They really want to distract from their election cheating and voter suppression activities since they can’t win fair elections. Election integrity is the enemy of the oligarchy.
People need to call their senators it just so happens I have the numbers right here. After a few tequila shots, oh yeah Im not going to mouth. They work for us!
I'm an Independent. And honestly, Bernie ain't coming from behind a screen with a chair lol. Bernie gets a pass and AOC wasn't there. Like some get a pass for age unless we want a geriatric battle brawl - which could be kind of interesting.
We shouldn’t have parties. This last election proved it. All they care about in both parties, is money and power. We are nothing to them. Each party is guilty of it. Become independent and push these money power hungry asses out
Jeffries is not the right leader at this time for Dems. A new direction is needed badly, starting with someone standing up for us on camera everyday. He’s definitely MIA.
Yep! I wanted more Dems to stand up to him like that, not hold up signs. But they didn’t and that was disappointing. They should have walked out with Al Green in solidarity.
Exactly, so we need to lay it out for them. The people are still a part of this whether they believe they have power or not. But, we actually need people to believe it.
There are thousands of us protesting, showing up to town halls, and calling our Senators/Congressmen. We can make change happen!
Yes it’s unbearable. Even worse is how delusional his followers are. They have an excuse and accusation for anything that you challenge them with. Its a cult and the tenets are racism, authoritarianism and ignorance. Anything and anyone questioning it is immediately shunned and attacked.
There is an online event following the SOTU by the forming Working Families Party. They have a website and information on how to join the discussion. They are leaders.
Yep, we're fucked if this is the most our elected representatives are willing to do for us. White knuckle your signs all you want, their inaction is pathetic!
The potential silver lining is What happens from here is 100% MAGA control. He can no longer blame Dems or opposition movements for the coming economic fallout and unemployment like he could during his 1st term. He loses support and loses the stranglehold on the spineless members of the GOP.
You need to be in front of the entire Dem caucus tomorrow blasting them for sitting there doing nothing after Congressman Green was kicked out. This looks like total surrender right now. If they can't fight, they need to resign immediately.
Why don't Democratic congress members hold open townhall meetings in the districts of people like this who are asserting they are "too important to talk to" unless perchance someone is coming with a big fat AIPAC "contribution." (AKA - "BRIBE")
Better than hiding under their desks. Maybe Hakeem Jeffries will finally see a pitch he is willing to take a swing at on behalf of the American people.
Trump now controls the press. He mentioned that there had been people demonstrating instead of working in their offices.Dems resist isn’t on the news. Get involved. Make some good trouble!!! Make some noise.
Nah, stop blaming those who didnt vote for Harris. It's not their fault. Blamr the democrats for not having a democratic election of their candidat, and blamr rhe democrats for being too centrist/right-leaning to be able to mobilise more people
Al Green is my new hero. You need to send a signal rob the world. Get up and walk out!!! He openly insulted all of you. Silently holding up little signs is not going to cut it.
Lots of Republicans are no longer holding town hall meetings. Have Democrats and Independents take up the slack and allow Americans of any party to speak freely. Then impeach.
Jesus fecking christ what a spineless opposition to fascism. Thinking of you all from Australia. Bring on the revolution - you guys know how to do that!
And since so many of them are wealthy they want the same agenda. Sadly I’m beginning to think some Dems want the same too, hence the silence. Some. Enough. I can’t tell.
He is worse than the worst used car sale's know everything coming out of his mouth is a lie...but folks still buy that shitty car.....and are wondering why they are stuck with a lemon.
You politicians are treating this like it a political disagreement..would you have gone to a speech by Osama bin Laden? This is an out of control President creating chaos in everyone’s daily lives. Impeach him. Life suppose to be about family but all life is now is what chaos 47 gonna cause next
Yes! This is my most ardently held and loudly expressed point. Trump’s regime is *not* about politics! This is about the law! This is about the Constitution! This is about ethics! This is about lies, graft, exploitation, and dehumanization!
You talking to me or you post on wrong message? There no hyperbole here.. Trump is a terrorist. There is no debate. Osama bin Laden is grinning in his grave watching this President do more harm to this country then he ever could have hoped for
Now you just annoying me so let’s have fun..What state you live in? Any daughters? Do you have morals? Do you believe people have to obey the law? Do you believe in kindness and compassion? If you can’t understand that this isn’t a debate this is war for our country’s soul then I can’t help you
I don't consider this a war. And I do not need, your help.
Do you think you are always right? Do you believe others have rights to their opinions?
Have you ever broke a law?
Are you always moral? Just? Do you believe in 2nd chances?
You are making too much sense. Stop it. Lying is good and fun. So is hate oh and lying. I haven’t lied yet. Oh I love being lied to also and I hate so many people mostly who do not look like me. Sooo good!!’
What in that was hyperbole? He is an out of control president who is creating chaos.
Worse he’s a domestic terrorist and a traitor. And that’s not hyperbole either.
Yeah but we all love seeing him all frikkin day long and hearing about ibis inane bs all day long every damn day. Oh and commercial after commercial talking about how great he is and us paying for it. Soooooo fun!!!!!
Not me. I had to sadly lay off two employees yesterday because cost of tariffs increased my expenses so much that it’s either I close my business or lay them off.. now the one employee probably going to lose her I think it’s cool? No..I think it’s tragic the President screwed her life
Again they treating it like it political disagreement and they need to change mindset and realize this is war so acting like status quo politician isn’t going to cut it.. impeach the terrorist Trump.. no votes for this or that. Impeach him. I’m a Republican and I’m telling you he is a terrorist
He is also a damn idiot. Years ago I met his soon to be ex wife Ivanna. She said he was pure evil. I thought she was just mad at him cheating. I was wrong
Was directed to politicans in general..I’m a Republican and with more than 100 family members in military and I’m telling you flat out Trump is a terrorist. 100% a terrorist the same as Osama bin Laden. Osama would be grinning and cheering saying yay President Trump..
I know.. I had to layoff two great hard working employees yesterday because the tariffs increased my expenses so much that I can’t pay tariffs and have them as employees.
