I don't think so. That's the same as believing that any TV show is real I think. Neither TV shows or wrestling are trying to trick people, but simply not recognising that they're fiction doesn't mean you've been fooled imo
Omg, I asked me boyfriend to tell me a story. He launched into a rambling college anecdote about his roommate who claimed he was a leprechaun. It was so compelling and so believable how he told it, I was riveted. It was all made up. And you bet I married him 25 years ago. ❤️
There was this one bday I had where I kept stealing this kid’s KU hat, and in the end he *gave* me the exact same hat as a gift. I felt pretty foolish.
I believed that the poison warning on the bottle of the gentian violet that my mom used as an antiseptic on cold sores (it was the 70s) meant that if an infinitesimal amount got in my mouth, I would die. It never occurred to me that she was unlikely to use a deadly substance on her kid.
I see what you did there but also the attached. I thought Gavin would continue fighting fascism but instead, he decided to fight FOR fascism. One small teeny preposition away from bravery, courage & the right side of history.
My fucking hubby and his friend told me the opening scenes of Robocop while pretending it was real news. It was a solid minute of complete foolery, and I still haven't seen it.
Back in 2020 when COVID first hit I was completely fooled into believing that we were all in this together, and that we cared about each other and would actively protect each other.
Back in the day when you paid for tolls throwing the money in my dad said if you didn’t pay ,spikes would come up and blow up all four tires, the first time my boyfriend did that I screamed and told him what my dad said he laughed and laughed plus my dad had me believe in Santa Claus until I was 12!
I once was led to believe that my uncle had snatched my nose from my face, hiding it in his closed palm, never returning it. If true, he still possesses it to this day
Every day I would go home after school to watch Star Trek. Throughout the show, as the Enterprise crew fell into deeper trouble, my brother told me it was the last episode they ever made and all the characters died. Somehow, I believed him every single day.
While playing with our baby once, my wife once put her hands in front of her face for a few seconds, then dropped them and said "peekaboo!" Baby loved it, but I was like....wtf. Where did you go?
2016: thought there was no way DJT would stay in the WH, that he wouldn’t like the workload, having to check in with the Constitution, and would be just the mouthpiece of Rep party if he did stay in office.
My bad.
But mine is “work hard and be a good person and u will b successful and happy”