it appears Delaware Dems and the (also Dem) governor are attempting to rip up Delaware corporate law so they can give 55 billion dollars to Elon Musk, with a bill written by Elon's own lawyers
Some of the worst “tax havens” & biggest offenders of transparency rules (look through rules -> beneficial owner) are proudly USA states.
On the contrary, it says Musk himself (via his legal team) are attempting to do that
It's a really dumb bill, but c'mon, let's be honest about it. You're implying that this would be a government handout to Musk, which is very much not the case.
Primary Sponsor: Townsend
Senate sponsors: Sokola, Lockman, Hocker, Pettyjohn
Representative sponsors: Griffith, Minor-Brown, Harris, Osienski, Dukes, Spiegelman
We can’t even count on the people we put in Congress.
Heat from who? THAT is what matters!
Heat from minority investors would be really odd (and not real).
Heat from deranged billionaires should be ignored, instead they have the only voices that are heard.
It’s time for Democrats to take off the gloves with DINOs.
but .. why?
We agree on one thing tho: gasoline-brain is bad
You're fascist scum in fake ass blue paint playing hero. Get that shit out of here BlueMAGA scum.
Most have already bent over and are taking the Felon's tiny one up the ass.
The courts here will go to any length to incentivize big money and corporations here. And don’t have a landlord come after you…
I know what phone call I will be making tomorrow morning. 🤬
Thank you
It also says that no draft legislation has even been written. It's just something Musk has put forward
I read the article again and don't see that. I also did a text search for "governor" and "bipartisan" and found neither word in the text
I'd need to see what Team Musk is pushing for and compare it to the introduced SB21 -- which appears to have not yet gone through the amendment process
He could get the compensation ratified by shareholders again, but res judicata leans strongly against that working.
He'd need a brand new, different compensation package, which only helps if he hits the new $ targets
In any case, this needs 2/3 of the house to pass. That’s 28 votes. There are 14 Rs, 27 Ds.
So maybe it’s more about Delaware trying not to lose out incorps to other jurisdictions? I don’t really know.
As a shareholder activist, he needed to be able to challenge Boards.
But he said he’s left activism behind.

Kinda wondering if Musk will finally gore some richie riches' oxen enought that they conspire to take him out. He probably knows better than to revoke tax cuts, but if someone's fat cattle investments start to bleed millions...