future path. They can come back and play with the rest of the world when they have proven they can be trusted again.
Exactly. What‘s the point in having an alliance and/or strong trade relationship with someone whose foreign policy is likely to undergo a 180 reversal every four years. Just from a purely pragmatic perspective it makes very little sense.
🇨🇦 we have several different apps to help people identify if something is American. Fruit & Veg from US is rotting because no one is buying it. Seeing oranges from Egypt on the shelves (FU Florida!). Cancelling all travel to US. We are done.
I'm an American and even I am trying. I usually buy my skin care products from Canada anyway, and still will, but i just went out of my way to buy makeup from the UK. Holy crap, though! You guys will have options. He is going to kill us. The shipping with the tariffs doubled the cost. ...
I was able to find the same item from the same company that had already been shipped into the US and the shipping was only $5. But the same item that was still in the UK and would have the tariffs, cost $22 to ship! 😮 I hope the people that voted for him can see this!
I’m American and this makes complete sense to me. I hope you know that many of us support you and not our current government, which is a clown car of incompetence and utter wrongheadedness. I don’t trust them at all, why should you?
American here. Sincerely, don't trust us while this man is in power. Don't expect us to support you as we have. Don't trust or share intelligence from these agencies as they are compromised. Boycott us. Apply tariffs. Call us stupid. We've earned it. Until we take our country back, we are no ally.
US citizen by birth, UK citizen by naturalization. I lived in London for nine years and returned to the US in 2001. I think Europeans (and Canada) need to reimagine the US as a country you defend yourselves from. I hate what the US has become .
When current US leaders consistently try to demean, dehumanize and harm Europeans there is no need to say sorry. The US will get what it deserves here.
As an American I am sorry that we have let the free world down. The best you can do for us at this point is absolute isolation.
American here. Don't blame you at all. Please know a good potion of us are fighting against this incompetent, disgusting administration. We are also boycotting US goods of companies that support trump.
Good, I’m American. And I agree. EU countries shouldn’t buy anything from us, I wouldn’t either. Donald is a problem for the world…just like his boss putiey…
I would just beg you to be careful on your wording. We support you not buying american stuff and screaming that our government is a dumpster fire of evil. But when our idiots hear you say you hate Americans it just brings out their hillbilly bar fight instincts and that's how we got donvict.
It's true, and I hate it. I always loved America. I love Obama, and Joe, and Hillary. And Kamala and Tim. But I hate Trump and all the morons around him with a passion. They all need to go, and go asap.
As U.S. citizen who does not support this admin, UK et al. are reacting appropriately. Protect your people. This administration is not friendly to anyone except Russia. Isolate and remove investments in anything associated with the U.S. (the the big 'R' puppeteer).
I am a patriotic American, and I support an international boycott on American goods. Many of us don’t want to contribute to this Admin’s economy and tax base. I am gutted for the farmers here but not so much that I will contribute to our degradation and demise. We ALL deserve better than this.
Canada welcomes the rest of you in our American Boycotts. We support each other & the US will be alone, with the other authoritarian regimes (Russia, North Korea…)
Europe loathes the American administration…
Just kidding, police! Just kidding!
We'd be better off with a gigantic free-trade agreement and indeed military alliance with China at this point
Nobody will want to be their allie, except for rogue countries.
When totaling EU + UK armies, it's a bigger force than US.
France has nuclear weapons & Brexit will be over someday.
Where is our friend and ally? To betray a friend will cost you dearly in the end. it's like a boomerang! The common citizens are the ones who suffer! The Europeans, Canadians and Americans
We have launched our boomerang shields.
Middle of the continent is batshit crazy.
#European. #BuyEuropean. #BoycottUSA #BuyFromEU
But I truly feel sorry for all those Americans who did not want Trump and his minions!
Also 90 million never bothered to vote, because what, that would be hard?
all of your hashtags, plus #Canada #BuyCanadian
Propaganda misled al lot of voters and non-voters and now what?
Love your hashtags! 💪🇳🇱🇪🇺🇨🇦🇺🇸
Nope...I'm out of clues, no idea which one it is.
The sort of friends that if you slipped and banged your head would pick your pockets and leave you to the wolves.
Not even a majority voted for Trump in the US.