I know..extrapolate it out the tariffs gonna cost me an added $63,000 this year. can’t run my business on oh maybe the terrorist President gonna change his mind. Business doesn’t work like that. if he ever paid his bills instead of stiffing vendors he would comprehend it. Budgets run on fixed costs
lol okay some of you people fixating on literal post.. the post is for all politicans that follow her on bluesky to say WTF you people need to stand up to this terrorist President and impeach him.. yay she stayed away from a speech. Impeach the fucker
Impeachment without some kinda quorum would be performative... ask Al Green. They should be doing everything possible to jam the gears while seeking that quorum and discussing impeachment with GOPers shocked by this move to install fascist white supremacy for the next 50 yrs.✌🏻
Im not back tracking Lmmfao I’m explaining how posts work and reasoning to post on a user that gets thousands of views an hour.. I wholeheartedly agree.. shut the government down until he removed from office. I’m a Republican and I’m telling you Trump is a terrorist
Constitution is very clear. High Crimes & Misdemeanors encompasses anything that is a threat to the citizens and the Republic as a whole. It’s left very vague on purpose to say if enough in Congress believe he harming citizens or Republic he can be removed on those articles of impeachment
I agree, but don't forget they already tried...twice. And the high crimes and misdemeanor stuff absolutely applied. But Republicans will refuse to stand up and they won't have the votes. Same as the last two times.
The problem is that the majority of the people who would impeach him are those cowed by him. His violations of the constitution may be the only way the take him down somewhat legally. I don't think we can vote ourselves out of this civil war, though.
Has anyone considered that both Dems/Rep are together on this new path for America, follow the money who gains to benefit financially what senators/congressmen will make a lot of money out of what trump is doing. Money talks louder than loyalty to constituents
Many of them are wealthy and tRump's, (project 2025) plans will benefit the wealthy. But it really is time to get rid of citizen's united and level the playing field so candidates that aren't in it for money and power can get elected. Or some enormous reset like WWIII!
They're all more obsessed with keeping their power than doing what's right. And Elon had threatened them all with financing a primary opponent their next election. Which threatens their wealth. And some are just idiots.
Or all the non MAGA Governors need to say okay if you want to threaten to cut off federal funds like a tyrant fine. Effective immediately no Federal taxes or FICA will be withheld for employee paychecks in our state. And follow through on it
So Jeff probably gets money for foster kids. That's great.
Has he ever had to purchase steel to build a home?
Probably not. Trump screwed every builder in America today.
All those trade guys he tried to convince someone else was taking their job, yea, he just screwed them out of their jobs.
Yes! And did the President of the United States just, live on TV, threaten the Democrats? This is a dictator. We need to demand to remove him immediately.
Dems are PATHETIC. Slotkin was an unbelievable choice! We needed someone with fire who recognizes that we are on the precipice of collapse like Chris Murphy, not a moderate who wants to reach across the aisle!
Dems are pathetic at strategy & Jeffries hasn't been a big disappointment.
Strongly agree that we need a charismatic leader who inspires all of us who have been shocked by the destruction of so much of our systems of governance seemingly without thought to the consequences. BOLD & UNCONVENTIONAL thinking and strategy is called for WITHOUT DELAY!
Murphy is good and engages well. I'd like to see a blend of AOC and Melanie Stansbury. Pete Buttigieg is so articulate and likable. Schiff has good focus on issues. No single person seems like the indisputable next great liberal leader.
I almost fell asleep two minutes into it.
There was no correction of trumps lies or accurate statement about Trump catering to our enemies while attacking our allies.
No warnings of what we will do to save healthcare for the children and elderly.
It was the definition of milqtoast.
I didn’t watch at all. I valued my brain cells and sanity too much. I watched pre-coverage, switched to something else right at 9pm on the dot, and then switched back for the Democratic response and post-coverage when his lips and gums stopped flapping.
Call your senator and let her know you are disappointed. And call Jeffries. I understand that they are trying to put forward younger dems as the face of the party…but we need people who can wield their words like a sword.
I’ve called and emailed her office repeatedly. They do not respond though they were more than happy to communicate when asking for more campaign donations
One other thing; I called AOC when I was in her district about the Writer and Actor strikes (I work building sets). And she showed up on the picket lines in support of the workers the next week. Actions speak louder than emails.
To be fair we don’t need them to respond to all of us individually. We need them to defend our rights on the floor of congress. This is not a call to chat, it’s a call to badger them till they do the right thing. Keep harassing them and keep showing up. We are in this for the long haul.
I think it is time to elect younger people. I think Pelosi has been awesome but her playbook has NEVER worked against what Gingrich brought to Congress. It's not working now. Being nice and killing them with kindness no longer works. Young people and turn that playbook on the opposition.
AOC received donations from Google, Apple and Kaiser Permanente, she's a paid off political lemming just like the rest of them. All politicians are paid off little lemmings that do whatever the billionaire company owners that gave them that money want them to do.
They need to study the Newt Gingrich playbook and use it against them. They need to be loud and tell the public exactly what is going on. THEY NEED TO DO THEIR JOB a lot of which they have allowed the Executive branch and the courts to do for the past 30 years. We need to elect younger people.
She did the whole unity thing, they have to start understanding, maga is an actual cult…until that fever breaks, theres nothing we can say or do to break it.
She made some good points and digs, but it definitely did not meet the moment.
Their tactics are attack attack attack, lie lie lie, decleft, deny create huge amount of chaos and consume as much power as possible. Care no1 outside the circle of the cult.
Distractions from their attacks on democracy; destruction of historic alliances; tanking of the American economy; spikes in the price of eggs; violations of our Constitutional rights; and the list goes on…and on…and on.
It was interesting that CNN described her as one of the “most recognizable politicians”. No mention of “Most effective” or “Most Legislature Passed” politician. Even CNN knows she is “all sizzle and no steak”
Sorry, what cuts to Medicaid? There you go again, fear mongering. Come on AOC, show me a bill, a PDF a handwritten note. Anything at all...I mean anything besides cutting FRAUDULENT spending. Guess what, the majority of Americans would like less fraud and lower taxes. But keep trying...
