Housing people is cheaper than treating the effects of people being unhoused
Free school lunches are cheaper than the consequences of children being hungry
Free medical care is cheaper than the costs of people being sick
Universal Basic Income increases productivity and makes people happy
Free school lunches are cheaper than the consequences of children being hungry
Free medical care is cheaper than the costs of people being sick
Universal Basic Income increases productivity and makes people happy
Reposted from
Katie Mack
So weird how as soon as the pandemic started it became very immediately clear that things like socialized medicine and giving people money so children don’t starve actually work really well but now that it’s been a couple years we have to all pretend we didn’t notice that
Because there's a CHANCE that someone somewhere is faking it (.7% in my state) I live through this hell.
that you may find helpful. a lot of advice from people who have been approved and those who were making mistakes without knowing it
(1) universal free breakfast and lunch
(2) school day starts no earlier than 8am
(3) massive ventilation/filtration upgrades
the gods must hate money, given who they give it to.
I do not believe, if UBI were implemented en masse, that it would be worthwhile as anything other than an excuse for landlords to extortionately increase the rent and get away with it
If we give every adult US citizen $1500/Mon as UBI it's rpughly $4.5T/ yr
Even at $250/m it works out to $750B/yr coming from the feds
One thing though: UBI cannot be built on government currency.
Everything comes down to...we could treat people better and have better outcomes.
Who'd have thunk?
Give EVERYONE a basic income regardless of need
"What if a rich person gets it?" who gives a shit? They get off on millions of tax exemptions anyway, at least this is something that will be spent.
Everyone gets UBI.
Poverty is incredibly costly to society.
You wouldn't need that.
There's _always_ room for war in the budget.
I don't think housing 100% of the unhoused is going to be cheaper than the status quo, though, and if we don't adequately fund associated services, policy failure will do very lasting damage.
Feel like I've been screeching abt this 4 years, but LC = it's hard enough to do the housework.
Unstandardized of either can kill.
But if we went down that road, eventually we'd start to really question capitalism as a whole, so ...
New Zealand could implement this easily, we're small enough to be able to pivot far easier than others.
The barrier, as always, is conventional "wisdom"