4 in 5 Americans support raising taxes on the rich — Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.
Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress want to cut taxes for the rich and pay for it by slashing funding for nursing homes and school lunches.
Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress want to cut taxes for the rich and pay for it by slashing funding for nursing homes and school lunches.
🔵Ami Bera CA
🔵Ed Case HI
🔵Jim Costa CA
🔵Laura Gillen NY
🔵James Himes CT
🔵Chrissy Houlahan PA
🔵Marcy Kaptur OH
🔵Jared Moskowitz FL
🔵Marie Gluesenkamp Perez WA
🔵Thomas Suozzi NY
The reason for that is because they are probably going to stop elections.
Such innocent times.
Now it's just:
"Money for me and not for thee."
This is it folks, the final shakedown.
The one that gets enough of us killed along the way that they can maintain control until the deed is done.
They’re all insanely popular and what Democrats should be leaning into, rather than selling out trans people and fumbling around for some nonexistent “middle.”
Ignore the last 2
Those 2 have common sense
They know taxing the rich...won't work.
It won't work...because YOU ARE the rich.
No way you tax you or your friends more
Start with: Gendebien elected in NY 21st, & get both FL districts as well.
Trial & Lethal sentence of Trump for Treason (pick your top 3 reasons)
News Flash: You Don't.
Arrest the f***ing criminals 🤬
Wait much longer, TRUMP and ELON will have rewritten American history by successfully completing their coup and installing himself as a totalitarian dictator.
Master Coach Hu
🙄 you have no idea how blue in the face their children have gone. It’s like FOX News and YouTube replaced their brains with Jell-O
(Easier than talking about tax cuts and paying for them, etc. )
Just: tax the billionaires, and there’s lots of money to run the country.
Ask yourself: Why did he stand alone?
Ask: Why did you not stand with your fellow colleague and announce to the world that the Democratic Party will not allow a tyrant to rule our country and lie to its people?
And the EXACT same goes for rural healthcare. As bad as it's gotten for rural folks, their healthcare's about to TOTALLY VANISH.
@sanders.senate.gov @aoc.bsky.social
So many are absolutely disheartened by the leadership and messaging shown by the Democratic Party. Yet the three of you still have so many people that look to you for hope, but our confidence in what you can do is is quickly being depleted.
Eddie Murphy
trading places
Would rather starve and kill your loved ones than to go to jail for wrong doing…
Are you ok with that?
No Democratic President ever did or suggested that…🤔
Al Green would have.
Can you outline why Trump is this invested into cutting taxes for the rich?
Next time you VOTE, choose leaders who serve the public, NOT THEMSELVES. #VoteWisely
I watched many Democrats vote for people like Trump's treasury secretary.
As I protest, My State Dems in Colorado are busy trying to raise taxes on tipped employees.
No one believes or believes in the Democratic Party.
Force Putin to get his Russian Military totally out of UKRAINE & the WAR will end immediately!
Another problem solved!
See how easy it is when you use COMMON SENSE!
But how?
Legislation? How will you get a majority?
Not a shred of resistance outside of @algreen.house.gov and @aoc.bsky.social.
Be better.
God forbid you get taxed some more.
We the people demand action. You are not providing it. We will find someone else who will, at your expense.
he cares about himself and billionaires
There's way more than 5 Americans
I know it's regressive, but at least the rich would still pay.
1) our employees
2) our sanity
3) our livelihoods
4) $$$$ in settlements
We need an audit/investigation into the 2024 election. @electiontruth.bsky.social (Election Truth Alliance) has been analyzing the data and found multiple extreme instances of "anomalies": evidence Republicans rigged the election in favor of Trump. #VerifyTheVote
The tax cuts to the rich aren't predicated on anything, they're just blowing smoke.
"Nothing conveys the feeling of infinity as much as stupidity does."
Ödön von Horváth
I’m too old for this hustle to work on me. Glad so many young folk have so quickly learned this lesson.
They need SILENCED
call them out! No ACTION NO UNITY:
Bera: 916) 635-0505
Case: 202) 225-2726
Costa: 202) 225-3341
GILLEB: 202-225-5516
HIMES: 203)333-6600
HOULAHAN 202) 225-4315
KAPTUR 202) 225-4146
MOSKOWITZ 202-225-3001
SUOZZI: 202) 225-3335
1. We would respect you all more. 🗳️💙
2. You all could thumb your noses at being censored instead of leaving Rep. Al Green blowing in the wind.
Why were 10 Dems allowed to vote for his censure.
We need someone to talk about what is important now.
The same old points aren't getting us anywhere and saying them over and over to Dems who knows it does not help
Votaron cómo votaron porque 4 de cada 5 son racistas, xenófobos y adoran MAGA
Eso es lo que deben arreglar allá, digo, si quieren