The cuts that will need to be made in order to pass Republican tax breaks for their wealthy donors & friends. It’s is virtually impossible to offset this without making substantial cuts to Medicaid.
Budget said $1.5 Trillion cuts to mandatory spending. What is mandatory spending? Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment, Food and Nutrition programs like WIC, Federal Retirement, required interest. 1.5Trillion? Where the hell do you think it’s coming from?
That's 1.5 trillion over the course of 10 years, Doge found over 65 billion in waste/fraud(that was being spent yearly) in the first 45 days. There's definitely more to come.
It’s a giant billboard advertising that the Democratic Party is over. One of their own stood up against the Nazi coup, and they silently watched the regime silence him. That’s being complicit. There’s no hope for establishment democrats.
What are the Dems doing about it? You all were elected. Skipping the speech; sitting there during it; and holding signs does NOTHING. Do something REAL that will help the constituents!!!
I don’t think this hits enough. I propose a revision to this, maybe “Epstein’s best pals” or “R*pist Party” or maybe like “the pedophilic grifters”. Ideally it would just be “the traitors”. For those who wish for something politically correct just “Benedict Arnold”.
Tariffs are not the answer. The effect on the Stock Market during Trumps announcement on FOX News shows you that. Even Warren Buffet is concerned enough to make a statement to help us. He says Tariffs ‘Act of War’ Make a difference and call your Congressman and Senator and tell them what you tink.
Trust me it is not! I have was born here 69 years ago and I have been an open minded, compassionate human being. I have always been on the more liberal side of things but have never seen anything like it in my lifetime in this country.
Sleight of hand tRump is good at that, at least for awhile, see all the bankruptcies. That’s the country going down the toilet, no you can’t declare bankruptcy for a country and just start over
I refused to watch for those very reasons and hope the ratings were low, we have all heard Trump's lies. It's more important to see what he's already done which was sign an EO taking away our rights to free speech. Threatening to arrest protesters.
You know who else gives insanely long, boring speeches? Putin. It's a form of control: I've got you here and I'll make you stay here and listen and believe everything that comes out of my mouth. I dare you to stop me.
All Dems should have stood together and boycotted the filthy lies and attacks and for God sake when they took Rep Green out EVERY democrat should have followed. I was so disappointed
You failed last night. Utterly, completely failed. We told you what you needed to do, and you did not listen. We can do our part as individuals & grassroots groups, but you are undermining us at every turn. WE DON'T WANT TO LIVE IN A FASCIST STATE.
I think they should have
individually pulled an Al Green, so they all had to be escorted out one by one. It could have really put a damper on Trump's stupid speech. Dem chaos!
Al Green played into Trump's hands, providing an example of Dems “behaving badly.” The little signs and color coordination also play well for Trump's mockery. They really needed to not attend and completely ignore the event. He thrives on attention (and revels in adversarial attention).
I can't watch. I turned it on for a brief moment when he was saying, "I'm calling it drill baby drill". I turned it off. I'm not sure if I can even watch the news.
Why do you Americans get scared when you hear the word socialism? Even mild socialdemocrat like Bernie Sanders couldn't get through; you chose the bloody elite of the Democrats.
Hillary wasn't chosen: she was forced upon us. The Democratic National Committee PURCHASED electoral votes for Hillary before the primaries even began, & then ghosted Sanders for the first 6 months of the primaries. It was the DNC that lost that election for Democrats.
That’s mental health crisis: imagine having a nation wide delusion that any one of your compatriots can become a multibillionaire anytime. Then each attack on real billionaires is perceived as attack on their nation.
They are, they outed Biden when he was their last chance to win the elections. Not to say bad about Harris, she wasn’t prepared and was not popular enough. All who pressed Biden out are complicit, it was obvious to all who seen the pools that they are willingly giving the office to Trump.
The only cuts to Medicaid will be to illegal criminal immigrants you fucking idiot but you dumbocrats will try anything to misguide the American people, it's going to be decades before another dumbocrat wins the presidential election
Law prohibits illegals from getting benefits. You have to provide proof of citizenship or naturalization and they DO check. Medicaid/Medicare fraud is mostly committed by PROVIDERS. I know because I helped investigators on several cases and they confirmed this.
Stick to farming because you sound like your street corner mom, my asshole neighbors brothers get it and there illegal criminal immigrants so fuck yourself farmer
So what did you take from it? I didn’t watch all of it but the one time I turned it on he was lying so bad I turned the channel. I don’t trust him , he lies, he still owes $155 mil to E.Jean Carroll and he’s trying put us in a recession .
Yeah would have been nice to see some solidarity. You all did your own thing. No team all individual players.
I feel like you are truly doing nothing.
You speak of tyranny yet your colleagues are quiet. The people wanted to see unity. All we watched was a disappointing performance by our leaders
Of course I do. I’m sorry if I lead you to believe otherwise.
I’m glad to see someone trying. But it’s just not enough.
We need solidarity. Not individual voices. But one voice for all the People. Please understand I’m a veteran and I will not sit back.
I’m seriously worried. We are not fighting
To whom do you suppose they seem weak? They seem to me like they need more votes, having a minority in all three chambers of the government. What do you propose, in this circumstance?
Then are you willing to be erased from society. Are you wealthy? Are you in this fight? I’m not sure about you. But I’m only going to be pushed so far. As are so many millions of us.
They have never seen an insurrection.
The wall is getting closer to all our backs.
They will reap what they sow
They have barely scratched the surface of what they can do to show the people we are together in this fight. They just sat there and let the few carry the load.
Gerrymandering is why we have this situation in the first place there’s no way they won all three chambers of government.
Okay let’s explore this. So your answer is to just sit back and wait to be thrown into the streets.
They seem weak to the Republican Party. As demonstrated last night. They could have shown solidarity and walked out in unison.
They could have stood with Representative Greene and walked out.
