When I was a kid our VCR ate a copy of the Garbage Pail Kids movie and we had to pay the rental place $80 dollars 💸 Honestly they should’ve paid us for getting rid of it!
We found Alf complete seasons 1-4 on dvd while doing some spring cleaning. I was pretty psyched until I realized we haven’t had a DVD player around in years 😅
Random bit of trivia: Art Spiegelman, creator of the Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel Maus, was the one of the creators & art director of the Garbage Pail Kids cards https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garbage_Pail_Kids
I think my slammers are mostly gone but I have some 2€ coins that would work fine
"Ugliness is cruelty, meanness of spirit, greed"
You won't.
i am