Stay cozy and stylish with our 'Bluesky' logo hoodie – perfect for those who believe in togetherness. 🌟🖤👫
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But reality, unlike group chats, deserves nuance. 1/5
Yes, burden-sharing debates are valid—but dismissing allies as “pathetic” undermines unity when solidarity is vital. 4/5
Excluding Hungary, of course.
We are not fighters in this country and we have helped them in every fuking war.
We are with you EU.
Japan in WW2
Gulf War
Then there's 9/11
Next time perhaps the response will be different.
To be honest it is good for Europe to be distanced from the ignorance,crueltyand stupidity of your current government.
Sorry for ordinary Americans but you need to stop seeing common humanity as communism.
Letting so few have so much is the problem.
Once you can pay your way out of anything lawlessness is the result.
We have this problem here too...we are also seeing extreme Right-wing, but trump has helped discredit them I think.
As an American it’s not a fun thought but poetic death and rebirth and big narrative arcs is, like, our “thing” so I’m sure we’ll figure something out. Maybe. Hell, I dunno
I'm sorry for everyone who voted for Kamala.
is now shockingly showcased
entire world.
I am sure some unborn babies are committing all sorts of fraud 😉.
The uk must rejoin the eu
We must come together and become stronger, better and independent
Interesting though, apparently the side effects of fondling couches include veering to the extreme right. Who knew. 🤷🏻♂️
This Show has to be canceled
And we won't forget it anytime soon, either
(Also jealous that you’re living in France, and I’m not.😁)
I have so many lovely friends in the States, and now I can't even visit them!
He now certainly won't receive any co-operation back of Europe's intelligence gathering
As we all know..the intelligence arms of the UK, France, and Germany have the 'goods' on many of the current these US 'leaders'
How much longer before leaks occur?
We're well beyond the stage where normal diplomacy would be warranted.
Also tell them that before november of 2024 would have been .much better.
It is clear that the 80 year old bond of trust and friendship between Europe and the US is broken, not only deeply damaged. That was already explicit in JD's speech in Munich.
Personally I think Ingram, Hannity et al should be imprisoned for anti American acts. They are working for the Kremlin to destroy this country.
As it is the cabinet are proving to be just how we expected them to be.
Watching it all in real time gives amateur hour a bad name!
Neither is a friend now.
Sad, but true AND necessary.
Trump is a terrorist.
We are already moving on.
This is the funniest thing ever, - Bigly stupid.
I am no longer scared of Trumps America. If they try to take Greenland, we'll just deploy an army of 12 year old hackes to take you down 🤣
It will take years to rebuild.
How do you trust an ally who changes his mind from one extreme to the other every 4 years?
Our country is one of instant satisfaction so if a president can't fix everything in 4 yrs, well, time to vote for the other side
And we play this deadly ping pong forever, never getting anything done
Nope. That train has left the station.
Salvage the remains is the option on the table.
I hope Greenland doesn’t allow the jet to land, carrying USHA VANCE.
Well-done tRump, you have no friends left in the world!
80 years of postwar alliance, and this administration throws it alway like an old shoe! 🤬
Orrrrr, was this intended to get out, and they needed the propaganda piece to hit the public… 🤔
Now I’m actually gonna have to read the texts.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Fuck trumpet's America. You've alienated every one of your allies.
Sorry sane Americans, we know it's not you, but your administration are the enemy.
They r expansionists. Yes they r isolating their people & trying to bring manufacturing back BUT their policy is to expand their power & absorb UK, Greenland, Canada & part of Panama. UK is 2 tied to US indu$try rn & 47 would rule the British commonwealth.
Because of our archaic method of choosing a president, a felonious moron was able to win with less than 50% of the votes.
The world needs a strong, united Europe.
Violence defines American 'culture'.
Movies apparently created by 14 year old boys for 14 year boys. And finally topical!
Privacy laws that would harm meta and Amazon as well as google, etc.
Important to remember plaintir is connected to Vance by theil who picked him in law school, basically you don’t want any info to leak to that either.
I just don't want to give america anything at all, not even a penny.
Trump wants countries begging to join us. Turn this on its head and make the US a pariah instead. Bring them to heel and congress might FINALLY do something.
As an American I am sorry that we have let the free world down. The best you can do for us at this point is absolute isolation.
Of Europe.