I'm definitely not waiting to be thrown to the streets. I'm not sure where you feel I implied that.
The repubs leaders are lying oligarchs. The voters are mostly just fooled by the propaganda. The voters would not be inspired by dem action - it's already clear they aren't paying attention to it.
i mean the solution has kinda already passed us, they were told to have conviction, and they played for the imaginary 'average centrist voter' again. in this circumstance, they are sat 15 feet away from him able to say anything they want, they just don't.
there's local representatives getting themselves arrested, local politicians protesting the change in their areas, but at a federal level, dems act like holding the seat is more important than doing anything significant that could possibly lose it for them
Dems are weak. They are complicit in what is currently happening, because of their inaction over last decade +.
Everyone could see this coming. The Heritage Foundation/Israel lobbyists and influence is very apparent, as it is in UK, NZ, Australia too. Same agenda across Western nations.
I'd say don't show up at all, nothing hurts him more than lack of an audience. Alternatively, run a simulcast MST2000 style fact checking and talking over him in near real time, take away his ratings.
I don't know if the majority of Dems are incompetent or complicit, but they certainly aren't leading. I'm so sick of people acting like this is business as usual and the administration can be voted out in 4 years. People need to wake up.
Hell yeah. We don’t have one year. We are under attack by our government. This is not a drill. We are being held hostage by a rouge government. Not of the people. I never wanted this. I’m not a young man. But I’m not too old to fight. Was hoping my life would get easier.
Fuck no. This is war
They look weak because they are weak. At the end of the day, most of the Democrats are too afraid of or indebted to their corporate donors to act. AOC, Crockett, Sanders, and a few others are the only ones with any integrity. We need to elect avowed progressives down the board in 2026.
Hell yeah. Thank you. I’m in total agreement. Citizens United is the main reason we’re here.
Corporate America bought are representatives. Now we are paying the bills.
We are in serious shit. They better show us something. Because last night was a travesty.
I didn't even watch it, just checking the highlights this morning. If I wanted to watch Trump lie to me for two hours I'd get a Truth Social account lol
Absolutely mind boggling that you folks don't understand you're dealing with Nazis. They don't give a shit about decorum. In one month these assholes have run you over and fucked up the joint. What's happening to us needs a stronger reaction. These are Nazis. Please wake up.
Not Nazis. That trope has ben tried since 2016. Just stop, it doesn't help. The Democrats shot themselves in the foot propping up Biden. Now the truth comes out he was mentally diminished. You know its true. This is the party that fucked over Bernie Sanders and annoited Hillary Clinton.
I know and democrats are worried about the issues they need to focus on?! Just like a bunch of voters who voted on issues, like those mattered in the election. But, you know egg prices and Palestine
Yah they need to act accordingly. Their response so far is equivalent to them saying "umm.. excuse me!.......I said EXCUSE ME!" And expecting people to take notice.
Exactly! 💯 it's getting a little tiring. My God, I feel like we're going to be American refugees trying to go to another country and they won't accept us. Or even worse yet, like North Korea, we won't even be able to leave this country without being killed.
I'm hoping that all the people who are getting their lives ruined by everything he's doing are listening to the lies that he is saying and realize he's lying,will turn on him finally.
To be honest, I can’t see him, I can’t stand to hear his weak spirit, so, no I did not watch him, but I knew I’d learn all about today.
Let’s keep together. Thanks for your support.🌎🇺🇸💞🇧🇷
As a progressive that lives in a deep deep red state with a huge % of people on Medicaid - they are “sure” their Medicaid isn’t going to be touched only illegal’s will
I wish the democrats there would TAKE ACTION, they should have backed up Greene. Fight back, get arrested, make a scene, show solidarity, STOP SITTING THERE AND DO SOMETHING! They sure aren't acting like they have anyone's interested in mind.
Exactly!! At least give the man a standing ovation as he was being removed. Feels like they're even worse than the repubs. Literally sitting there like obedient servants. I swear we are living in the twilight zone
We should've voted them ALL out when we had the chance. The only thing anybody up there cares about is their power. Why else would Republicans pretend to agree with this insanity?
While I mostly agree, can you take a second to imagine how much self control that took to sit there and listen to that utter BS?? With a straight face?? That's solidarity.
Trump should never have gotten a word out. They should’ve all been objecting to his bull shit…like Green…each and every one until they were escorted out as well. They just sitting there like petulant children.
Better to be like Zelenskyy and be disrespected for fighting for your people than to sit there and hold up a tiny sign. His approval rating skyrocketed after that, I'm sure our Democratic representatives would too.
Clearly white men kill many more white women than illegal immigrants. Republicans are stoking a political base of poorly educated cultist to cover dismantling good governance.
But it won’t. Because they are in checkmate right now. Emails, signs, and the truth are useless right now. We need to gather ex FBI/CIA military leaders and give them new jobs!
Unfortunately some people need to touch the oven. I can only hope they will wake up when all of the economic devastation, loss of medical care and social security hits them.
Hopefully they'll join us then
The US is going to have a massive rebuilding project to do once trump and the GOP are gone
Me personally, I am OK. My family members however are not. If I was a sociopath like Trump and musk I would not care but I am not and trying to take care of them
Disrespect is the baseline for interacting with fascists. They deserve far, far worse. They should rot in a prison cell until their room in hell opens up.
It feeds the ignorants red meat. They think politic is a WWE snack down! It is disgusting but true! We need to go silent and strategically plan how to unwind this disaster!
I agree. He had every right. Trump wanted twice the amount we gave in mineral rights with ni guarantee of security! Fuck that! If he gave in, his citizens would be furious!
I also wish that you, dear voter, did more. You should have rallied your people for elections to prevent this madness in the first place.
Now, all you can do is to rally your people for midterms AND pray that Trump won’t fix elections Putin style as he’s already putting his fat fingers on USPS…
Unfortunately they can’t do much. I would say that Representative Green will be either censured or expelled for his conduct tonight. That’s what the GOP wants, for Democrats to do something they can expel them for so they can do a full take over of both chambers.
