Yesterday I deleted my personal Facebook and Instagram accounts. I messaged a friend to say I was doing so and to get me via text if they needed me. Their response was that me doing so was meaningless in the whole scheme of things. That may be true but it's not meaningless to me. 1/3
#Resist 💙🦋
Facebook has now become meaningless!
People get to make decisions about our nation every time they spend a penny. And your ideas matter. And we are even more powerful aggregated!
We know that us canceling our wapo and amazon subscriptions and not ordering stuff from amazon anymore won’t effect bezos baggins at all but, it makes us feel better that we aren’t expressly helping that little bug destroy this country.
if you take a stand for your beliefs and the action made you feel better.
And I'm already following you! 💙
They sound either indifferent or already defeated.
It’s *learned helplessness* and if you listen to them you’ll eventually die beside them.
I'm not on those dipstick sites anyway.
I work w/get it others were confused. It’s all ok. I can rebuild my brand here. Im working on Pinterest that clicks into an Etsy store. Better to have a clear conscience then to go along with something your gut says is wrong.
In fact, I successfully encouraged a group of my colleagues to request other lunch options than Chick-fil -a at the conferences we attend.
It worked, too!
I feel good about doing MY part...if more people considered "their part" what an impact it WOULD make!
Chicken is the only thing the southern Christians are actually good at.
I too have a lot of old friends and family on FB, and I try not to check it more than once per week so I don’t contribute to their DAU.
However did we survive before Social Media?
Tell them to call your cell instead.
But so many people want to tell you any action you take is too small to make a difference.
Hopefully you’re able to find community in other, better places
Im shutting down my photography sites at the end of the month, personal FB page probably shorthy thereafter.
People need to do what their conscience guides tme to do.
is too important.
I deleted my Facebook also.
It matters to me.
We each get to pick what’s important to our own morals and values! Keep being you!
a good start.