I was so pissed off that they were so complacent. I am trying to unwind right. Own it it’s not working very well. Why are so mad but our representatives are not?
It feels like we, the people, are in a verbally ab*sive relationship with this Trump Administration. They are isolating us away from our family & friends (allies). They treat us like 💩. They tell us Trump's the best we'll ever have while blaming us when things go wrong.
You nailed it. Unless dems can impeach, remove w/Article 25 or 14 they can get into good trouble. Just be in the way all the time!! And call a federal officer to throw people out of your meetings. Learn. !Talk about hard trouble, and his name is on the bridge now!keep banging heads into the wall.
I don't get it. If Trump is the clown emoji, why is JFK (35th President) the red ogre emoji? Just never heard of anyone who specifically dislikes Trump and JFK, but is chill with all other past presidents. Odd combo.
The Democrats AS A Unit, had a wasted opportunity at the SOTU😳
AOC and Crockett are both on fire but we need the Entire Democratic Congress to BE Aggressive and Relentless
Two Terms we need to hear EVERY Day:
It is A Treasonous COUP
That is his art! He rambles on about shit and goes over and over it as to distract from the real problems he is causing. America I feel you are doomed unless ?
I really wish that you could have convinced all Dems to boycott this bullshit campaign rally. If he didn’t have Dems there to mock, Republicans would have looked ridiculous in their fawning over their cult leader. Boycott every SOTU from here on out!!
Translation AI for Trump speak:
1) If his lips are moving, he's lying or misleading
2) Every accusation is actually a confession.
3) Anecdotal evidence presented is invented and always goes against statistical evidence.
With these three assumptions applied you can convert alternative fact to fact.
Hey,, let’s get busy cloning AOC and Elizabeth Warren and bring some confrontational energy to our reps. I know they (we) are trying but they (we) are not built for the front lines of defending democracy. Let’s get into some good trouble.
I mean that's not really a news flash. We know this is not normal. So what are they going to do about this abnormal situation we all find ourselves in. I'm not an elected official with the power of the bully pulpit, but she is.
And the optics of the male MAGA goon, Lance Gooden (of NY I believe), ripping the sign from her hands as his party applauded were shameful and appalling, if not surprising. Talk about violently silencing dissent. It was a SIGN, not a fucking gun...
My sign would have said “It is so sweet that Elon allowed Trump to come out tonight.”
Or “we know the kompromat is far worse than a few peeing hookers.
Senile Grandpa Repeating His Tale Of Fantastical Accomplishments And Telling Americans They Don’t Mind Being Bankrupted! Tonight Thousands Fired At SSA—Seniors Do You Have A Plan To Feed/Keep A Roof Over Your Head—If You Cheque Doesn’t Come! —Gov. Agencies Have Fewer Staff To Help Get Your Cheque!
Good observation.Trump is such a reckless stupid individual.He makes me sick. J6 was a "show of love" he called it then.No respect for capitol police who fought hard to secure the capitol building.
Putin was so happy to see it too.That's what the Kremlin needs-a riot to get rid of Vladimir Putin!
The shipbuilding might do us some good, but all those workers are going to be exposed to occupational hazards. Who will pay for their healthcare? Who will make sure their workplace is safe? Who will police the shipbuilders from polluting our air and water?
Then why is he not in jail? If you had done half of what he has that is where you would be. There are obviously two sets of rules one for the masses and one for the rich.
He’s not in jail because the head of the DOJ under Biden was Garland masquerading as a Democrat, but he was really a republican and he delayed the trials for four years in order for Trump to run again and spread lies cheat and win. It’s an, very organized New World order they’re trying to establish.
Felt? He is above the law along with the rest of the oligarchy. That's been proven for centuries. A rich person has to do something horrific and openly to even be considered for jail. Most can just buy their way out, free and clear. Every out of court settlement should count as a guilty verdict.
Don't buy his lies. Trump repeats them, to get people to think, if heard enough times lies become truth. Be vigilant people. You alone know the truth. Like J6 was no act "of love" or like a "tourist tour". Ask Josh Hawley, if it was "peaceful", as he ran away from the capitol like a scalded cat!
The blueprint is Russian oligarchy: In the 1990s, Russia’s most profitable organisations were dismantled and taken over by tycoons able to take advantage of an increasingly compromised privatisation process and seize control of hugely profitable state enterprises
I think it was one officer and three attendees? I don't know where to check. Chat gpt just told me Donald Trump was never convicted of any crimes. I'm scared
It’s funny, when those rebel yell cosplayers talk about tyrannical jackbooted thugs, they’re describing the police. I don’t know if they even realize it.
Here are key changes proposed by the Project 2025 plan for Medicaid:
1.Funding Structure Changes: Conversion of federal Medicaid funding to block grants or per capita caps, limiting federal support.
2. Increased Costs: States could impose higher premiums and cost-sharing for beneficiaries.
3. Loss of Essential Benefits: Elimination of mandatory benefits, such as nursing home care and pediatric preventive services.
4.Stricter Eligibility Requirements: More stringent eligibility checks and work reporting requirements could disqualify some recipients.
5. Increased Administrative Barriers: New paperwork and asset tests could complicate enrollment and renewal processes.
6. Shift to Private Insurance: Option for recipients to convert Medicaid coverage into vouchers for private insurance, which may offer less comprehensive benefits.
7.Increased Uninsured Rates: Cuts could lead to more individuals losing coverage, resulting in a higher uninsured population.
8. Impact on Long-Term Services and Supports: Changes to LTSS eligibility and financing could reduce access to necessary support for seniors and individuals with disabilities
I don't understand how so many are going along with the lies & dismantling of our govt. Congressional Repubs, SCOTUS, media... That's a lot of people going along with this. Are they cowards? Hate women & minorities that much? Hate our country that much? Seems coordinated. They all flipped at once.
This is the result of that 30% of voters who decided that it was better to not vote, protest the best possible outcome by realizing a worst one, or just couldn’t be bothered.
You can’t fix the fascists, but you can’t absolve those of us who have no foresight. Fair.
Some think our national debt is like your own personal debt, so they think its actually possible to get out of trillions in debt like you can Ramen your way out of credit card debt. They make rationalizations for hurting poor ppl, not realizing it will go to rich ppl not our debt
or jd's smug manbaby face. you can see him thinking to himself "ok, trump is talking about laken riley. look concerned and sad and angry. keep looking straight ahead. did they notice me?"
do they have an applause box? or some kind of signal?
I watched Senator Wyden, instead. We talked all about how people all over Oregon are suffering and terrified. One guy asked about Laken Riley and was summarily educated with a lot of messages about how it’s a racist dog whistle meant to deport brown people ACCUSED of crimes. Not much Musk talk. :(
I'm wondering why you nor other Dems didn't make "good trouble" you all just yelled. If you all couldn't leave you all could have just laughed at his shitty ass Dems need to be prepared to be arrested and make good trouble
That, actually, is a great idea. Trump is so vain the laughter would get him all red-faced and angry and ranting like crazy. I sure hope the stress wouldn't cause a sudden catastrophic heart attack or stroke...
I heard a few laughs, but other than that grumbles. Every outburst from MGT, Boebert during Biden, oh lets not forget the YOU LIE guy, were never removed. If all Dems planned on doing was holding up signs, they should have all left behind Al Greene
Have you read what they are proposing? Are you listening to what they are yammering about on their platforms? Medicaid approval is months behind now. That means folks are not getting services already & in a world of felon34 is it gonna get better?
They lie to the MAGAs constantly, wait for it when it hits. Like he lied about inheriting a bad economy from Biden, they will blame Biden 4 years from now.
The "Gold Card" idea is another preservation of generational self-worth. Citizenship cannot be for sale. The gov can't sell out the people to oligarchy.
As far as I’m concerned, since Dems have let everything get by them, they have one job, saving social security. That is our money.
Jes said dozens of times that he's never touching medicaid other than taking out fraud.
But here you are... advocating that corruption remains the status quo.
Your days in office are numbered
And yet not a single one of the members on your end (outside of Green) yelled anything about the injustices to Americans. They’re sucking their thumbs in a silent protest, to a group of ppl who supported and believe in loud civil disobedience. Shoot- they respect Jan 6ers over silent protesting dems
Actually, they have zero ideas on how to teact to or handle passive resistance. They want to fight, it is all they know. Why give them what they want, especially when nin-reaction gets them so flustered?
I really want all the DEMs to stand up at the same time and single file walk out while chanting impeach! Please for the love of God do something that shows those Facist fuckers you aren’t folding.
The inaction of the American people is sad! The USA is becoming a dystopia. But let's be clear. This is not a surprise. He's doing what he said he would do, and the majority of the Americans voted for him! No surprises. The democrats either do something or they will become even more irrelevant.
Absolutely mind boggling that you folks don't understand you're dealing with Nazis. They don't give a shit about decorum. In one month these assholes have run you over and fucked up the joint. What's happening to us needs a stronger reaction. These are Nazis. Please wake up.
4/ USA will not adjust well to losing out. Additionally our allies are coordinating against us economically, which is graceful after this betrayal.
Have hope, the American public is not making the same choices as the Germans. The Democratic Party on the other hand….
3/Nazi Germany had a great GDP growth because for a decade their economy was hyperinflated and then Great Depression, plus war debt. They had only room to climb with Hitler. During GD, GER paused paying war debt and implemented slave labor in work camps. Economy got better so people liked Hitler.
2/ Germans were the majority population punching down, most Americans don’t like Trump, never been popular. We’re punching up.
Amis are at the top of the geopolitical order, our standard of living is high. People will rise up if their quality of life declines.
Yes you are correct, but know Americans have a better advantage than the Germans did!! Have hope! Most Germans wanted Hitler, they didn’t boycott or protest. The ONE protest late in the Nazizeit WORKED. It saved 1.8k men. If they did what the Amis are doing now, many could have been saved 1/
Finally, someone who shares my understanding of this issue. These are Nazis, they don't give a rat ass about decorum, laws,or rules.Hell, they're stomping on the Constitution and ignoring court orders. The republican congressmen need to grow a backbone & stand up they're complicit.Traitors! Treason
You just accused me of plagiarizing my own words. I wrote that post. Someone copied and pasted it and you turned around and accused ME of having no words of my own. 🤔
I actually asked an open-ended question that allowed you to explain yourself, then provided you with evidence of who stole your words. What are you being pissy about exactly?
Thinking about this. Here we have one of those situations where I'm not required to explain myself. If you check my comments you can clearly see I wrote that and when I wrote it. This is frustrating.
💯 concentration camps are coming back violation of the constitution is here. Collapse economy cause civil war and enact martial law country ran by rich oligarchs and a dictator.
I can't wait to see your comments when cuts, and tariffs affect you. Do you live in the woods off grid? Or maybe you're so rich nothing affects you. I bet you don't even know he's lying to you. Anyway...good luck to you. I hope you're not caught in a fire, or flood, or tornado, bc all gone.
Yes I see how under Joe Biden how the people in North Carolina were treated after the horrible flooding. That worked out real well. But we did have to house the illegal immigrants right?! That was more important than American citizens. Shameful
Yeah, they better, because we're running out of time. I keep hearing people say this inaction is a strategy. Forgive me, but it's a stupid fucking strategy. Do something!
I don’t mean Democratic consultants. I mean out of the box actually I just wish they do what Chris Hayes‘s book says and to stop being so cautious and risk averse.
Plus they’re easily photo shopped over and now those signs are all over the internet saying unflattering things. Short sighted. The messaging game is weak
Voters don’t seem interested in thoughtful explanations of policies. We have to pretend that all problems have one correct answer and a straightforward solution.
We never find a way to properly show the faults in GOP policies and we are often too nice when describing candidates.
I know AOC wasn't there but last night's actions weren't opposition.
It's was capitulation.
Only Al Green did the right thing.
And they didn't even cheer for him.
Pink dresses and paddles ain't gonna do it.
Senator Slotkin's democratic response was underwhelming. Hope of seeing the opposition legislators effectively block trump's illegal and unconstitutional haphazard actions diminishes as time passes and his regime becomes more entrenched.
I thought the paddles and their messages rattled him to the point of causing him to look like a rambling raging old man.
But then, he always looks like that.
Each Dem should have taken a turn disrupting the speech and getting removed. Then the next one. And the next one. Make it drag out the SOTU until people turned it off! Ruin the MSM's commercial programming for the night. Let the media talk about the protests instead of whitewashing the lie-fest.
The old guard democrats who still think we should be taking some kind of "dignified high road" just can't appreciate how screwed we are, and that there won't be anything left if we don't start seriously disrupting things immediately. And you can't rile the people up with flaccid little placards.
IMO they did a lot. Bad mouthing ourselves or them isn’t a good tactic at this moment and Dems are doing good as they can and want resolve w/diplomacy..
Let’s focus in demand his promises. He said he had nothing to do w/ p 2025, lower inflation blah blah, but…
Can we have discussions without posting some of the most insanely horrifying AI pictures that add absolutely nothing to the conversation and only serve to make us and you look just as unhinged as… ykw, nevermind.
Distraction works so well on his dim-bulb base. Cruelty gets them sexually aroused, and racism fires their engines.
The Awakened magas are in the “Wait, WHAT?!” stage and hiding their red hats.
They only have I think it’s 53 Republican votes in They need 60 to break it! So unless we have any stupid Democrats, that’s willing to cross and vote with the morons, they can’t break it!
Representative if my partner who is on Medicaid dies because he took her Medicaid away, I’m telling you right now I’m going after him. I don’t give a fuck. My life is over if my partner dies.
Seriously, the visual of half the room empty would have been the message. Not to mention how disorienting it would be to the orange dump truck who needs the crowds and attention.
I would have used that ACTBLUE money and bought out a few networks for a town hall focusing on real stories of people already impacted by Trump's idiocy. Make it must watch TV.
that's a good idea. And, it's not too late… I mean the timing tonight would've been great, but if they did it right, they could still make it must see tv.
I don't think it would be bad as such but it would have been performative and as a tactic rather than a strategy, it would achieve nothing. Now, call me, a Democrat, a name.
{Now pounding sand}
But the "doing something last night" you demand would actually do nothing. Superficial Democrats like you may as well be declaring their assistance to Republicans at this point.
Because the Republicans have maga people in the wings waiting to fill those seats. So then Trump would have had an hour of unopposed twat-waffle while the entire room cheered.
Because that is what the news channels would show. So for people not paying attention (the 35% of independents/not involved) it would look as though Trump had full support from Dems and Republicans. Everything is a TV moment for Trump. By staying in the room they avoided that.
Because the cameras recorded the signs the Dems were holding and the booing and Trump looking really annoyed by the booing. If they had not been there - it would have been 90 minutes of cheering.
People are going to die with cuts to Medicaid. These people are monsters. They are un-American and do not follow the path set forward by the founding father. They are fascists.
Each of you should have yelled and hollered until thrown out, one after the other, wasting his time alotted. s
You should have been shouting exactly what he is cutting that hurt Americans and calling them all out. I was sick to my stomach watching Republicans stand and clap to LIES.
Right? They needed to be LOUD and keep him from talking. They failed & let us down AGAIN! A lot of these dems are losing their jobs come next election for their inaction. We want reps of action! Show us what you are made of! Get arrested at protests like we are! Stop with the lip service.
Can you get us one with emails and Bluesky addresses? Please?
Remind them how/why they are there.
One team, one fight! We are stronger together.
There are thousands of us protesting, showing up to town halls, and calling our Senators/Congressmen. We can make change happen!
Why don't Democratic congress members hold open townhall meetings in the districts of people like this who are asserting they are "too important to talk to" unless perchance someone is coming with a big fat AIPAC "contribution." (AKA - "BRIBE")
Where are all the Democrat leaders?
They have all been so quiet.
Any Democrat is better than a Racist Nazi Maga!
Also, a pine box is better for a nazi then elected office. Can't serve if you're dead no matter what the polls say.
Might be worth a shot.
He can poop and peed in his diaper while BSing anything and everything.
I don't consider this a war. And I do not need, your help.
Do you think you are always right? Do you believe others have rights to their opinions?
Have you ever broke a law?
Are you always moral? Just? Do you believe in 2nd chances?
Worse he’s a domestic terrorist and a traitor. And that’s not hyperbole either.
They have to put pressure on Trump to stop these none-sense / dump Decrets !
Maybe find the politicians that are apart of his cult (republicans..) and post this for them to see.
You literally started with “you politicians” and then called for an action that she did.
Impeachment without some kinda quorum would be performative... ask Al Green. They should be doing everything possible to jam the gears while seeking that quorum and discussing impeachment with GOPers shocked by this move to install fascist white supremacy for the next 50 yrs.✌🏻
And we know how that is going work out
Has he ever had to purchase steel to build a home?
Probably not. Trump screwed every builder in America today.
All those trade guys he tried to convince someone else was taking their job, yea, he just screwed them out of their jobs.
Then there is Hakeem Jeffries.
So much meh.
Bad call Pelosi.
Dems need to look to AOC and Jasmine Crockett and fight back. Hard!
Dems are pathetic at strategy & Jeffries hasn't been a big disappointment.
Josh Shapiro
Chris Murphy
Andy Beshear
JB Pritzer
I hate autocorrect and no edit option
There was no correction of trumps lies or accurate statement about Trump catering to our enemies while attacking our allies.
No warnings of what we will do to save healthcare for the children and elderly.
It was the definition of milqtoast.
She made some good points and digs, but it definitely did not meet the moment.
Jim Jordan, member of the party of the rich, has the facts wrong...
Donald Trump, leader of the party of the rich, doesn't understand tariffs.
Use it like they did with DEI
I get that you'd like more - me as well - but do you also see the value in what she is doing here?
It’s never been “America First”, it’s all about the grift for the rich.
When they will occupy capitol hill with tanks what will democrats do? use larger signs?
You failed last night. Utterly, completely failed. We told you what you needed to do, and you did not listen. We can do our part as individuals & grassroots groups, but you are undermining us at every turn. WE DON'T WANT TO LIVE IN A FASCIST STATE.
individually pulled an Al Green, so they all had to be escorted out one by one. It could have really put a damper on Trump's stupid speech. Dem chaos!
They. Do. Not. Get. Medicaid.
I feel like you are truly doing nothing.
You speak of tyranny yet your colleagues are quiet. The people wanted to see unity. All we watched was a disappointing performance by our leaders
I get that you'd like more - me as well - but do you also see the value in what she is doing here?
I’m glad to see someone trying. But it’s just not enough.
We need solidarity. Not individual voices. But one voice for all the People. Please understand I’m a veteran and I will not sit back.
I’m seriously worried. We are not fighting
They have never seen an insurrection.
The wall is getting closer to all our backs.
They will reap what they sow
Gerrymandering is why we have this situation in the first place there’s no way they won all three chambers of government.
They seem weak to the Republican Party. As demonstrated last night. They could have shown solidarity and walked out in unison.
They could have stood with Representative Greene and walked out.
The repubs leaders are lying oligarchs. The voters are mostly just fooled by the propaganda. The voters would not be inspired by dem action - it's already clear they aren't paying attention to it.
Everyone could see this coming. The Heritage Foundation/Israel lobbyists and influence is very apparent, as it is in UK, NZ, Australia too. Same agenda across Western nations.
Fuck no. This is war
Corporate America bought are representatives. Now we are paying the bills.
We are in serious shit. They better show us something. Because last night was a travesty.
massive $ support
is virtually Impossible
thnx to
fucking United'
we can beg
benevolent billionaires
is That any way to hold Elections?
into Beggars?
show us the Way,
Why even try to work with him?
That continues to be their downfall...
Keep hating...
That will help...
Let’s keep together. Thanks for your support.🌎🇺🇸💞🇧🇷
WALK OUT. They should have all followed out behind him. They all just sat there! 🤬🤬🤬
Hopefully they'll join us then
The US is going to have a massive rebuilding project to do once trump and the GOP are gone
Sometimes, you have to stand up with your WHOLE chest.
Something about tRUMP - he doesn't want to get the $ from Russia. tRUMP works for Russia.
I listened directly to Zelensky and HIS allies.
You poor thing.
Respect is earned.
Now, all you can do is to rally your people for midterms AND pray that Trump won’t fix elections Putin style as he’s already putting his fat fingers on USPS…
Thought, I believe they should have stood up and left when he came in as a protest to his dismantling of US constitution.
AOC and Crockett are both on fire but we need the Entire Democratic Congress to BE Aggressive and Relentless
Two Terms we need to hear EVERY Day:
It is A Treasonous COUP
1) If his lips are moving, he's lying or misleading
2) Every accusation is actually a confession.
3) Anecdotal evidence presented is invented and always goes against statistical evidence.
With these three assumptions applied you can convert alternative fact to fact.
Or “we know the kompromat is far worse than a few peeing hookers.
Putin was so happy to see it too.That's what the Kremlin needs-a riot to get rid of Vladimir Putin!
Somebody was unlucky when they conjured that system.
1.Funding Structure Changes: Conversion of federal Medicaid funding to block grants or per capita caps, limiting federal support.
2. Increased Costs: States could impose higher premiums and cost-sharing for beneficiaries.
4.Stricter Eligibility Requirements: More stringent eligibility checks and work reporting requirements could disqualify some recipients.
6. Shift to Private Insurance: Option for recipients to convert Medicaid coverage into vouchers for private insurance, which may offer less comprehensive benefits.
8. Impact on Long-Term Services and Supports: Changes to LTSS eligibility and financing could reduce access to necessary support for seniors and individuals with disabilities
This is the result of that 30% of voters who decided that it was better to not vote, protest the best possible outcome by realizing a worst one, or just couldn’t be bothered.
You can’t fix the fascists, but you can’t absolve those of us who have no foresight. Fair.
if trump stopped his speech and told mike to come over and toss his salad live on tv mike would fucking DO IT
its sickening
do they have an applause box? or some kind of signal?
Guess that's why you support traitors.
But here you are... advocating that corruption remains the status quo.
Your days in office are numbered
we have been witnessing it India.
Federal assets have been sold for a sing to cronies of the dictator.
Have hope, the American public is not making the same choices as the Germans. The Democratic Party on the other hand….
Amis are at the top of the geopolitical order, our standard of living is high. People will rise up if their quality of life declines.
Currently studying the rise of Nazi Germany while watching WW3 evolve before my very eyes.
Call him Putin’s puppet.
Call him out for letting the richest man in the world firework and middle class people.
Dems need consultation about messaging as an opposition party.
We never find a way to properly show the faults in GOP policies and we are often too nice when describing candidates.
It's was capitulation.
Only Al Green did the right thing.
And they didn't even cheer for him.
Pink dresses and paddles ain't gonna do it.
bc we need your energy there
But then, he always looks like that.
Let’s focus in demand his promises. He said he had nothing to do w/ p 2025, lower inflation blah blah, but…
Good news. 1
Yall carry on with the performance or whatever
The Awakened magas are in the “Wait, WHAT?!” stage and hiding their red hats.
Let’s hope they can’t break it!
Been burned on X when I ignored such people and later found the account was doing compliant posts to not look MAGA then would flip
{Now pounding sand}
That's what happened DOING NOTHING - last night
You get it? Geez; do you work for Dems - because your logic is as tone deaf as theirs
To allow that vast amount of waste to continue for so long, while homeless, healthcare, the poor worsen here is deplorable.
You should have been shouting exactly what he is cutting that hurt Americans and calling them all out. I was sick to my stomach watching Republicans stand and clap to LIES.